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Everything posted by s2city

  1. s2city

    New Ps2

    Yeah, that's nothing but a modded PS2. The only thing different from the original is just a different skin and style. It doesn't have any more/less features then the un-modded, original PS2. But that's still a nice PS2, modded or not.
  2. I havent even heard of the game.. and i dont think anything beat Halo 2, GTA or Half life 2
  3. Counter Strike source is the new Counter Strike game running on the Half-Life 2 Engine
  4. o *BLEEP*.. i dont like anime to much but this is good.. nice work dude
  5. the old fasion ones were the good ones.. like the ones from the late 80s .. hmm now they are just throwing stuff together and hope it is successful
  6. Halo3 isnt coming until XBox 2.. Read it from Game Informer.. but yet u never know
  7. Becca I like your pixel drawings! They are most certainly not, crap! I I I I I I I I!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. That's not bad at all, lol, the logo reminds me of Xerox for some reason...lol
  9. lol those are really neat, you should be a comic strip writer, you know there are only like 10 in the entire country...
  10. The only ones I like are the 2nd and 3rd, they're really good, keep it up.
  11. Sounds cool, I might check it out, where is a good place to download it at?
  12. It's okay, I've seen better, I'd rate a 6.5/10. Mainly, because there isn't really anything going on in the sig, nothing exciting.
  13. I keep hearing in the Summer of 2007. I guess we'll find out sooner or later.
  14. He wants you to review his site...not the skin he used for it, if he wanted you to review that...he would've said so
  15. Dead link for me, sorry Bud. But I'll give you a 6, because I like the Whiteness of the Error page, it's just lovely.
  16. Do you have any idea how hard it is to put together a Skin? It's not like making a website, it's very difficult. The skin is from ExtremePixels. What does the forum not having it's own skin have to do with anything? There are many, many, sites out there that have standard skins.
  17. Oh, okay. Well that's good to know. I'll keep <- snipped -> as I have been...just keep people the SQL Up :-), lol, thanks!}}}}}
  18. lol, tru dat, that'd be awesome...if the Xisto server would stay up...
  19. Yeah, everybody has to cheat to get hosting...they can't post normally...
  20. You're posting like the exact same thing in all the reviews...but thanks...I think...
  21. LOL! Everyone on the Site is always calling me a control freak or a neat freak because I always have everything nice and organized...lol, the members call it the Wavy Nav Bar...lol
  22. Yeah, Link isn't working for me either....oh well...I wanted to check out the skin, and see if it was really that bad! LOL!
  23. I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say "cheap colors". But I will take care to put a site description in the Welcome box.
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