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Everything posted by Kioku

  1. Anybody should support our troops, whether they agree with the cause or not. Elsewise, you're not for our country doing well in general. You can claim it, but you're not supporting it. Duh. Our troops are putting their lives in harms way to help the Iraqis rebuild and try to help them stand up, before we stand down. On another note... That's hilarious. You should consider stand up comedy, if you're going for irony. Reality's based upon cause and effect, and might making right.
  2. The Democrats didn't win the election. The Republicans lost it. People are just tired of turning on their TV and hearing about more extremists blowing themselves up, causing the death of more American lives. It might just be me, but I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon. There's no reason to impeach Bush, while there was all of the reason in the world to actually impeach Clinton. Clinton caved into the pressures of banging an intern and that means he doesn't have that much willpower. Who's to say he couldn't be equally swayed? Caving into the craving to chase poon? Hell, yeah. Caving into money? How are you not to say? He had several occasions where Osama Bin Laden could have been killed, preventing the Twin Tower events from ever happening. Did he? That's right. No. Stop being a wimp. It's his fault. I might just be playing the devil's advocate here, but; the reason he didn't kill Osama once is because Saudi royalty was there. You can easily be judged by the company you're with. Why didn't he attack? That'd upset them. Caving into pressue? You bet. Willpower? No. Grow a pair of testicles and a brain. Christ. Monica was alot younger than him, too. coughpedophilecough George W. Bush has inheritted things he can't control. September 11th, Hurricane Katrina ( if you're suggesting he could've swooped down and used his super powers to repel a Hurricane, please put down the Kool-Aid ), and bad intelligence from the CIA, Israeli intelligence, British intelligence, Russian intelligence, and a few other sources. Whether they're valid or not is unknown yet.
  3. I surely wouldn't consider him a friend.
  4. Logic dictates that wouldn't work.
  5. What is a Chupacabra? It's fake. It's usually some farmer finding a dog with mange like an idiot or seeing natural decay processing like maggots burrowing out to make holes in soft tissue and thinking it was attack.
  6. If he annoys you and you want rid of him, he's not a friend. Another problem solved by Kioku that we call all walk away from, a little more wiser.
  7. Shifting the blame onto the "coporations" rather than accepting you're a fat *BLEEP*ing pile of lard and it's your own fault. Truly an American value.
  8. Oh, look. My dog died. I'm going to blame Bush since he didn't magically wave a magic wand and fix it just like all of the things you're blaming him for, either. Seriously, though. Good stuff happens like gas prices go down and stocks up. Does anybody credit Bush? No. Bad stuff happens like gas prices going up and stocks doing down. Do anybody credit Bush? Yes.
  9. Kioku


    Communism might try to state that everyone's equal, but no Government truly works that way. Both Democracy and Communism both have their upsides and downsides.
  10. This honestly sounds like a big joke. Relax, everyone. They wouldn't put mankind out of survival, even if it were real. We're the dominant species due to our minds.Either way, the fact it's in a plastic packaging is hilarious enough. No living thing could possibly survive like that.
  11. Although how very, very awesome cryonics might sound it is not natural and philospical questions of conciousness such as a soul that was previously stated. One has to understand these kinds of things before peering into such risky things, because it may not be the golden promise of immortality after all. Nobody truly knows. I wouldn't be afraid of waking up in a future I do not understand. It is the fact that my conciousness might not pass on, as it might be an entirely different person all together. If we do not understand what conciousness is, how could one possibly risk such a thing? Until such things are figured out, I would not place such a high gamble on this, despite the lucrative payout it may or may not have. Ethics is only the smallest bit of what my concerns are.
  12. I don't see what the big deal is. If a person wants to have a heart attack when they're twenty nine years old, let them. Geeze.
  13. Unless if I'm recalling incorrectly, String theory was updated to the more current M-theory.
  14. The only advice I have is to be careful of what you say. You don't want to upset her any more. Give her some time to cool off.
  15. The truth is that no politician really affects the economy that much at all. People can try to blame Bush for when gas prices go up or the economy's going down or praise him for the opposite, but it's not like he can wave a giant magical wand and change the numbers. Come on. It's supply and demand. The American gas companies need to charge more, because they have to be in harm's way to even ask for oil from countries that dislike the US. Venezuela's coo-coo for Cocoa puffs. Iran, you know the drill. You can't reason with any of them. They'll still hate us. Fanatics will be fanatics.
  16. Hey, look. Another thread created by Brian Gillingham that tries to make it look like Iraq was some happy place before we knocked Saddam down a notch and doesn't grasp that after you take out their leader, you need to help them rebuild. I'm not suprised.
  17. If obesity can cause a higher chance of Type 2 diabetes later on in life and a variety of heart complications, each which can eventually be terminally a life risking thing; I'd say it is a disability. I don't get what the big deal about it is, though. America has more food. Hell, we feed other countries as well. It's each and every person's own fault. Not advetising. Not McDonalds. Nobody forced food down their throat. Nobody's continuing to force food down their throat. Obesity is only a problem in American, since food is more widely available. If other countries had the resources, the problem would follow.I don't get why overweight people crave sympathy, either. You're fat, it's your own fault. Eat less? Problem solved. The same goes for anorexics and bulimics. If they want to starve themselves to death or vomit their guts out, it's really not my problem. The only thing worse than having to listen to whining is watching them trying to pass themselves off as if they're attractive. You know what I'm talking about. Some overweight girl wearing a shirt, where his stomach is showing with rollls going over the belt line. If I wanted to permanently damage my eyes, I'd stab them with a pen or stare directly at the sun with a maginifying glass. Blech. Cover up, seriously. If you could just wise up, lose weight, and stop blaming society for your problems you'd be okay. I don't mean people with medical disorders, since they can't help it. On second thought, being lazy shouldn't be a disability -- unless if we're talking about mental retardation. I suppose it'll work if you eat McDonalds 4 times a day and don't excercise and try to sue the company because you don't understand food will make you fat. I'm honestly not suprised with how stupid people are any more. Seriously.
  18. Here's my idea for a review.Grudge = not scaryGrudge 2 = even less scary
  19. Wise up, crud2008. There's a saying that all songs that exist are either about sex or death at some degree.Why get medical help? Life is being able to percieve the world around one's self and if they think becoming an inanimate object is so hot and cool, they can go right ahead. On to a more serious note, though.To critique it, I think it repeats itself a bit much and could become played out easily. I know alot of songs that manage to do that.
  20. Stereotyping Rock as screaming is about ignorant as saying Rap is just talking into a microphone to a beat. Argument-wise, Rock wins. The lyrics have more depth. Rap just seems to rely on beats and repeating the same thing over and over.
  21. Country music has always sounded like annoying twanging with whining here and there. Lyric-wise, it's in the same ranking as rap since they talk about practically the same things. Cars, girls, sex, etc.Anyway. My friend would always go on and on about how much he hates country music. Don't get me wrong, though. I'd rather listen to any other music style than country, but he went on and on about it a ridiculous amount. Later on, I found out he secretly listened to country music. Needless to say, he's not my friend anymore.
  22. If the USA wanted to, we could nuke North Korea into a giant radioactive lake. We don't, though. There's not reason enough yet or even evidence to prove North Korea's tested weapon was nuclear at all in nature. If it was nuclear in nature, it was a pretty pathetic one. I don't think North Korea even has the know-how, since they seem a little Three Stooge-ish currently, bumbling around with weapons and a piss-poor economy. What are they going to fire their nukes on, anyway? The missles? I'm afraid Kim Jong Il's having a little erectile dysfunction in that field. Ker-splash. I don't doubt for a second that he'd sell it to the first person bidding, but I do doubt it would work at all.
  23. Geocities, Brinkster, and such are okay for small projects, but their ads or text at the bottom can prove annoying and disrupt layouts that you have planned. Trust me. It's okay if you're hosting something small, but an actual site would require alot more thought put forth. Brinkster was okay for me for a while, until I decided it was time to pack up and find a new host.Xisto is the best free host, hands down. I'm very glad and thankful that Xisto offers the services you'd have to pay for with other hosts for free of all things, with no crap that makes the internet annoying like ads, popups, and such. If that's not enough to convince anyone, I'd say the ability to actually talk to mods or admins to get help with any technical issues is pretty sweet, too.
  24. So far, all arguments against the war haven't even acknowledged that Iraq was a pretty big shitfest even before we went in there. I guess if you support execution-style shootings of Kurdish women and children and mustard gassing, suit yourself, pal. As for the shock value pictures, people die in wars. "Arab world"? Congratulations on making a racist assumption. You're no better than one of the people you hate most, Bush. They're not from Saudi Arabia. "Muslim" should suffice. Either way, I'm glad Saddam's out. Yeah, it is funny. It's not your child, either. It's funny that you assume there aren't innocent deaths in any war. The terrorists coming in from Iran and Syria to blow themselves up in the streets are doing most of the killing. You should at least mention that. You should also stop flip-flopping and stay on point. Pulling out now when they're unable to stand up would just allow more terrorist attacks. We're there to help and protect them. You can't have it both ways. Nearly the same thing happened after WWII. We knocked the previous government out of control in Japan and helped them rebuild. The same goes here, but this time Saddam was knocked out of office. We need to help Iraq rebuild after we ruined their government.
  25. replies to Quote tags are fun, alright. I can arrange quotes, so you're answering your own questions. Thanks. You don't know what Nuclear weapons are? Man. Alex Trebek: I was what solved the "Great Depression". Me: What is "World war II"? Alex Trebek: Correct. That is our Daily Double. Certainly not if you're a pansy. We're defending our country and boosting our economy. NOT THE RELIGION CARD. OH MAN, I JUST GOT SERVED. Stock insults from the Holy Roller? *BLEEP*! I won't live that down. Yeah. Anyone who knows that when the war machine gets rolling, money starts rolling in must have never had sex? Nice logic, dipshit. People die. Life's just a series of chemical reations. Chemical reactions stopping for money? I'm all for it. What brought up Japan? I got my name from a Tetris song for a Russia gimmick. Mainly to parody Donglish, which nobody will get, chances are. Uh, what? How is being all for something crying? Unless if I'm mistaken, you're the one bleeding out of your womanly parts about some lives of scum bag terrorists being lost. Good for them? If they blow themselves up, less terrorists. Hahaha. You should try to focus on peace. "HAY TERRORISTS LOL LETS HAVE PEACE LOL" will solve everything? This isn't a *BLEEP*ing Disney movie. Insert quarter and try again. Just like all religious shitbags, they're willing to die for their cause. They can't be reasoned with. The only way to stop them is by force. In short, man up. Stop fellating your political parties and even relying on them for opinions. I support the war and our troops. Let's go bomb Iran for round 2. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit: Wow. Those quote tags aren't working right. Notice from serverph: now it works, albeit quote tags are limited to 10.
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