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Everything posted by Dawid

  1. I;m definately a sci-fi fan. Ridiculously so! Not a trekkie either though, except the last movie was really good. Also a big fan of some really old sci-fi. Did any of you ever watch Quantum Leap, what a great show. The star wars trilogy dvd box set is definately next on my list of things to buy!
  2. I would say I'm addicted to picking earwax out of my ears, I've managed to get 2 ear infections because of that. I'd say I'm mildly addicted to the herb, nothing out of control though. Also enjoy a good forum. Also addicted to Coca-Cola- Don't think I can go a day without some of the red ambulance!
  3. I'm into the old school, timeless rock. AC/DC, Rolling Stones and The Eagles. They made songs that really will be remembered for years and years. Beetles are incredible as well, I can listen to the beetles for hours! In fact, I'm listening to them right now!
  4. I really wanted to enjoy Van Helsing. The preview and everything was brilliant and I just really want to enjoy it! It seemed like my kind of movie but when I went and saw it in the Cinema it really didn't impress me at all. I still have to see it a second time and I still, for some reason, am looking forward to it and hope that I'll enjoy it more.
  5. I'm really starting to enjoy AFL(Ozzie Rules) since I moved to Australia though. What a great spectator sport, what a pleasure!
  6. My favourite comedy would have to be the Australian Classic - "The Castle" that came out 1996. What a pleasure to have something defy the norm.
  7. I'm a fan of Randy Newman, I can only really take him in small doses. Improv is definately the best part of jazz for me. Listening to a really good improv on CD(not mp3) is just fantastic.
  8. I don't know how many people use PHP-Nuke, it's really good. At the moment it's only version 6.8 on Xisto but version 7.5 is out which is much better.
  9. Hi, I want to set up my pop3 account and was wondering what the address is and port etc. Thanks
  10. Hi, all of a sudden when clicking on phpmyadmin in cpanel it says access denied. It seems to have had an effect all over my website as well.
  11. Agree with you 100%. Wolfenstein:ET is absolutely awesome and completely free! What a game, covert ops- what a character! The game is truley unbelievable.
  12. Dawid


    that Iriver IHP-140. I was about to go buy an IPOD but now I'm reconsidering.
  13. Just wondering how the speeds compared. How powerful is a Centrino say 1.6GHZ to a Pentium 4-3.0GHZ??
  14. Underground is really awesome, on a new level but I also really enjoyed high stakes. Especially split screen and multiplayer where if you were knocked out- you came back as a truck. Your vehicle also got damaged significantly and that really affected your driving.
  15. I havnt played it yet. Would you recommend it? I thoroughly enjoyed the first Sims but felt that you reached a certain level where the game didn't have much more to offer and that killed it for me in the end.
  16. Hi, I've just installed NUKE 7.5 and it's wonderful and does everything but was wondering if anybody out there has experienced a full content management program better than NUKE.
  17. Thats a pretty interesting take- never thought of it that way! It kills me a little though that bands are so ridiculously commercial these days and that artists like Usher, who don't even write their own songs or anything!, break the beetles's record for the most amount of titles on the top 10. In a world based on commercial value, it feels as if things are getting cheaper...
  18. That's a great movie. I watched it the first time with some herbs inside me, crazy stuff. Can't watch it too many times though...
  19. My favourite movies and my best movies I reckon are two different things for me. My best movies would also definately include shawshank, Count of monte Cristo and The Matrix.My favourite movie would have to be not one, but the entire Back to the Future trilogy. You can still watch them now, 20 years on and they're still awesome!
  20. Damn, can't remember- havn't played it in a while. What a game though!
  21. Dawid


    I agree with the statement "there are two sides to every story". In the case of relationships it's a very complicated story...
  22. In South Africa I think we men definately prefer the athletic thin type of girl. Most of the women here are very attractive and barely any are overweight, what a pleasure!
  23. I only got into jazz once I started playing it myself to be honest. I've grown to love it so ridiculously much though, such passionate music.
  24. How exactly do you format an HTML document so that it is shtml because my site is very standard at the moment and would like to add something in that is for shtml.
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