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Posts posted by sm00nie

  1. If all you do online is play games or entertain yourself with images or multimedia that is fit to only entertain yourself then you may be affected, but it does take a lot of internet crap to make you "stupid". You would have to avoid a lot of intellecutal information.. even the news, which can be quite a task.I can't imagine anyone being addicted to the internet and be "stupid". They would have to browse around eventually and something would pick their interest. Even games get boring after a while and they would need to find something else to focus on.

  2. Internet2 Technology acutally provides speeds up to 7.21 gbit's p/second (current high speed limit)

    Single Stream Class: 216,300 terabit-meters per second by a team consisting of members from the University of Tokyo, the WIDE project, and Chelsio Communication and other organizations by sending 1485 gigabytes of data across 30,000 kilometers of network over 30 minutes at an average rate of 7.21 gigabits per second.

    The internet2 project is being developed by many Universities worldwide (majority being in the United States). Take a peak at http://www.internet2.edu/communities-groups/advanced-networking-groups/performance-working-group/ to view all the info. I can't wait to see how the developement advances this year :(.

  3. I think it's a great filehost. I am able to download at a max of 150ish kb/s, although I have exceeded that rate per file.


    filefront shoudl really make an other option for people uploading things other than games. But i guess since thats the reason they opened the file host they want to try and stick to it as a games only place. But still a other option would be great. I hope they decide to add that option soon. Just want to let everyone know if you dont click anything and just try to upload your file it wont upload for you.

    You can still upload the filename under a different or game title such as anything.zip/rar/whatever and it should still work. If they do identify the file as being non-game related they remove it, but I haven't encountered a problem as of yet. This may not be the best work-around, but until they add alternative choices it's the best option :(.


    I use yousendit.com for most of my file hosting. Last I checked they will save a 1gb file, but for only 7 days.

  4. I vote for Truefusion's sig. The colours are well balanced, the images flow very nicely together, and it's not too jumbled. I also would of preferred to see the whole blade aswell (cut off by the bottom upside down "swoosh").Spirte's sig is nice, but the shard element (I think) at the back layer, I think, does not compliment the pink tones. It also looks like it's been over sharpened.Sprite: 1Truefusion: 5

  5. When you get into business or IT terms (I'm sure in many other area's as well) that doesn't help as many of words can be re-arranged to have more than one meaning and still be grammatical in a sentence. Not to mention the time it may take to unscramble a large document with a continuous stream of even larger words :(. Also, if the text is in a language that is not native to your own, then you'll come into many problems as well (unless your fluent of course).When your chatting with a friend, who really cares if you or them make a mistake. If your working however... you can imagine the problems :(

  6. My community is mostly made up of Italians, Indians, and Chinese families.I live in pretty safe area, although there was a pretty odd and not in common murder that occured last month just a few blocks away from my home (Dad went berzerk). Other than that it's been fairly quite with nice neighbours about, although everyone pretty much minds their own business; we're all fenced :(. "Good fences make good neighbors" :(.

  7. Islam fundamentalists who are intolerant to other views of life are generally the ones making the attacks on the western countries. Places like Iran and Syria are led by these such people who boost their own notoriety and prevalence against the "debotchery of the western societies" is ultimately what defines and justifies their actions (terrorists attacks/funding, weapons stockpiling, attacks on foreign buildings, etc...).In North America and Europe, we have a higher standard of living and different cultures all around us which makes everyone more tolerant to other peoples views, as well as a thriving democracy where no one has to be scared to go to jail for what they believe in, or choose to live their lives.Your environment ultimately justifies how the general populace will react to situations that may arise, which in the Middle East is extremely hostile towards foreigners. While in North America and Europe there's nothing to worry about.

  8. Then waht is the differance between the pro edition and the free. IF as long as you get all the updates, then your fine.

    According to their website - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :

    - Free, 24/7 e-mail access to Grisoft's technical support, with expert consultation and rapid response

    - Access to reliable worldwide Akamai high-speed server networks for downloading update files

    - Support of multiple languages - English, German, Czech, Slovak, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish and Serbian are supported at the present time. Additional languages are under development such as Latin-American Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Hungarian.

    - Options for configuring multiple program and test settings (many more configuration options can be adjusted according to user needs and preferences)

    - The ability to create user-defined tests and schedules
    - Option to define directories that will be excluded from the resident shield protection

    I have been using AVG: Free version forever now and I love it. It detects practically everything, although I keep my computer fairly clean so there's really not much to detect nowadays, but way back in the day I used to have loads and loads of them :(. For a free version that rivals the best out there (panda, norton, kaspersky) you really can't turn it down... Love it!

  9. I have to agree with the majority, I hate popups. In any form they are annoying as hell. I suppose it really really starts to get under my skin when I visit a professional site and BAM one just smacks me in the face. I really didn't expect it from a company like that, and that makes me want to shut the site down at all costs and find another program or source to purchase/view from... Well thats just what I do :(.Really not a fan!

  10. Im using RDRAM right now, and its a real pain in the **bottom**. You have to buy it in pairs, which is extremely expensive. I found that its actually cheaper to buy a new motherboard and buy DDR SDRAM than to buy the equivelent in RDRAM. I think a gig of SDRAM is better than half a gig of RDRAM if you're actually using it. If not, go with the faster RAM.

    Totally agree. I purchased 2x 512's and they cost 2-3 times what ddr would cost.. The increased speed over ddr memory is nice, but it's by no means a big noticeable difference. I switched to DDR a year back and won't consider switching over to RD again until prices seriously drop!

    If you have extra money to burn go for it, but it won't blow your mind.. only your wallet :(

  11. Two of my friends have purchased the xbox 360 and both had issues with freezing. Whenever they were really getting into a game BAM it would freeze or reset. After taking a look on the net I saw that the power supply was really starting to over heat, so I simply lifted it up from the ground allowing air to circulate all around it (mainly giving air to the bottom) and then the problems with freezing stopped. I tried this with my other friend and it also fixed his freezing issue. This may not be the absolute fix for everyone, but it definitely works in some situations.

  12. Win98 was brutal, especially when you encountered errors in third party programs in which you'd either reboot or get a "blue screen of death" most of the time. Win Millenium was by far the worst overall, it was soo unstable. I recall rebooting two+ times an hour.. shesh it was bad.By far the most stable version for me has been win2k. As a server solution it had to be solid. I used it for a few years and then switched over to XP after comparing it's server capabilities with it's multimedia "upgrades" (from 2k). They're both comparably the same, but I'm quite happy with xp at the moment.

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