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Posts posted by cse-icons

  1. yeah, I love notepad too.. It opens up fast and useful for quick editing..I have used Editplus2, It is too good, especially its regular expression feature and column selecting feature... but the thing is that it is a shareware.. so cannot use it for more than 30 days trial period....would love to get some tool like Editplus2 for free... not that I like all s/w to be free but cannot afford something in dollars for personal use... when an sort of working alternative like notepad (though not all the features )is available...Cheers.

  2. You better contact the admin to be sure. btw I did not get what you mean by host supporting chinese.. Do you mean that they allow chinese sites???coz.. what I think is sites can be hosted anywhere but the system viewing them must have chinese or whatever language fonts....Do correct me if I am wrong.. does the server need any special feature to support languages other that English??Cheers.

  3. I too feel on the same lines. They might be over allotting the space assuming not many will ever reach their limit... Also, they might have lot of compression techniques that actually lower the space they need to store your mails...As for space... I feel they have oodles of it... coz just imagine the indexes that they have for google search.. also the amount of space they wud need if their new service that saves search history is used.. That wud save almost every search on google... ??????????????I suppose that itself would create huge huge chunk of data and I dont think I know the exact numbers even to calculate the storage that would be required...Cheers.

  4. yeah, I too agree with adriantc. Not that Robots can take away all our jobs... Some things just cannot do without human touch... they can be made to think logically but making them feel emotions is still farfetched...If they take away a few jobs, they would also be creating a few jobs like.. production facilities for making robots... supervising robots etc..Earlier it was thought that people would have no work that machines were in... but they need people to maintain and operate the machines...They just would make our lives easier... hopefully....Cheers.

  5. The concept of robots is nothing new. They have been a part of fiction long time back and small steps have also been made to create the real version...

    Here is a good link that I came across:


    What do you think? How quick the progress and has been and what kind of robots do you think you would soon see.... let your creativity out.. who knows it might just give someone an idea to make it happen....


  6. Like you said, I dont think you can delete it from screen. coz.. that means you have to change the underlying html code or html source.The source can change only on refreshing the page. So whatever you can do, you can hide it using javascript or refresh the page so that the souce does not contain the object in the first place...Cheers.

  7. I dont think JSP/Servlets is enabled by default.If you need JSP support you need to PM Opaque or maybe Admin group. The will enable it for you.This is most probably because, JSP/Servlets are cpu intensive features and it does not make sense to enable them on accounts that would never actually use them.So I suggest, you make ur site on your local system and test it. when you are ready, ask for JSP support and then upload it to your site. This should work.Cheers.

  8. yeah, the signatures are good, but I dont like images in signatures and like them plain(so that doesn't drag attention away from the content).anyway, thanks for the offer. btw how did you make them, photoshop?? you seem to be really good at it, do you have any site where you host them, or some other works of yours that we can have a look.Cheers.

  9. Lets go one point at a time:1. Bandwitdh : It is the amount of data transfer done when someone accesses your site. If you site is graphics heavy, more data is tranferred to display the page on his system, so he uses more bandwidth. If the site is plain, the usage of bandwidth per page is less. So that value multiplied by all the page views by all the users make up the bandwidth.2. You can post as many times or as often as you can post. The credits would accumulate and reduce at the rate of 1 credit per day. So, if you have 30 credits, you can go without posting for 30 days before your site is suspended.If the credits reach -30, i.e., you dont post for 30 more days, it gets terminated.3. No, A terminated account cannot go back up again even if you post. But a suspended account will go back up and your site will be accessible as soon as you get enough credits.All the process is automated by scripts.Hope that helped clear your doubts. But if you read the site rules and a few other threads, it would clear all your doubts if you have anymore. It is adviced that you look through the forums first before posting anything, so that you dont create duplicate threads for something that is already available.Cheers.

  10. I agree with heavensounds over there.
    But its all how u perceive the act of eating meat.

    Firstly human teeth are not meant for eating meat neither are they natural hunters.

    Another idea is if everyone thinks that he should eat meat since lot of others are eating too and that only his being vegetarian would not make the difference then think again, coz if everyone thinks the same way no one would ever stop eating meat. It is just an endless cycle.

    There is another thread that speaks of vegetarianism vs non-vegetarianism.


    Also I feel that there are a variety of ways in which tasty vegetarian food can be cooked and eaten, and do not feel that eating meat is the only way to survive.


  11. There goes another feature from google mail (Gmail)...
    12 languages to choose from...

    English is just another language...Use Gmail in the language you want! The interface is now available in 12 more languages: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, simplified and traditional Chinese. And UK English. We like choices. Learn more

    So, how many of you were waiting for this feature, and do you like it for good, or prefer English only....

    Did anyone try composing mails in other languages... ? I suppose you need a different keyboard.. not sure... whether that works.!!!


  12. I have been using yahoo for long. But for web search, I trust Google to return me the most apporpriate results. Yahoo search, which I have used a few times have not really satisfied me with the quality of results as well as google has.As for mail, Gmail has just started and they are offering innovative features like labels, pop3, address auto complete etc for free. Though yahoo has also upped its storage and added address auto complete, it still follows google when adding features.I primarily use yahoo for its messenger since google does not have one and most of my friends are on yahoo. Not that I totally dont like yahoo, actually it is a big portal and has Yahoo groups, photos, briefcase etc all integrated, so that make it a lot convenient.But all and all, both are great services. While Google is best at what it started out with : web search, yahoo offers a complete portal of user services.Cheers.

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