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Everything posted by inyourarms

  1. I don't really get why you posted this to be honest. But whatever. Nothing you say can make me believe in God, unless I see him myself... Oh well.
  2. "This domain is now for sale. Contact admin@shutmail.com if you are intrested to buy it. You may even email us If you are looking for affordable and reliable webhosting. "Eh... Anyway. I love my Gmail Couldn't live without it!
  3. I think the whole inviting by invitation is too gmail-like now. Even though Gmail probably didn't invent it. Anyway... I don't really like hotmail as an email account But that new Hotmail thing sounds good! If anyone has invitations you know where to send em Does anyone have any screen shots of what it looks like?
  4. That's really good actually. I think it's a very good amount of space, but does anyone know if they have adverts? And what would your URL be? The autosave's good, I know it's useful for when you're writing emails on Gmail lol. Yay for Google!!
  5. I wouldn't say I'm pro-abortion, I'm just pro-choice. I think the woman should have bodily autonomy; it's her body and she can do what she likes with it! Why should the government, who have nothing to do with the woman/family involved, tell her what to do? Having said that though, I'd like to think that I'm not stupid enough to get pregnant without meaning too, and I'd hate to have an abortion myself. But in cases such as rape, (I know there's nearly no chance of getting pregnant by rape but there must be some people who do) I'd probably have an abortion.. what would you tell your child? What if the child looked like the rapist?It makes me laugh that some people who are religious or at least anti-abortion don't want babies to die, but they are quite willing to shoot an abortion doctor. That's not the way to get your point across...I appreciate that some people are religious, and it says in the Bible "thou shalt not murder", etc etc... but I don't believe in God. In fact, I'm not sure if I even believe in abortion. Anyways.. basically I've made my mind up myself. I could never ever adopt my child. My mother was adopted and I've always, always wondered what my "real" grandparents were like. Sure, they might be really horrible, but I'm still curious. I'd be scared that my child would be hurt that I adopted it, and I'd forever wonder what he/she looks like/is like, etc...edit// Also, I don't see the unborn foetus as a proper human being with rights etc. I know that Roman Catholics think it is a human from the moment of conception but I just don't get that... So I don't really see it as murder, seeing as it's not a proper human being. I think the woman's rights are more important.
  6. I'm against the death penalty in general, especially for teenagers, as I'm a teenager. I don't know what I'd do if I was charged for something I didn't do, especially now seeing as I'm so young. I think the death penalty, if it has to be used, should only be for over 18s. Then you truly are responsible for your own actions.
  7. I'm definitely against the death penalty. Why should the murdered get to escape feeling guilty (hopefully, anyway) for the rest of their lives?! Although it would give piece of mind to the family of the person who was killed/raped/whatever, I think that it would be more painful to be in prison. I know that we pay taxes for that too. But think of the family of the murderer. It could have been done in self defence, or the person might be completely innocent, but they die for no reason. I just think that's so sad...
  8. Welcome to Xisto, I'm Natalie I'm sure you'll love it here, and you can finally stop looking for hosts!
  9. That's interesting and all but I'm not gonna stop using my computer or AIM or whatever... if I get virus, I get a virus. Whatever I swear viruses were just invented so the anti-virus people can make some money lol
  10. Hey Jonathan! I'm Natalie, welcome! I hope you stay active, Xisto's very snazzy
  11. I don't really back up things.. ever. I know I should but nothing much is like amazingly life-or-death important. I upload most pictures to photobucket, and my school work's all printed out. So yeah.
  12. I blog a lot! I have a LiveJournal, Xanga, Blogger, and I have a blog on my website too. It's hard to keep up with them all but you get used to it
  13. I think I got gmail from someone random by requesting it I heart Gmail! lol!
  14. I'd say I'm a bit of a geek because I go on the computer whenever I can, and I'm not scared to show people the real me (i.e. the freaky me!) But then again, I'm not like a hardcore geek that codes programmes and stuff like that. I'm not clever enough
  15. It's so annoying when people think that iPods are different from MP3 players! Anyway. I have a Creative Zen Micro and it works fine. I love it. MP3 players rule But I have to agree with Turn Off The Light; you should check out all your options before you buy!
  16. inyourarms

    Msn 8.0

    I've got MSN 8.0 Beta. I don't really like it. It's too slow for me and I hate what it does as it hovers over names on the buddy list (but not buddy list, whatever it's called on MSN). I prefer AIM now. I used to love MSN but now I don't so much... Anyway don't get too excited because it really isn't that great.
  17. I don't know much about the RAZR's features, but I don't really like the design. Yes, it's thin, but it's too wide for my liking. I'm happy with my Sony Ericsson k700i
  18. I have a Sony Ericsson K700i. It's so so so so pretty and it has a lot of features. I think it's good value for money. The only bad thing is the battery, but that's only really when you use the media player so no biggie. I LOVE BLUETOOTH!!
  19. My 2 favourites are Nokia and Sony Ericsson. They might not necessarily be the best, but I trust them, and I've never had problems with them. I like Nokia's because they all take the same chargers. Sony Ericssons look good, and they have lots of features (generally).
  20. I hate caffeine, alcohol and fizzy stuff so that just leaves juice, iced tea, hot chocolate, and squash lol. And milk too. Well alcohol's ok as long as I can't taste the alcohol..
  21. I already have hazel-ish eyes, and I don't think there's anything wrong with them. But if I had to change, I'd either pick green or brown instead of being something in between like what I am now. I don't really concentrate on my eye colour though =/
  22. The sites I can't go without are some message boards, email (hotmail, gmail), and I check up on some personal sites too. I check my email WAY too much! Also, of course, Google if I ever need to search for something, and Stock Exchange if I need images.
  23. Whatever you do, just make sure there are a lot of things for the visitors/posters. People are mostly selfish, they/we always want something for nothing. Try and make it worth their while. Make some good graphics, make some interesting topics, and get some interesting people. You could always pay for advertising somewhere, or swap links/become affiliated.
  24. English: I love youGreek: s'agapoSpanish: te quieroFrench: je t'aime:huh:
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