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Everything posted by ashiezai

  1. very handy indeed .. the author must be a professional in those language ... and i;ve never seen anyone compiling all of those resource together like him .. Thumbs up !! Great resource ! and thanks for the post and also the author's work !
  2. if you are using microsoft windows xp, turn the built-in firewall on ... and get some additional firewall like zone alarm or sygate personal firewall .. then install spypot Search and Destroy and an antivirus program .. and i think this is enough for blocking spyware and virus
  3. wow ... is longhorn really a spyware ? i think it will go into a never ending debate .. the factor is that do you believe microsoft with your confidential data? You could also say that google is a spyware .. their cookie expires year 2059 ..
  4. ya .. i do feel that Xisto is quite slow for these few days .. i even have some time outs for HTTP .. the server is performing very well after the army system migrated to other server ... but now the server is a bit slow again .. i've found that the server load goes up a bit high lately .. maybe some1 is running some programs or creating endless loop with php ..
  5. hi there .. i've visited the site .. nicely done i must say .. but it's only good for viewers but not the search engines .. search engines doesnt read flash .. so it's not good in the perspective of SEO by desigining the whole website with flash .. but the site is really nice
  6. Hah .. the star wars 3 is really a good movie recently .. very nice indeed i must say .. but the pirated copy here in my country comes out even before the premiere ..
  7. Ok .. since i have some experience with google adsense .. when people said they are suspended by google with no reason .. the possible reasons are:1. The webmasters themselves clicked on the ads (although they dont admit it .. i must admit that it's tempting for us to click on it .. you'll get money per click! but .. the fact is that google will catch you.. based on the cookies they set and the ip when u login to adsense .. using a proxy doesnt help.. So my advise to that do not click on them)2. The webmaster tell others (like girlfriend and friends) and they are curious and clicked it alot.3. The webmaster ask his/her friends to click on it.4. The webmaster joined a group of other adsense cheaters and clicked on each other's ads.5. A competitor clicked on the ads on your site to get you banned by google to bring you down
  8. vbulletin is absolutely the best choice if you have some money .. but it is very server intensive if your forum become a big one .. and you will probably need a dedicated server to host your forum ... but it's search engine friendly ..phpBB comes after vbulletin and it's free ! but the original phpBB is not search engine friendly .. no worries, there are several mod out there with tutorials to help you make your phpBB search engine friendly in a few steps ..So .. if you are looking for the best, i would say it is vbulletin. And if you are looking for the free and best forum, then phpBB is your only choice
  9. ya i hate the steam client too ... why do they create that ... in the old days we could just simply connect to a online server in the game .. so much frustration with steam... let me tell you, i;ve never played cs using steam ... just because my connection is so slow that the update takes forever ... come on, give me a break, i just want to play games .. sierra .. why make this so complicated?
  10. tell you onething, im on my holiday now .. and i've been using the computer for more than 8 hours a days for the past few weeks .. so much thing to do online .. and you could never finish your thing ..
  11. My favorite pet is my lovely beagle i just bought him about 2 months ago .. and he brings alot of happiness to our family .. he is very active and like to play around with anything .. but he shits everywhere I also have a bird and fish as my pet ... but i like my dog the most
  12. URL is the exact location to each website .. just like an address to your lovely house
  13. yup .. i agreed .. altec lansing's speakers are just superb ... for gaming and listening to music ... get the great bass to the max and it's just like watching a movie in cinema
  14. lol ... i would prefer firefox .. for all those reasons mentioned everywhere ... lower security risk, faster loading speed .. but firefox still need some work done to become a better browser
  15. hmm .. in my humble opinion .. i do not think that internet make me stupud .. atleast im not .. it depends on how you use the internet .. web-learning and forum visiting can boost your knowledge alot .. if you find the right way of doing it ..Some people just hook up on internet MMORPG and all of thier lives are taken over by the game .. they imagine that they are living in the virtual world of fantasy .. that's why i've pulled my self out of the MMORPG thingy .. once u got addicted .. you lost you social life ..I must admit that some of the internet content may be untrustful and misleading, thus it depends on the readers to think themselved whether to trust or not..
  16. hmm ... flash games on hand phone? that's cool !! just because that the current java games are so boring ... i never play my java games on my phone for more than one hour... maybe because the memory of handphone is not that big enough .. so it's not possible to make a cool game using that little resource .. but technology keep advancing and the memory of the handphone is also going larger .. so it's now possible that we can get a cooler game to play on handphone
  17. let's consider this:Everything i write here are saved into a file and used up some space in the harddisk of Xisto. And everyone who wish to see this page need to load from the harddisk of Xisto. And everytime you view a page, you used up a certain amout of Xisto's allowed bandwidth. That is, if this page is 40kb and u viewed it one time u used up 40kb and twice is 80kb. 1000 members seeing this page will use up 40mb of bandwidth.So do you understand what bandwidth means now?
  18. omg ... is that true? 5 years of not stop running ? What a pityful computer ... imagine a human doing anything non-stop for 3 days .. I know it's a computer .. but dont you think that they should take a "rest" too ? I do shut down my computer whenever i dont use them unless im downloading something. Comeon , Let him rest !
  19. Build a content site with good adsense paying keyowrds.. then promote it and drive traffic to it. Traffic is the only way of making money.
  20. i would vote for firefox .. but there're still some issues need to be solved .. firstly, all of those html codes is written for IE and netscape .. so sometimes u will find that firefox doesnt support some function of normal html format. i.e. the mouseover function is not functioning properly.secondly, im facing some problem on forums using firefox. The message that i wrote in a few paragraph will become a single paragraph with no space. they crushed together.Anyway, firefox is still a very good browser to use .. that's y im still using it
  21. I like DragonBall Z the most !!!! it's still my favorite comic since my younger days ... so sad that the author did not continue the story But it's been a story lasting for 3 generations
  22. in depends, phpBB is good but if your forum really grows into a big community, vBulletin is the most suitable choice. But you gotta pay for it. You pay what you get
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