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Posts posted by Becca

  1. I think they said "left"....lmao jokingVery nice website....If your site is set to a certain pixel e.g 1024x768 You can use the <div> code but include the style="left:NUMBER;top:NUMBER" sort of thing....if you get what I mean...But I don't think you should do this because it messes up the website for other uses who use a smaller screen resolution... :)

  2. Basket ball rock....What I am saying is probably what you have not asked....Sports pages should be daily updated [duh]Highly decorative.There should be plenty of Admin's opinions.Video clips ?? Of things like - "Greatest Goal Scored Last Week"A Good Forum or Bullten BoardProffesional LayoutLinks,Buttons,Banners to advertiseI like to see not just one sport but like loads including ones that are not that popular.Oh and doing a questionnaire for people to fill in so you know what people like could help ? xx Bexa :)

  3. Last week my internet explorer wouldn't let me go on some websites that I used to go on. They come up as the "Action Cancled"And um well I went on my old computer and it was fine...It also will not let me go on Msn Messenger or Msn Explorer or Homail and loads of other websites I always go on.....I can go on the actual main site but it wont let me log on because as soon as i log on the "Action Cancled" page comes up and i tried it loads of times and it still wouldn't work...This is driving me nuts and I really want to go back on the websites I used to go on.....I know theres something wrong with my computer but what is it ???Please help me fix my problem....xx Bexa

  4. Once well three times I have blocked my phone... I had to find the PUK code..It took me 2 years to realise It was easy...I just found this phone number in one of the leaflets that came with my sim card and phoned it and went through the steps and it told me it...Also another way is to KEEP THE CODE when you buy the sim card...DUH....your PUK code comes with either your Sim card or Phone if your line rental..

  5. Hmmm This week I have bought:600g or Lindt Milk Chocolate2 New SkirtsPair of New Jeans2 New TopsA Pair of ShoesLoads of Make UpA New CD ROM HardriveA New BagEar PhonesNew StationaryLoads of Hair ProductsA New Coat And well thats it...I guessWish List : SIMS 2 !!!! OMG PLEASE SANTA !!!! I WAS GOOD THIS YEAR--- PART GOT DELETED BY ME LMAO TO SAVE EMBARASSMENT ----

  6. I hate it when people steal all your own work and writing and just paste it with out even editing it...but I aso hate putting a disable right click code, so it's bad both ways....and this annoys me...



    Heres another code try if it works :


    <body onselectstart="return false">


    It's short and I think it works....People might be able to get passed it,only if they are genius'

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