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Everything posted by apollo

  1. yeah, it`s getting hared after 750 point, and some of those walls are unreal to get over them... That sweet to get 1600 !Is school my luckly place? I beat my best score with first try there - 1596 now:)! Notice from jlhaslip: merged per request
  2. nice game. My personal bext 1214:)
  3. Hi. accuatly, i don`t like your site. The buttons don`t go together with red text. And so red text don`t go up with black BG. Then you have added blue, yellow, grey color, it`s too colored. Letters are too big. and take some text out, cus it`s too much there. Try out other colors and text font, and it will be ok. 5.5/10
  4. Like it a lot, good brushing, nice render but text is little bit bad. Nice blending for all of it. No, text is Ok, but possition is bad... Or maybe, take off text.
  5. That`s bad. Is it brushing is Background? Try something cooler. ww.devianart.com - you can download tehere new brushes. Render sux a bit, nice car, but blending is bad, to don`t say more. Try some blending options. text is ok. At all 6/10
  6. My friend told me about it. Dawis:) thanks, a lot!
  7. Sprite. Your sig is much better. Truefusion, your sig is too big, bad colored, bad render and text is bad too. Sorry
  8. What is spiritism? And who have tried it? Notice from jlhaslip: Moved.
  9. Yeah, that`s cool. Funny and little bit strange look:) When will Part2 come?
  10. That`s cool. I like render. But text is bad... And background... Thete sth. is wrong. If you changed text and a bit of background, then i would give you 11/10:)
  11. School sux. 7-8 lesson per day, That`s boring and exhausting. plus homeworks. I get at home every day just at 16:00, there are 10 minutes to go from school to my house. I`m leaving at 8:10 . BORING. BE COOL, HATE SCHOOL:)!
  12. Motorola and Siemens. Motorola cost a lot, but siemens is great at all.BufalloHELP, is it correct now?
  13. Hello. Is some one playing this games? Hattrick.org - football meneger, and hockeyaren.net - hockey meneger. I suggest to try them, they are cool.!
  14. I think, that the best brands are Motorola and Siemens. I have used one motorola - totaly *BLEEP*, but it work great. No fun and stuff, but for bussines it`s great. You can buy earlier models with a lot of fun&stuff, just then your vollet will be clear... Expensive phones...Siemes - the best. I`m using now Siemens CX65 - best phone, i have ever had. A lot of stuff, nice cam, and 2H of voice record!!! Just one problem, it`s quality is TOTALY *BLEEP*!!:(
  15. I have used just two brands - Siemens and Motorolla. I think that the best is motorola, cus those phones are unbreakable. If it drop down of stairs it don`t broke. There just one prob. in motorola. It havn`t got any functions. No stuff, just at earlier mobels, but they are very expensive...Siemens, that`s the best phone. It don`t smash out, it great. a lot of stuff, great cams, just bad voice record. 2 hours with *BLEEP* quality.:(Now i`m using Siemens CX65, great phone...
  16. at all page looks OK. But some troubles are there.. Like a - just 3 navigations on top. Try adding some more. logo in left side if god-awful:0 sorry:)! There isn`t enaught content for page. page is too coloured and too plain at once. Try sth. with colour and text. But at all nice page. 7.8/10
  17. Nice sig. What did you used for background? It isn`t brishing?! Cool render, but subtext is bad. hard to read out, try it a little bit smaller. Border is ok, just try to take out that 2px border in white color... 7.8/10
  18. Ok, i gonna do it next time.
  19. Adding file to your page Maybe it`s not working... <object data=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ width="600" height="400"> <embed src=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ width="600" height="400"> </embed> Error: Embedded data could not be displayed. </object> Funny windows resize <script><!--window.resizeTo(10,10);window.moveTo(screen.width/2-50, screen.height/2-80);var h=50;var w=50timer = setInterval("tremor()", 10);function tremor(){if(h<=screen.height-30) h+=2;if(w<=screen.width) w+=2;if((h>=screen.height-30) && (w>=screen.width)) window.clearInterval(timer);window.resizeTo(w, h);window.moveTo( (screen.width-w)/2 , (screen.height-h)/2-30 );}// --></script> Create a Gradient Background Effect with HTML!!!! To use the graddient effect as your web page background, use the following BODY Tag: <body style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#C0CFE2', startColorstr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0');"> To use the gradient effect within your tables, place the following code within your table tag: style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(endColorstr='#C0CFE2', startColorstr='#FFFFFF', gradientType='0');" Although you can edit the gradient colors indicated in red, keep in mind, in order for the effect to display properly, you must use a light color and a darker color. Fixed background Place code between BODY tags <body background ="yourimage.gif" bgproperties="fixed"> Status Bar Link Description You can display a description in the status bar for all of your links. When the mouse is placed over a link, the link description will be viewed in the status bar. (Most worked for IE) <A HREF="http://www.yourdomain.com; onMouseOver="window.status='Your text description'; return true" onMouseOut="window.status='';return true">Your linked text</a>
  20. There are a lot of stories about it... Some strange thinks going on, ship and people just disapear from there...But what`s true about it? Who knows?
  21. yeah. That`s the problem for most of users. BuffaloHELP idea is nice, but u need dth. else. But try out his idea too. Mysql - i hink, u got to do sth. with that:) But the easiest way - dainis@lemon.lv :(
  22. Oh really? Ok, didn`t know, cus i`m using IE for all the time, not Firefoz or sth liek that... Thnx
  23. Edit your ScrollBar colors Change "Your color", to color code, that u need. <STYLE type="text/css"><!--BODY {scrollbar-face-color: Your color;scrollbar-highlight-color: Your color;scrollbar-3dlight-color: Your color;scrollbar-darkshadow-color: Your color;scrollbar-shadow-color: Your color;scrollbar-arrow-color: Your color;scrollbar-track-color: Your color;}--></STYLE> Insert Date Place this code between <HEAD>, </HEAD> tags <script language=Javascript><!--var today_date= new Date()var month=today_date.getMonth()var today=today_date.getDate()var year=today_date.getYear()"var months = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");// --></SCRIPT> Place this code where you'd like the date to appear. <script language=Javascript><!-- document.write(months[month]+" "+today+", "+year)// --></SCRIPT> Status bar text Change TExt no. 1.,2.,..6., to your text. <script language=JavaScript>var speed = 100 var pause = 3000var timerID = nullvar bannerRunning = falsevar ar = new Array()ar[0] = "Text No. 1"ar[1] = " Text No. 2"ar[2] = "Text No. 3"ar[3] = " Text No. 4" ar[4] = "Text No. 5"ar[5] = " Text No. 6"var currentMessage = 0var offset = 0function stopBanner() {if (bannerRunning)clearTimeout(timerID)bannerRunning = false}function startBanner() {stopBanner()showBanner()}function showBanner() {var text = ar[currentMessage]if (offset < text.length) {if (text.charAt(offset) == " ")offset++ var partialMessage = text.substring(0, offset + 1) window.status = partialMessageoffset++ // IE sometimes has trouble with "++offset"timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", speed)bannerRunning = true} else {offset = 0currentMessage++if (currentMessage == ar.length)currentMessage = 0timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", pause)bannerRunning = true}}startBanner();// --></SCRIPT> Protect Your Web Page Content <script language="JavaScript"><!--var message=" YOUR TEXT GOES HERE";function click(e) {if (document.all) {if (event.button==2||event.button==3) {alert(message);return false;}}if (document.layers) {if (e.which == 3) {alert(message);return false;}}}if (document.layers) {document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);}document.onmousedown=click;// --></SCRIPT>
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