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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Hai puffy I am also from India. LightScribe Drives are Available in India.You can find them in Metros. Even if your local vendor dosent have it you can buy it from eBay India. Or even you can ask one of your friend to buy you LightScribe Drives from another City.As of LightScribe Media (CD/DVD) is concerned, the Indian Media manufacturer MoserBaer is manufacturing LightScribe CD and DVD in India and they are available everywhere LightScribe Drives are available.How to use LigtScribe will be added soon.
  2. Thanx rvalkass I'll try this method. This was an emergency.Because roaming online without firewall is a big danger. Thanx once again for immediate help.I'll reply with my results.
  3. Thanx Avalon thats the type of Sig I needed. Thank you very much for providing me this sig. Can I use this Sig anywhere online Avalon. I need your consent to use this sign Online Please .
  4. I've a Windows XP SP2 System. Previously I was using ZoneAlarm Firewall so I diabled the Windows Firewall. Now I've removed ZoneAlarm Firewall. When I open the Windows Firewall Settings from Control Panel or Windows Security Center an error message is displayed as " Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall Settings" so I am not able to enable the Firewall Back. Please kindly help me with a solution to solve this problem.
  5. iwuvcookies you are right this can lead to lots of Ads and stuffs. But Google has made a way to prevent the Misuse of this service. Because any one can provide any domain to be used in this service. So Google has brought strict validation of all domains submited for this service and only the legal owner of the domain can use this service. So there'll no ads and other related stuffs. sxyloverboy this is not mail forwarding service. By providing your domain to this service, google will act as the mail server for your domain. And you can access the mails from the server using a GMail ID. So this is entirely different from mail forwarding.
  6. According to me, A geek is a person who forgets taking food, bath, date, love, home and everything else in life but will keep the details of the hardwares and softwares old and latest in finger tips. May be not able to solve real life problems, but will solve any problem that arises in computer. May live without food but cannot live without Computers.
  7. We can clearly see that Most of us are using GMail. and most of us are migrated from Yahoo, MSN, AOL. GMail is the best Mail service offere till now in this world.
  8. Google has Officially launched the GMail for Your Domains service today. You can visit theGmail for your domain Official Site. The Official declaration is made in the Official Google Blog. This Service is started with the San José City College. Now all mails sent to this domain will be forwarded to their GMail Accounts. Anyone who owns a domain can signup for this Beta Service here. Login with your Google Account and fillout the form and you are set ready for this new service. You may have to wait for sometime to get this service.
  9. There is no wonder that LightScribe Drives are very expensive. Because, they havent yet become the prime products or mostly bought like other drives. We have to wait until the price drops. This will happen only after a few months or may be nearly a year.
  10. Google Caribou? Google Caribou was the name of GMail in Alpha Stage. And most probably it'll be the name of Future GMail. Special GMail Caribou is what Google employees use to check their Google mail. It includes some features that Gmail does not yet. So there is lot of features yet to come in GMail under Google's Sleeve. GMail will dominate the Web mail, by providing complete features and facilites that are not found in any other mail service.
  11. Recently news has come that the a person has found in the GMail JavaScript code some code snippets for features that've not yet included in GMail. The report says that it is likely that Google will include a new feature in GMail in Future that allows anyone with a domain to use GMail as server. I got to know about this by Google's Alert Service.
  12. Now Google has included Google Talk with GMail. So from our GMail we can access the Google Talk features and Chat from the Indox.
  13. The site created with TrendyFlash Site Builder is really cool. But you've to Buy it to host your site. Because the demo version will place a big Trial Version banner spoiling the beauty of the site. But I've done some work and overcome this by removing the Trial Banner from appearing in the final site.
  14. Go for Seagate as it offers bot Performance and good life time with no problems.
  15. The Google Chat option is listed in the Left side of GMail. But there are no options there to start a chat or invite a friend to chat. May be Google is implementing in GMail in limited number per day. May be all the feature will be added soon. So now I can chat with Google Talk client when I am in my home and can chat with GMail account on the move. Google is really Great.
  16. Everything in life has to change with time. So in order to keeup with the emergening trendz and maintain good competetion Intel Has Cahanged its Logo.
  17. I prefer Assembled PCs rather than Branded PCs. When we are assembling the PC we can choose the best of all components and make our rig better than the Branded PCs.My Assembled rig is better than the Desktop PCs offered by Dell and IBM. So far no Branded PC company has started poviding PCs with my configuration.
  18. I prefer Intel over AMD.Most of you are saying that AMD is Cheaper. I'd like to remind you that It was Intel which did a lot of research and developed the X86 Platform and gave the world the First microprocessor 8085 and it is constantly developing processors and got up to such high level. So there is nothing wrong in Intel Processors being expensive, as they've to get the reward for their hard work.But AMD was not like Intel. They started by producing processors based on the Processor developed by Intel. Their processors were based on the Intel's Processor Blueprints. So there is no wonder their processors based on the Intel Processors are cheaper than the Intel's. The just do some modification on their processors and sold them.Only in the recent years now AMD has started doing research on its own and developed their own processors like the 64Bit core for the desktop users. These products are still steeply priced than the Intel's Desktop products.Intel is the desired brand of Major organistions worldwide like Dell, IBM, HCL etc. and even Apple has stated including Intel processers in ther Mac's. So Intel will remain the undisputed leader of the X86 platform.
  19. Eventhough this may be a Hoax Google must consider using its technical expertise to provide a complete platform integrating all the services offered by Google. Surely Google is the big threat to Microsoft and hope that it'll one day overcome Microsoft.
  20. I agree with Cerebral Stasis, I cannot let the Application get a bad name the application developers will definitely develop the required patches if any such problems really exixted. How can anyone just leave using applications like Photoshop which has become a part of our life and I like to spend hours on it.
  21. Yes LightScribe is Expensive at present. But as it gains popularity and mass acceptance the prices will go down and will become affordable to the comman man.
  22. Google has made our Online life easier with new and innovative echnologies and spicing up exising technologies with more features. Google Talk, the new Chat initative of Google looks promissing and will form as a threat to the exisitng field players like, Yahoo!, AOL, MSN, ICQ as more may move towards Google Talk. Google Talk provides free PC - to - PC Phone Calls in addition to Chatting. I've started using Google Talk from my System and Wating for Google to incorporate this into GMail. As long as Google keeps on bringing something new it'll be a big competetior for the existing field players.
  23. I like sig based on Games like DeusEx or Far Cry
  24. Lightscribe is now getting more popular and many have started buying LightScribe Enabled disk. As the number of customers raise the prices will start to decrease. I'am expecting this to happen within next year. If the price becomes affordable the I'd definitely go for a Lighscribe drive in addition to my DVD RAM drive.Hope this will happen soon.
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