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Everything posted by delivi

  1. wow thats an awesome collection of games. great work done dude. Keep this thread informed on these games. I'm very eager to get my hads didrty on NFS Carbon
  2. wow the site template and the colors are really greate.I wanted such a different template for my site. I'm new to joomla, it would be really great of you if you provide a tutorial on how to work out on changin the layout and creating a template for Joomla.
  3. delivi


    Welcome to Xisto. I am a computer engineer. I'm sure you will find this place with lost of fascinating information. I'd like to learn Tcl/Tk and improve myself more on PHP. Just waiting to see you start posting great posts.Have a great time being here.
  4. If you want to develop software for free, you can create applications in several open source programming language like Java, Perl, C, C++. You can also use the Microsoft free edition of the Visual Studio 2005 software to work on VB.net, ASP.net, C#.net, VC++, J# and also you can use free edion of Oracle for databse. If you need further clarification just mail me or PM me I'll be glad to help you.
  5. I use a lot of Freeware softwares.I usually get a lot of freewares from the various magazine cover CDs and DVDs I subscribe.
  6. thanx for sharing your finding.This will help us to prevent the spam bots from collecting our mail IDs and getting our inbox full of spams.Moreover this helps us to show our email ID in a cool fashion.
  7. hey dude you've done a great work.This will be very useful for the people who are gonna buy a new computer. These can also be followed when we are about to buy any electronic device or software.Keep the work going on.
  8. Its obvious that most of the people are sensible enough to get a trademark or patent for their works so that others cannot steal their credits in future. This is not gonna be a big set back for google, they are the big cash guys, they'd buy it what ever price is quoted. Lets wait and see whats gonna happen out there.
  9. I love the template of your forum. Its great.Just add more useful information and try to be more specific on whats it about and provide something that others do not provide to increase the users in your forum. All the best.
  10. thats a cool tip friends for sharing the different ways of creating an Icon. Thanx dudes for your inputs.
  11. You can use ObjectDock Icon Workshop to create the icons of various sizes as you wish. This is a paid software. You cannot save the file in the demo version.
  12. Dreams are found to occur only when you are not in a deep sleep. You'd find people who dream a lot awaking lot of time during their sleep.People who go into deep sleep will not get any dreams because their entire body takes complete rest. So don't worry dude if you don't get dreams. It's quite natural.
  13. will you please make yourself clear. So that we can understand what you actually meant.
  14. That looks great, bit dude the red color looks too dominant. Reduce it a little bit and also add some more colors to make it more lively.
  15. Hey dude checkout your siteI am afraid that you've not loaded the pages correctly as I cant view ur site.
  16. wow thats great this will help me personally add customisations to my pc without any 3rd party software
  17. I am really addicted to computer. When I am in home once I sit before the computer I'll forget everything food and so. I'll stay atleast 5 hours in a stretch before my computer during the day and nearly 12 hours in a stretch during night.
  18. Google has rolled out a new service for the small business. They provide a package of the Google services for our domains. You can use these Google services with your own logo and templates. The google apps offered for your domains are, Gmail Google Talk Google Calendar Google Page Creator You will have to own a domain name if you want to signup for this service. Signup to this service here, Google Apps for Your Domain
  19. I work in a concern who have clients in United States, so we are expected to familirrize ourself with the facts and all the information about the United States. You can give any information like Sports, Region based, Culture based, monuments, landmarks, cities etc.
  20. thanx Mxweb I've got that page printed. Now I still need more.
  21. Why do a day dreaming. First let me get that much money or atleast let me see an oppturnity to get so much money. Then I'll decide what to do with it. Why should we fanty with what we are not gonna get now?
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