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Posts posted by Becca


    I get my Hex Colors from Paint Shop Pro...It takes a while and there are probably lots of other way to get it..


    This is the dumb thing I do:


    I go to effects texture effects and then blinds I choose the color and where I choose the color at the bottom is a HTML thing...


    I told you it was dumb and time consuming but I am like that and thats the way I find my Hex Codes...


    Is it called Hex Codes ? :)


  2. :) Hello I'm bored how are you ?? I just ate 13 pieces of chocolate Lindt and I feel very sick...So how was your day ? Well its 11:09am so my day has not started yet...I am a bit weird are you weird ? Because I am oh I said that already.I like chicken tikka masala yum I have that at school you know....How ever n00b your are no one is more n00bish than me...Guaranteed.

  3. Just a young girl who loves pink saying hi to the forum.




    I started yesterday :)


    This forum is heavy !! I totally love the Army System except I keep gettign defeated...The games are awesome as well...


    I am still having problems because I can't go onto my CPANEL...[i need help hint* hint*]


    Anyways I don't know how I posted so many well...posts. I have a Forum somewhere in the world of the "internet" but only 23 people have joined.....


    Hobbies : I like to design websites and layouts for my friends for a small price. I know that's mean but I should get SOME credit for doing them...


    I have mastered paint shop pro and some of photoshop already and I want to be moving on to flash even though I have not a clue where to start.


    My old old website use to be a graphics website sort of thing. I offered layouts,backgrounds and those sort of things for free. I totally love HTML and I have been using it since I was 8.


    If any one knows how to use MySql please could you help me..I am in need of major guildance <-- did that just make sense ?


    I am a mad crazy bubbly person and my mouth is un closable I constantly talk and annoy people and I giggle to much ....and to loud. I also got to a grammar school. Which are forcing us to do GCSE work and we still have two-three more years to go..


    My paragraphs, as you can see, do not make sense.


    I hope you don't read this [i only wrote it because Iwas bored].


    xx Bexa


    P.S I am not a boy as some one before thought I was. Bexa is short of Becky,Rebekah or what ever.


  4. can some1 get me some doamins free as im only 14 and dont have a domain plz
    im beging you plz plz plz can you get me some if i tell you what i want???


    ???? Who cares ?? It does not make a difference how old you are.
    I am thirteen I have a credit card..I can have a domain but I choose not to waste my money on such things.

    Just because you are young does not mean you beg and it is not an excuse.


  5. I hate pop-ups they JAR THE HELL OUTTA ME....Once I went on this website and they had pop-up of ad's non stop in the end I had forty and my computer just shut down and my website and some things I made on my computer were lost...I literally went mad. I started to bite the keyboard and kick my machine. I spent like 6 hours on one piece...Pop ups are a NO NO unless they are pink then thats totally fine by me

  6. When you mean changing colour scheme do you mean different layouts for people to choose sort of things ?? I don't know how to do it but some websites have that you can try sending an email to them asking for help maybe they will help you...There also might be sites where you can get tutorials or help...if you have not tried that already.I think it's a php skin switcher I am not sure.. :):):D xx Bexa

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