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Posts posted by Becca

  1. I am seriously addicted to crisps I once ate 24 packets in one day. I am addicted to picking scabs and my um scalp skin...I know eww.I am addicted to picking the ear wax out of my ears.I am addicted to the computerI am addicted to this chocolate called BuenoI am addicted to chocolate I have to eat it at least once a day.I am getting fatty :rolleyes:My habit is picking spotsMy habit is cleaning out the dirt underneath my toenails I know ewwMy habit is calling my mum a Bum Bum Head...I know very dis respectfulI am addicted to my addicts.

  2. I like those over sized chocolate chip cookies that are so nice and chewy and the chocolate just melts in your mouth and the cookie just tastes great and lasts forever because it's bigger than your head...........................................................................yeah...:)ahhhh

  3. My hamster doesn't just it there it runs around in the ball I bought it. My hamsters are brothers but they started to fight when they "matured" is that the word??/anyways so I had to buy a new flipping cage..HAMSTERS ARE CUTE LITTLE FLUFFY BALLS AWWE XXI took mine to the vet only once. For a check up thats all.

  4. My old rabbit that died use to eat it's own excrete. My wabbit was white and have floppy ears. I loved it s much. But I had to give it away because I was busy and had NO time to look after my luvly wabbi wabbit it was called Snowy xxx R.I.PSnowy died a week after I gave her away. She missed me so much she had to passaway from the pain.Let us all bow our heads to this sad day and hope for the best for Snowy in heaven with all of the other good souled rabbits up therePOINTS TO THE POST BELOW. SNOWY IS IN HEAVEN NOT HOPE SHE IS IN HEAVEN she IS!!! in heaven | \./

  5. HAMTARO awwe so cute...so cute..I'd love to have a dog. The only reason I got a hamster is because I love animals and.....because I was not alowed to have a dog.I want a dog.Do you ? Dogs are cool.But big responsibilities.I want one. I want a dog.I REALLY want a dog.I REALLY REALLY want a dog.Well I would prefer a cute puppy. I like cats but I like dogs more. Cats have fleas and run wild outside in your garden or elsewhere....God knows what they do... :) I wouldn't like to think what they do with other cats. Dogs don't run wild oh wait yes they do but like at least they don't eat hamsters or try to kill birds and fishy. I mean thats just mean. I want a DOG.......no I mean a PUPPY

  6. OH MY GOD YOUR HAMSTERS ARE SO BLUDY CUTE I WANT TO BITE THEM:) Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe OMG they are so shweet xx :)I love little cute wubby hammies.Your hamsters look small on your big hand but I think mine are smaller.I'll uploade my piccies of my cute little wubby hammies.Mine are grey aswell.

  7. Wow, I thought my hamsters names were weird :)Well thats a mouthful to say aye. So now it is fair to have an equal NINJA HAMSTER FIGHT :) Lmao only kidding.Are your hamster names in another language ? :D Well I bet your hamsters are cute.Anyways how old are you?Don't say your 20 because thats freaky being an adult and having pet hamsters not that you can't obviously and I am not saying thats bad or anything...just freaky.

  8. I cute little wubby bubby sweet hearts. They are soooo cute...I have chinese dwarfs and they are tiny!! I got two like last year and they are so FAT now.I just want to post a dum story about them. Lmao I know no one is going to read it any way so...oh well...dont know..lmao...Dont worry I a bit freaky.One day like 3 years ago I only had one hamsters - it died :) I was so sad. I cried my eyes out so my dad bought me two more - which I have now.Anyways once my OLD hamster [taz] escaped and I couldn't find him..I'd lost Taz for a week!! So I called in a group of F.H.H.G Find hamster Help Group...A.K.A My Friends. There was 5 of them and we looked for about 2 hours or so EVERY WHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE. We cleared out the last cupboard. And we found NOTHING.And then we heard a scream and it was the friend who was afraid of them. She saw the hamster in between two cushions stuffed in the storage cupboard [thingy]. And it was trying to dig in the pillows. LMAO.We saw it and quickly caught it. And found that it had somehow got back in the "locked" cage with some food and bedding and brought it to like 5 metres away from the cage. I had a great time with the F.H.H.G and I forced the one who was afraid of the hamster to de-flea it with special shampoo. Well thats the end. Lmao.

  9. Yeah I know my posts are good just like the person who writes them.I wonder who that fabulous person is ??? hmmm.Any ideas ?? Because I don't...When you think of the name tell me eh? lmao only joking.I forgot to say I have two wonderful hamsters called Chip and Monk...Get it ?? CHIPMONK...LMAO Well I find that rather amusing. Anyways if you in any way be a meanie to me I will set my hamsters on you..Seriously!

  10. Awwe poor you :)My mum forced me to have a credit card because I saved up a several hundred pounds in 6 months because of my pocket money :)...Which is good to me considering I have no job and still have to wait 3 more years to LEGALLY have a job.Anyways I have lost my card and all my documents sheet thingys and stuff its on my desk somewhere beneath my chocolate and biscuit crumbs.If any one does wish to have that "supposedly" free .info name I suggest you use another host which is reliable and then put a redirect or "splash" on the .info pages. You know ??? I could be wrong.

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