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Posts posted by sm00nie

  1. * designing and publishing websites* programming (c++,vb, php/asp/javascript)* tech support (emails and forums)* ebay/overstock auctions* posting on various sites I'm involved with* games! -- I'm a total mmorpg gamer (gf plays which doesn't help ;))* image manipulations and creations (banners, posters, business cards, etc...)The majority of what I do on my computer is work related. Although, I do enjoy playing a few hours of WoW once in a while (especially sunday early afternoon) :huh:

  2. I received my invite from a website called Gmailinvites or something along those lines. This was when gmail gave away their initial starting invitations, and the rest of us were scrounging around for one ;). It was fairly easy to get I just signed up and asked politely and that was it. After receiving it, I waited a few days and sent a few to the site's members and then the rest to family and friends. As of now I have the max number of invites available and pretty much just send one to anyone I see requesting :huh:. As a few have stated, it is the best web based mail and I would by no means be willing to trade it for an unlimited msn or yahoo account! ;)

  3. I'm pretty much have the same opinion as Cerebral Stasis. Windows is dominating linux with multimedia applications and games that really restrict everyone from wandering to a different OS.I would switch over in a heartbeat if only linux was able to grab a larger share of the market as well as keep their hardware updated. But this is not directly a problem with them as it is with developers preferring Windows.I do have a linux os (redhat) that I run a webserver off of and it's rock solid. But other than that I generally stick to my windows box. Perhaps this is the kick that linux needs to get that larger market share and really start pressuring publishers to come up with alternative compatibility solutions.

  4. I use 3 web based emails:Hotmail: This was actually my first ever created webmail and so everyone still emails me here, which is why I still keep the account active although I'm slowly migrating everything (all the buggers emailling me) over to my gmail account.Gmail: Best webmail service imo. Fast, storage space always increasing, great spam protection, and best of all it's super organized ;). This is my primary account and use it for just about everything.Yahoo: My isp made an agreement with yahoo to provide it's clients with yahoo email. It's not bad, but it's rather slow when I'm feeling very impatient, but it does get the job done, although I prefer gmail's superior spam protection. I use this account primarily for isp notices, and site's that require an isp based email :huh:

  5. When I sit down to play an rpg game I generally expect too much :huh:.First, I'd like to see a solid story line that's not exclusively the only path to follow. There should be other things for you to do, instead of just following the main course.Secondly, if it's an online game, the community has to be a big driving force. RPG's try to keep you into character and with a community driven by l33t speakers and offensive names it really makes it diffcult to mesh. In single player games, the npc's take the place of non-npc's and thus need to be interesting and have some kind of backstory.Thirldy, graphics must be up to par. In keeping with your immersion into you character and the world around you, you must feel like your a part of it and are experiencing what everything is like around you. Great graphics and textures make this possible and further enhance your gameplay.And lastly, interaction with items must be well thought out. This means the physics as well as what you can manipulate in-game (including weapons, armor, keys, and other items to use).

  6. I find it difficult to rp in any online games, due to the amount of players that do not want to or feel offended when I do so, which thus breaks the "mood" of the game for myself. Recently however, I started to play the Dungeons and Dragons: Online game (beta stresstest event) and I found a rather large community of rpers that really made the game stand out compared to other games that were considered Online RPG's. Until I further explore DDO, my favorite rpg has to be Morrowind. Because it's a single player game, it really keeps you in character as all the npc's treat you as what you are, although a lot of the npc's have a similar response to various queries. The landscape and view overhead are simply breathtaking at night and well crafted. You can really see how much time and effort the devs put into it. The sequal to Morrowind, Oblivion, will be out in March (I believe), and it looks even better!

  7. Hi,
    I have designed a page within a table - three columns all adding up to 100% (no fixed pixel column widths). The thing is that when I previously previewed it in other browsers it showed the whole page - a but squashed, but everything was in the window without having to scroll horizontaly. I made some adjustments without interfering with column widths, but now previews require horizontal scrolling to view the page.

    Previously the text links in the centre column would wrap to cater for the smaller browser size, but not now. Also, at the foot of the page there is a blue line - wider than the table - that has not been added by me and is not editable - looks like some sort of formatting indicator

    Any ideas? I'd rather not send the code - so, if anyone has an idea what's wrong it'd be greatly apreciated

    I would imagine it is the bottom blue item that is causing the scrolling, if the table is still 100% (or columns add up to 100%). If you take a look at the source code for the blue object you should have a clear idea as to what it is. Remove it and all should be set back to normal with no horizontal scrolling. If it comes after the table, it would precede the </table> tag.
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