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Posts posted by Becca

  1. Normally direct linking is NOT good because it also wastes the users bandwidth and like well I dont know it is just not good...Anyways I don't really care.Lmao.Hey do you want to join my button rotation system ?? Its just like a button rotatio nand the person who has the most credit's banners gets showed the most...You dont have to..You just have to put a code up and it sometimes rotates into another button.

  2. I have a really crap phone....it thes old Nokia 7250i the one with the dumb intergrated camera...I am going to get a new phone soon. It is a new nokia and it has like video,cameria blue tooth and LOADS of other things...Excellent phone....But just one thing....The quality of the videos are not all that good...But who cares.? I want that phone...I think I am getting it soon like this month.My old phone is like 1 year old so I am going to give it to my dad, he buys me new phones and I give him my old ones.lmao.

  3. Yes there is this program called....




    That is absolutely free!!!


    It is really cool! I have never used it but I downloaded it once and it had loads of tools to it sort of similar to Photoshop.


    Here is a link to a list of free things you can use for your website etc...


    They are really good...Serif is a good free make aswell.



  4. Can any one give me basic tips on how to use these. I just got these programs yesterday and I haven't the clue how to use them...I wanted the Adobe Illustrator 6 months ago and I only just got it. And I want to make like one of those characters which people make, that are so totally cool!I do hope some one is kind enough to show me where I could view some EASY tutorials to get me started..Because I have to admit...lmao...I am a fast learner.Thank You ...BexaOh yeah and what is your favourite graphics program that is really easy to use....I might get an easier one...if there is one....

  5. It is alright...although silver is one of my favourite colours.....I don't like it that much...it is really nice and all but my eyes hurt after a while looking at the screen because it is sort clashing with the white background....Can the admin get loads of skins or is this the only one??I LIKE PINK BTW people.... PINK PINK PINKBut blue is my favourite colour. Okay never mind I am just weird

  6. I have uploaded songs with the endings rbs...Which is well I don't know what it is...But it loads 10 times faster...I convert all my mp3's into .RBS with this thing I have called well... lmao Convert64...Its really cool actually. It came with my radio blog.....Actually I think people who want loads of selection of music on their websites should get a radio blog.It is really good. Trust me.Anyways....have fun guys...and girls!!Bye x

  7. Hello my name is Becky.I am a normal teenager who does normal things.Or so they say...I love web designs etc but I am only like a beginnger.I am from England.I hate it there.It sucks.I will not say have a great time at the forums any more because I KNOW you will.

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