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Posts posted by cse-icons

  1. Meep... this tip sounds great, but the only problem is... I don't have an 'Optional' directory in my Adobe Acrobat folder! >_< I have a 'plug_ins' folder though =__=;;


    Which version of Acrobat reader are you using.. I have tried it with Acrobat Reader 5.0 Not sure about other versions.


    btw, it works fine coz.. if acrobat requires any plugin while loading and does not find it in the plugins folder it will check the optional folder for the same. (at least thats what I understood and actually thats what the whole idea should have been).


    but sometime you view pdfs over the internet which opens the file in the browser. I am not sure but it requires the EWH32.api (window handler api) to be in the plugins folder. If any of you face that problem of pdf not opening on the web, just move EWH32.api file to the plugins folder. It should work fine now.



  2. hi friends,Do u get irritated when acrobat reader takes 5/10 seconds to load when you want to open a pdf document. There is a way to speed up the loading.1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader (C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste). Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).Now your acrobat reader will load very fast and almost as good as notepad..Happy Reading,Cheers.

  3. hi kvarnerexpress,yeah you can use session in this case.When someone visits the page, use the session id to identify which session is requesting the page and put it in a hashmap with the count. and/or time. Now when the page is requested again. check whether it is from the same session, if it is, then compare the time of last visit and update the count if sufficient time has elapsed else just serve the page.You need to run a cleanup routine at regular intervals so that the sessions in the hashmap that have not been used for a long time are removed so as to free up the space..Cheers.

  4. Go to phpMysqlAdmin, select the database and go to export tab. Select all the tables and check complete insert statments, create table and other options. On clicking 'Go' it will create a script file which contains all the sql statments for creating the tables and inserting data. Run this script on the server that you want to copy and the data will be put into the new database.Hope this helps.Cheers.

  5. hi beeseven,Your code seems fine. I tried it out and the results came as expected i.e, with 2 decimal places(either rounded of if more decimal places exist or 0 appended if decimal places not sufficient).you also do not need to call form.toPattern() method. but that does not make a difference anyway.what is the data type of 'tot' that you are passing to format() method. That might be affecting the output. btw fyi I tried it out on JDK 1.4.2, if the issue is still not solved, could you post more of the code.Also check out if you are using the DecimalFormat class from the java.text package only. It might be the a class with the same name existing in some other package in your classpath has been accidentally imported. This happens in case you are using IDE and you have chosen the import from a drop down or something automatically.Cheers.

  6. hi kvarnerexpress,How are u constructing the string in the first place... u can use & and | operator to create the string and simultaneously write it to a file stream by opening it in binary mode.Though I have not worked on C for over 2 years now... the solution should work.. If u r still unable to solve it, reply back and I will program and post the code here.. But do try it out first..Cheers.

  7. hi,

    Though Steve Jobs might have ruled out he possibility of having video playback on an Ipod, the idea of using Ipod for storing and playing video is taking form...

    Nyko is developing a movee player that uses a plugged in Ipod and plays video on a "3.6, 4:3 (standard) aspect ratio LCD screen with approximately 640x480 resolution, 65,000 colors".. The pricing and release date has not yet been announced...

    For more details :


  8. hi kvarnerexpress,In Java one application runs the ServerSocket on a particular port and waits for clients to connect to it.The clients establish a connection with the server socket using Socket object with ip address and port as parameter. After this connection is established, two streams(an input and an output) are available for the connection(some method like sc.getInputStream() /sc.getOutputStream()... where sc is the socket object) These streams are then used for connection communication by writing to the output stream and reading from the input stream. These can be wrapped over with a Reader/BufferedReader or Writer/BufferedWriter class.The reading part is not event triggered but process controlled i.e, you need to read explicitly when you are expecting something on the connection... A way out is to start a separate thread which would maintain the connection and continuously read from the stream. When it gets something on the stream it would set a static variable which can be used as a flag variable to poll once in a while and determine if the event has occurred.I have written this with an idea that you have more than basic idea of Java and a little knowledge of network communication. If I have not been clear in any part, do post your question...You can even find sample Client/Server program on the net. Execute both on your system and put in debug statements all over to get the idea of the flow of control.. Play around and you will learn a lot more...Cheers.

  9. hi,It can be done in XP as mentioned above. For other versions of windows, generally there are tweaking freeware/shareware available like TweakXP for XP.Or else if you are comfortable with changing the registry.. there are tweaks available over the internet (just use google) to do quite a few interesting things. before you make the change make sure you backup that folder and its entries using export. To revert back just double click the backup file(.reg) and the entries would be back in...Meddle with registry at ur own risk.There is a tweak which prevents the logged in users from shutting down the system. i.e., when he presses the shut down button.. it shows a message that 'you do not have sufficient privileges, please contact your administrator'. I had fun with this tweak long time back.. would post it here if I remember it / find it....Cheers.

  10. hi,
    Here is the article on the latest news..

    Several explosions rocked the London subway and ripped through three buses in the city, injuring unspecified number of people.
    The blasts prompted authorities to shut down the entire Underground network as the G-8 summit of the world's richest nations got underway in Scotland.

    British Transport Police blamed the explosions in the subway on some power surges, which, they said, took place at Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street and Russell Square stations in central London.

    source : http://in.rediff.com/news/2005/jul/07blast.htm

    The entire train transport network of the city of London has come to a halt. The cause of the blast is still unknown but it is being pointed out that it may be due to power surges.. ???

    I am not in or from London but can understand the situation when a public transport system goes off for a day...

    Also hope there is no casualty in the incident.


  11. hi,
    For a start Ipod has merged its Ipod photo series with its original Ipod..
    i.e, now all Ipods have color screen and photo viewing capability.

    As for the 5th generation...a few things I wud like are:

    1. Playing Videos.. a little larger screen ofcourse.
    2. Bluetooth
    3. FM Radio
    4. longer battery life...

    may be asking for too much...
    but lets c what plans Apple has...


  12. Doesn't really seem that exciting, nor that useful to code in unless everyone started using it. A language that everyone uses is usually much better than an obscure one with a few extra benefits (and probably it's share of downfalls).

    yeah, It wud be useful only if there is a large community coding and using it. As for extra features... I am not sure it is just adding libraries. For example it does not support multiple inheritance... and may be a few others..

    moreover.. not all language specifications become popular but such starts do give better idea as to the direction in which they would evolve, what features are desired and so on and so forth...

    Java. as u know is developed thru the Java Community Process.. actually even u can contribute to Java development. They have laid down process which takes in contributions from developers, fits that in and releases it if it is real good.. So the whole process is not done by an individual but as a group...

    These discussions are good even for the sake of understanding and sharing ideas...


  13. that is cool... but I like a few google services and they are more fund as a whole individually and not small parts here and there.. like the news top3/4 ..... naah....and mailbox.. i wud prefer it whole.. but nice one for a change...Cheers.

  14. hi friends,

    surprised... was that a type????

    It is not a type... I know this is a C/C++ programming language forum.. Just wanted to share something I came across today...

    A new programming language based on C and C++ is being developed.. It would have all the power of C/C++, in other words as the spec says "retains the ability to write high performance code and interface directly with the operating system API's and with hardware."

    The specification of the language and alpha phase compilers are available at http://www.digitalmars.com/

    I just browsed throught the spec and felt that it would be informative. I have not read it completely yet nor have I downloaded the compiler. But would love to do that soon...

    If anyone has time and interest, please do so and share ur views.

    Also, someone from the Xisto forum could link this thread there.. just for info in case it has not been discussed there...


  15. hi friends,

    Good news for those planning to get an Ipod...
    Apple has merged its Ipod series and the Ipod photo series...
    yeah, Apple has done away with the Ipod photo series. Now all Ipods of 20 GB and above will be able to store and display photos and slideshows.

    Hey and the screens on all these models is now color... so u now get the Ipod at the same price with color screen and photo viewing capability...:unsure:

    Ipod always comes up with good ideas..
    but one thing.. though the new Ipod is at the same price, they have removed the Firewire cable that used to be bundled with it..



  16. I haven't installed CopperMine, however, (If I'm not mistaken) the passwords are encrytped via md5 hashes(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) (in Mambo also.).


    Therefore, you won't be able to find these "raw" password lists in your MySQL queries


    You instead will find long strings of numbers and letters. (viz. d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)


    They are encryted by the scripts and merging Mambo and Coppermine together to share the same password would create a large compatiblity issue.


    I may be wrong on this, but I am pretty sure that this is the case.


    Your best solution would be to just keep these two scripts seperate.


    yeah, as far as pwd storage is concerned they are stored in encrypted form. so you cannot retrieve the plaintext. Moreover in mysql, the databases, tables info and users are stored in a separate database which has admin rights. I dont think we have access to browse that database.



    Most of these CMS/Forums/Wiki CLones - all store their DB Login/Passwords in a file called config.php - it's almost like a rule... search for some file like that in your coppermine directory.


    The fie should contain just a few lines of code like:

    <?php$user = 'something'$pass='something'$dbname='someotherthing'?>
    If you can't spot the file, try looking into the coppermine login script - you'll get an idea what the login/pass variables are - that are used to connect to your db. You can then go a grep of your coppermine files and see if any file comes up with a matching pattern. (You need shell access for this - which you can make a request for in the hosting forum)...





    yeah, I got it now.. I found a config.php file which included two other files from the include directory. In that there was another config file.

    All this while I was looking at the config file in the root directory of my installation. Now I got the password.



    Also thanks everyone for the help..



  17. More than likely, the password for that database is the same as your Cpanel password.  Unless Fantastico created a new user, which I wouldn't count on.  Just try your Cpanel password and see if that works for you.


    Fantastico has created a new user and so the cpanel password would not work. I also tried giving permission to mambo user and using the same username for the coppermine mod but it is giving an error.

    Also I donno much php.. that adds to the problem.



    another way, you can query thru mySql database or phpMyadmin under site management tools..


    I did not get you, what query would give me the password to a user in the mysql database?



  18. hi,I have installed Coppermine Gallery using fantastico. I want to bridge it with mambo. and for that configuration, I need the password for the database Coppermine uses. Can anyone tell me how to find out the database password in this case? I tried the coppermine admin panel but could not find it there.Does anyone know which config file does coppermine use to store database password.I can create another user with the same permissions and use it but there must be a way to determine the password set for the databases created by fantastico?? any help would be appreciated.Cheers.

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