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Everything posted by DeveloperX

  1. Nice reply. But I want to post some tick. Well... Such code: Global variable1, variable2 As Integer As You know type of variable1 is variant!!! But variant2 is Integer. Check your sources for this tick.
  2. I'm sorry, but your code not works again! Maybe something wrong? Please give me a workable code...
  3. I remember that at last time when someone tests "tranfer electricty without wires" half part of siberia's nature (region of russia) was damaged! It's phenomen called as "Meteorite of Thunguska"!!! It's very powerful method...
  4. What is next generation of computers??? Some companies (Intel, VIA, AMD and Microsoft) made next step to future... Via intoduce their new mobility devices. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Three new mobile products by Via:1. VIA C7-M ULV processor 2. VIA VN800 digital media mobile chipset 3. VIA VT8237A advanced chipset south bridge AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology Family http://www.amd.com/en-us The Benefits of the Latest Generation of Microsoft Mobile Technology http://www.microsoft.com/err/Industry/retail/ New Intel Celeron Duo Processor http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/homepage.html What next...?
  5. maybe this code work: opener.frme_itemTable.location.reload(); //oropener.frme_itemTable.location="Your URL"; please check it on your project!
  6. You can use great forum like this (Invision Power Board v2.1.4)! Quoted from: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. @truefusion I'm sorry, but it not works...I use such colors as RED, #ff00ff, BLUE... Please check it.
  8. @truefusion I'm sorry, but these scripts not works! @Spectre Thanks! Very nice script and works! Please write me scripts for COLOR, EMAIL and IMG bbcodes!
  9. Hello! I as all of You use this greatful FORUM. But I want to know how engine of forum replaces post like [color=red]TEXT[/color] to <font color=red>TEXT</font> But I think that some Bbcodes like [b][/b] maybe replaced by this method: $str="[b]TEXT[/b]";$str=str_replace("[b]","<b>",$str);$str=str_replace("[/b]","</b>",$str);echo $str; Please help me with URL, Email, Img, Color bbcodes!
  10. Maybe anyone not understand the "Cloning Technology". I found this full article at http://www.brainia.com/ for all: Technology of Cloning http://robby.nstemp.com/photo2.html It's very high scientific technology. It's future of Earth...
  11. Some Data link Protocols not included at previous post: FDDI ; LLC ; SNAP ; CIF ; GARP (Generic Attribute Registration Protocol) ; GMRP (GARP Multicast Registration Protocol); GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol); VLAN (Virtual LAN). And some router's and switch's protocols: Cisco Router Cisco SRB Cisco ISL DRiP - Cisco Duplicate Ring Protocol CDP ? Cisco Discovery Protocol DISL ? Dynamic Interswitch Link Protocol VTP ? VLAN Trunk Protocol RND Wellfleet SRB Wellfleet BOFL BPDU
  12. brainet, its very cooolest design for computer mouse (Mus2)! At last week I bought Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse USB slate! Available in black or silver colors, Coolest device!!!
  13. I use my own "Time generation" php script. I wrote it more 1 year ago. It consist of 2 parts: 1st part - need put in top of page <?//start point of loadinglist($msec,$sec)=explode(chr(32),microtime());$HeadTime=$sec+$msec;//?> I think that it very nice script! and 2nd part - need put in bottom of page for displaying <?//end point of page loadinglist($msec,$sec)=explode(chr(32),microtime());// print generation time with 4 digits after pointecho "Page loading at ".round(($sec+$msec)-$HeadTime,4)." sec.";?>
  14. I saw IT toooo... But now IT's OK!
  15. On game's box i found these minimum system requirements: Pentium IV 1.5 GHz; 256 MB RAM; 2.5 GB HDD free space; 128 Mb VGA with DirectX 9.0c support But that PC only running the game with minimum options! For best options Your PC must be very cooolest!!! Now about sound. Sounds is coolest! SoundTracks is wonderfully! I found "playlist" of NFS:MW I like a police theifing!!!
  16. Actually, its a part of my engine! I'm not agree! All of pages fully compatible with Google TOS! For example, my current balance is $123.75!!! I waiting a PIN letter from Google Inc. for unholding my pays!!! Then they send me a CHECK! Totally, I think, all earnings of my users is more $1700 at this month! Any comments???
  17. Please post URL for LiveJournal, Xanga, Blogger services. Maybe I create there own blog toooo...
  18. Thanks!Now I know that!But why Google call theirs blog-project as Blogspot?Why not Blog-Google.com orGoogle-Blog.com orBlogoogle.com or something other???This question for Google Team...And how I may get google-logo t-shirt?
  19. You should checks a self.parent.locationIf it changed or != start page URL, do something... For example No frame page and redirect from http://www.kbapps.com/webdesign/javascripts.html <head><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- hide javascriptfunction noframe(){if (self.parent.frames.length != 0)self.parent.location='kbapps.com'}// done hiding --></script></head><body onload=></body> Notice from electriic ink: Fixed quote tags
  20. I do blog. I found cooolest free blog service: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This service allows Your ads!!!! I add to my blog my own Google Adsense Ads!!!
  21. I use such WinAPI function: WinAPI::shellExecute("c:\\program.exe", 'parameters'); It function run some program within your own program! I found this or other cooolest functions in MSDN!!!
  22. My best 2005 game is Need For Speed: Most Wanted I think that this game engine is most cooolest!
  23. Yeasr ago I found example of upload php script and change it. Now its my own php script, which store uploaded files from any users. <?$dir = "up/";echo ("$userfile_name");if(!empty($userfile)){if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"])) {$res = move_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], $dir.$_FILES["userfile"]["name"]);if ($res){ echo ("OK");}else{ echo ("OOPS");}}} else {echo ("<form action=edit.php method=post enctype=multipart/form-data><input type=hidden name=act value=upload>Select file: <input type=file name=userfile> <input type=submit value=\"UPLOAD\"></form>");}?>
  24. I saw this at every GoogleBlog: And Blogger logo: Why GoogleBlog use Blogger engine/power? I think that URL https://blog.google/ is a simple redirect to https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=blogger&passive=1209600&continue= http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ For my free blogs directory at http://forums.xisto.com/ I made super blog engine with many designs and styles. I made It on PHP language. It's simple and cooolest! Every blogger, who made own blog at my directory can put own Google Adsense ads in own posts!!! My design allows this actions! Hey, I want google-logo t-shirt tooooo...
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