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Posts posted by sm00nie

  1. I have a friend who married someone she had met in EverQuest. They shared a lot in common and then one day decided to meet. They hit it off and they've been married for 2 (hmm 3?) years now.I can't imagine how someone care fall in love without physically meeting. As stated, you have no idea who a person is online until you actually spend time with them.People getting married in game is very very different than in the real world. I like seeing in-game weddings, it adds to the rp feeling of the artificial land, which I imagine is what they're trying to accomplish or perhaps to have a good laugh. Don't take anything that happens online seriously, it's all for fun where there are no risks.

  2. There is actually already a non-animated Captain America movie out (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103923/), it was pretty bad :lol:. There's another coming out in 09, which there are practically no details for yet.I'd like to see Hawk man, X-Factor, or Deadpool hit the screen, but they weren't mainstream hero's, so I can't see that happening anytime soon :/.

  3. I hardly perform backups, but when I do it's usually once or twice a year and those backups only include my images and personal/work related documents. I should do it more often, but I rarely have any problems with my computer and I"m not worried about power outtages (I have surge protectors). Also, I usually purchase another harddrive every year and clone the existing contents over to it and use the old drive as a temporary storage (after formatting).So far I have backup pretty much every image I have on dvdr's.. I have about 5 or so fully loaded atm, all stock photos and 2 dvdr's with custom designs, personal/work docs... Next backup in July :huh:

  4. I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years now, but I sometimes come across girls who I really click with. Not wanting to give up a good thing, I asked a good friend what he does, and he said to focus in on one annoying trait (we all have them ;)) that that the girls have and that will drive you nuts after a while.Simple as it sounds, it really does work. Hope this helps :huh:

  5. oh boy.. The first cassette I ever bought was Guns n' Roses' Appetite for Destruction (think that was 92). In my class we had "free time" where we could play music or do whatever. I poped it in the stereo, my teacher went berserk and my parents were called. Good times lol :huh:My first cd was Blind Melon's self titled album, which I still have somewhere here. I played it for my girlfriend weeks ago and she couldn't stop laughing at the lyrics.. I bet she's listening to it right now :|

  6. As rvalkass said, each CMS comes with it's own default layout. The layouts are generally stored in 1 or more files. These are usually html files, but they can come in shtml, php or other file types. I'd recommend going to the CMS' website and taking a look at their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's), guides, or try searching the forums for layout/theme etc.. There is usually some very well detailed guides on the CMS sites.

  7. I really do hope Google sticks with their OS and makes it a force to reckon with. We need more options out there, but at the same time have a certain level of compatibility between them. That's the biggest issue with these varied OS', but open source linux and retail windows will never mesh completely. After all what will make you stick with windows when linux is free, if these programs were cross OS compatible..

    They are not trying to sway existing Microsoft clients (although that may happen in the slight percentile), but rather entice other linux users to their OS. Google really has the financial backing to produce an OS that in time can rival Windows in functionality, and that's what they're clearly trying to do. If anyone can rally an open source community it's Google.

    With large communities sectored around various linux flavors coming together under one kernal, they can really hit the ground running. And most importantly ignite a greater wave of software compatibility.

    It's really interesting to see just how this will flow together.

    hmm. .wonder what next.. .google game console?.. to overcome microsoft xbox and sony playstation? HAHAHA..

    Knowing Google they'll offer it free of charge, but include adsense :huh:

  8. I also leave mine on 24/7. I have rebooted a few times after intstalling programs, but other than that it's pretty much idle (or virus/defragging) when I'm offline. The electric/gas bill can get pretty high I imagine, but I live in a high rise and the bill is already taken care of (included in rent).I have a second pc, which is about 3 years old and is still running strong. I have kept that online 24/7 aswell (linux box for other applications and a local test webserver) with no problems.However, I do turn my comps off when there are power shortage warnings (like last summer) and try to conserve every last kilowatt I can.

  9. Has hell frozen over ?!? lol j/k.I used to watch him as well when I was younger, he was pretty damn funny... or maybe it was all the wierd sound effects that made it appear funny :huh:. Anyways, I wish him luck.. after all he's been entertaining kids his whole life, about time he got something out of it.

  10. I've always gone for the home crafted assembled by me computers. I find it's more rewarding to create a custom system that in many cases works better than branded pc's. If your on a budget you can increase this while decreasing that and so on, while most braded pc's will give you a computer in different classes like "high performance", "business"; So it's either high end or low end, which doesn't work for me :huh:

  11. I found this article the other day, which states that many ISP's are starting to adopt traffic shaping to limit their users from downloading and uploading anything from BT (or making it extremely slow to do so). In the article they point to Rogers, one of Canada's largest ISP's, which have lied about using it in the past. Shaw, and many providers in the UK have this traffic shaping feature as well, which ultimately makes anything very difficult to share.




    As a 3d animation enthusiasts I find that many of the animators supply their works through bt and it's a bit disconcerting to see that in the future they (and myself) may need to pay an extra fee in order to do so.


    The article points to two bt programs that have come up with methods to bypass ISP traffic shipping, although not illegal and strictly within many ISP's Terms of Service, they may soon be deemed illegal in the near future. The more people who use the programs the faster you'll receive files, since they are still in beta users will not be prompted to upgrade just yet.. Until then you may not notice a fast upgrade in speed although many people are starting to in the Rogers community.


    I should point out that the two bt programs listed can be stopped by the ISP in many ways such as limiting bt traffic, or in the extreme's reduce monthly bandwidth (can't imagine this being a solution).

  12. The thing here is that php is programming code, and html is mainly used to create a layout (without including scripts). You can mix match both in php files (but not in html files), but making things easier with a php site builder will not be easy if you do not know php at all. Using a Content Management System as jlhaslip has indicated is the best way to go. I suppose the biggest issue you'll have with a CMS would be to manipulate it to match your layout, but with a bit of time that's not even an issue. In your free time I'd recommend learning php (http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp -- intro php), you'll be able to create some pretty cool features for your users and make it easier to get things just the way you like them.

  13. Only in the recent years now AMD has started doing research on its own and developed their own processors like the 64Bit core for the desktop users. These products are still steeply priced than the Intel's Desktop products.
    Intel is the desired brand of Major organistions worldwide like Dell, IBM, HCL etc. and even Apple has stated including Intel processers in ther Mac's. So Intel will remain the undisputed leader of the X86 platform.

    If you compare 64 bit processors Intel vs AMD, you will find amd cpu's are cheaper as long as your comparing the same specs (dual core vs dual, 64bit vs 64bit and range of course). AMD has been in developement for 10+ years, not just recently.

    Dell is planning to offer AMD cpu's soon aswell, IBM was not using Intel cpu's until fairly recently as their primary chipset was their own Intel core cpu, which Apple has been using for years, until the new agreement in the 3rd or 4th quarter of last year.

    It's not easy for a newer company to get a large foothold in the community when there is already an established vendor, but so far AMD is doing a fair job. In october they passed Intel in sales quantity for pc users. This margin Intel has on AMD will undoubtably keep decreasing as AMD cpu's are less expensive than Intel. Not to mention the dual core performance that AMD has shown with their cpu's vs Intel's.

    Here's a relevant tidbit --

    "Recently, Fujitsu-Siemens Computers and Hewlett-Packard—AMD's biggest proponents in the corporate client space thus far—have signed contracts to deliver tens of thousands of AMD-based clients to the U.S. Air Force as well as the German and Mexican governments."

    from eweek (http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/HP-TouchPad-Needs-68-Weeks-for-Additional-Shipments-142584).

    Also, another article on AMD's gains until the 45nm chipset which will be up for grabs -- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    AMD is gaining ground quickly and by no means will Intel stand by and let them get it. Both companies have shown a great amount of innovation, and we will have to wait and see if the quad cores bring the performance taht what Intel is hoping for, in comparisson to AMD's.

    I have both cpu's: An Intel 3.8GHz (work) and my own AMD 4400+ x2 both run extremely well, but for cost I purchased the AMD simply due to cost and performance compared to Intel's comparable cpu, which ends up saving me a bit of coin.

  14. There are those who create backdoor virus' simply to get access to your banking information as well as any other personal data they can sell. I recall reading an article in the nytimes of a swedish bugger who apparently had access to 1200 computers worldwide, which he stole personal info from and sold to data farmers. He used the computers to attack large sites like yahoo, and microsoft as well simply for kicks.I should point out that a number newer virus'/worms are coded to shut down any antivirus that is installed, so a firewall is definitely a required program to keep them out. Also, make sure your admin password is not easily guessable (add numbers or join odd words if necessary).AVG + Adware/Spybot:Search and Destroy + Zone Alarm are what I use and so far I've been successful in blocking any attacks.

  15. lol that does sound brutal. I had a teacher that was rarely in class. This was especially bad just before exams as we needed to do lots of review to be ready. Anyways, we always had substitute teachers, then one day he shows up, just before exams, hands out a review sheet and vanishes again... Needless to say hardly anyone in the class received great marks. A week later the principle came to talk to us about him and his personal problems, which she didn't disclose to us. Then she gave us a make-up test for the following week as well as prep work. I believe he was forced into retirement after that :/.

  16. As a practical person I tend to see solutions and problems as constantly being fogged up by political or social rhetoric, and thus reading a very practical true social experiment in the book "Black like Me", by Robert Bonazzi, was really a breath of fresh air. The book documents a white male who masks himself as an African American male and records how he is treated by the white community, as well as the black community.Another enlightening set of books I read this month were called "Glitter & Greed" by Janine Roberts, "Blood Diamonds" by Greg Campbell, "The Last Empire" by Stefan Kanfer. These books document how workers in the diamond mines are treated and what kind of living conditions they must endure with little to no safety measures, health plans, corrupt physicians, murders, etc.. Now I'm reading --"The Natashas : Inside the New Global Sex Trade" by Victor Malarek"Woman, Child for Sale: The New Slave Trade in the 21st Century" by Gilbert King, "Human Traffic_Sex, Slaves and Immigration" by Craig McGill. I must say this is the most shocking set of books I've had the pleasure of reading. They truely go in deep to tell the tales how women and children are being smuggled out of their homes, orphanages, or the streets and being forced into the sex trade.It's quite a scary world when you can't even begin to imagine how many more human rights horror stories there are out there. Luckily with fact finding books like these you can try and get a grasp around some of these issues and try to help as well as open your eyes to what may be happening in your own backyard.

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