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Everything posted by DeveloperX

  1. The program I use to encode my videos, change resolution, etc. is Adobe Premiere Pro. Official website Adobe More about this software: Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 software revolutionizes nonlinear video editing. Powerful real-time video and audio editing tools give you precise control over virtually every aspect of your production. Built for the exceptional performance of Microsoft? Windows? XP systems, Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 takes video production to an entirely new level. This software not free. But U can TRYOUT this Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 tryout software for Windows Only 168.9MB.
  2. information from Bellonna Biodiesel is exempt from diesel tax through special legislation in several European countries, including Germany, France, and Sweden. It has therefore become competitively priced and is sold in large quantities. Raising energy crops such as rapeseed, which is possible in Norway, yields a protein-rich fiber as the main product, and oil as a by-product. In other words, there is a great potential in biodiesel for development in both the farming and renewable energy industries. Pure biodiesel in Norway is currently not taxed. This is because the government wishes to make it easier to introduce renewable biofuel to the Norwegian market. Using biodiesel reduces the exhaust of particles/soot by 40% and eliminates emissions of SO2 . For now, biodiesel that is blended in mineral oil is taxable if the oil is considered to be mineral oil. This is a result of the government's resolution on taxing mineral oil. The Ministry of Finance and Customs -(FIN) has determined that a mixture of up to 5% Rapeseed Methylic Ether (RME) in mineral oil does not result in the oil losing its character of being mineral oil (letter to Hydro Texaco AS, Nov. 23, 1998). The government has therefore taxed blended biodiesel accordingly. It is not feasible to run a vehicle on pure biodiesel today, as there is no fuel distribution network. To develop such a network would be costly and require major changes in today's infrastructure, which means that allowing biodiesel to go untaxed is not enough of an incentive to encourage further development of this alternative fuel. A step towards achieving environmentally-sound fuel would be to blend biodiesel with mineral oil, as is done in France. Biodiesel is just as renewable, and has just as low emissions per volume, regardless of whether it is used in its pure form or if it is mixed with diesel. This means that the environmental benefits are the same per liter for both pure and blended biodiesel, since they are basically the same, so to tax blended biodiesel is contradictory to the basic principle of greater tax on fuels that pollute more.
  3. Some interesting facts about Biodiesel (Vegetable Oil). Biodiesel is produced from renewable raw materials. Biodiesel is free from sulphur (< 0,001 %). Biodiesel greatly reduces carbon emissions (by up to approx. 50 %) Biodiesel releases approximately the same amount of CO2 during its combustion as the rapeseed has absorbed during its growth (so with an almost neutral Carbon Cycle). Biodiesel does not contain any benzene or other aromatic compounds. Biodiesel reduces hydrocarbon emissions (in particular the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Biodiesel is easily biodegradable with no hazard to soil or groundwater in the case of accidents. Biodiesel is not classified as a hazardous substance (Flash Point approx. 170?C). Biodiesel has excellent lubrication properties which reduce engine wear. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly alternative to mineral diesel This information from biodiesel.de
  4. surfJunky is a SCAMMMMMMMMMM!!!I lost my $25,9!!!
  5. What is about Your content on site? Adult? Health? Games? What is avg per click earnings?
  6. good... What is Cristmas for U?
  7. I know a lot of languages. QBasic, VBasic, C++, Python/Perl, PHP, Java, JavaScript, HTML/XHTML, CSS, Pascal, Delphi and etc.
  8. I agreee. PHPbb is a very good, PHP based, customizeble forum. But U need MySQL support!!!
  9. U may create a mirror of your website at freeservers.com.There U must create a free subdomain.After it goto your account and click "Manage site".There U can see button "Upload from other site"... but they give free only 20 Mb space....
  10. I use remote connection by microsoft in winXP. For this method on "remote PC" must be enabled such feature like "Allow remote connections" in system parameters. And U must run "Start->Progs->Accessories->Net->Remote Connection Wizard", type IP or name of remote PC and click OK!And ofcourse, always search Yahoo!, Gooogle, and other search engines...
  11. I tried it - my router is running on WinXP SP2 with 3 NIC, it works great. I must say, that it can sweep web sites, and it is router. Thats great. But sometimes very slowly and crashlyyy....javascript:emoticon('')smilie
  12. Current Notice from serverph: quotes added.
  13. guyz, tell me, how much keywords per click like - ADULT, HEALTH, GAMES, BUSINESS, SOFTWARE??? What is your expirience of these keywords???
  14. My connection is 256 Kbit DSL. Ideal upload is 19 kb/s and ideal download is 72 kb/s. I have try some programs like Internet Accelerator and other who speed internet connection and now i have download 112 kb/s and upload 24 kb/s
  15. I personally like Firefox,but some sites it browser badly computed! Then I USE IE 6!
  16. Guyz, I used SurfJunky and when I reached $25.29 they deleted my account and sent me a email - saying that i cheated tooooooo. Where is my money????
  17. I tryed myself in some earned money programs like Comission-Junction, Uniqpaid, earningforce and other, but i get only nothing - $0.5-$1.5...
  18. Guys! What is content on your sites??? What is about??? What content get maximum earnings per click??? Maybe about pornography? Adult? Cars? Toys? Software? Health? What???
  19. I agree! i use me cell phone Nokia N70 for sending SMS and playing in JAVA and MOPHUN games! My battery works about only 20 hours a day!!!
  20. What is model of your motherboard? Some chipsets on motherboards like Intel 810 with integrated VGA not allowed a another PCI, AGP, ISA, PCI-E VGA! But if U haven't these motherboard on your PC U may to UPGRAGE your VGA in any free slot on your motherboard!
  21. dear wassie, i think that U should find another E girl...
  22. i have a little gas gun! it's my safe walking night keeper! and U?
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