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Everything posted by fusionx

  1. Now that will be useful, pity it's not something you can get for free. Maybe there is another program for free? I might as well just go blog, thus saving money, loosing time and creating less hassels in my life. Then again it will be very useful than loading a web page all the time.
  2. I use frontpage for small updates but i like dreamweaver for staring websites and for flash, otherwise i am mostly over it. They both do the job, dreamweaver is much easier to use in my perspective, but frontpage is better if you are use too windows apps.
  3. It is better and does the job, but it looks to much like OS X, the dock and all. But it still looks pretty hectic. Id prefer the OS X icons and user interface. But hey thats my opinion. Vista = OS X, pretty much the same.
  4. PSP is the best hand held eva. There is obviously flaws but it has minor flaws compared to other hand helds. If you say the screen is small then you seriously have a problem because it is like 3 time bigger than that of of the GBA and twice the size of DS. There are great games now and lots of movies.
  5. Go Opera, it is the best and the fastest. I personally find it more modern, it's faster and it does the job better than other for it has all the security addons and it's free. Don't waste time go for it, it's always worth trying.
  6. IF i were to be you i would buy the cheaper one, but if you have the cash you might aswell get all the apple accesories and they are reliable and they work farely well. That if price wernt an issue. Then if it were i would obviously get the cheaper, i use gigabyte and it works like a charm, if it does the same thing then go for it.
  7. Hey mine is around 15 then again i posted something like 9 or so... There should be an option where you put an small add on your website and that lets you get like so many points or something... Don't really know if there is anything like this but it would be great. This purely because posting almost like every day can become quite tiring let alone time some, but we all do it to keep the great hosting service Xisto provides ,,
  8. They should be severly delt with. I mean what were they thinking. In my country there would most likely be a rape a day or more. And this is in Africa. idealy they should all be burned to the brink of death, their limbs should be eaten off by a prostesious electrick monk who thinks tha the whole world is pinkand then they should be smashed by the hammer of thor, the norse god of thunder, and then they should get shat on by an elephant ( or raped). but just for a cherry on the top they should be pushed off a cliff. This is what i think of rapists. They are the scum of the earth. If this by any chance effects you just read line 1 and 2.
  9. Let's leave this sort of stuff to the scientists and they would most likely find out how, why and when. Sure it would be great but it will only occur in like a few hundred years. So you won't be able to find out if it has been done or will be done. Unless you would like to invent a time machine and get a design on how to make it work.
  10. Maybe not paper thin tv's but paper thin screens. If you were to say tv there is alot of stuff missing. But this is great for gadgets etc. will start getting smaller and there won't be so expensive as they usually are. Does anyone know the quality of this thin screen? If they are good then we may see some great advancements in the future.
  11. PSP's are great for movies and games but the iPod is purely movies and photos they should maybe stick to that. PSP's are not good for music because of it's lack of space but then you just buy umd movies if wanting but the iPod has the Gb's of space for all the music but not the screen for the movies. I would rather not squint at an iPod screen. PSP screens have great quality for movies and games and you don't have to squint.
  12. They would be useful in cities like new york where people could fly by the skyscrapers, this becuase of such things as traffic congestion. I do believe that they should still keep the normal car for out of city use. This because with speeds like 350mph they would cruse through the country and cause great accidents if they went crashing downwards. It would help people evacuate from floods and save most from traffic congestion. Also in the movies where everyone tries escaping but the roads are packed, you could just fly.
  13. It's amazing what movies can make The army do. Especially Sci-fi films like Star wars, soon the army would want to make gravitational tanks. Then again why not. It would be great to see one of those AT walker things, especially with the US flag on it. Also a shield or something those will be more usefull than lasers, or maybe a cheap food product that they can provide to poor starving people.
  14. Now thats intresting pic.... I'm perosonally not going to get either because I'd rather just use my PSP.. I may get one in the future when the prices have gone down and the games are better done. I find that when they do release a new console or anything they always seem to rush the games or leave something out. This firstly from the PSP when they released their games they didnt have enough and the ones they did have just did not cut it, but now they are great.
  15. There are so many better programs other than those provided by microsoft. Also many people use firefox and the such because it is so much better. I personally only use one microsft program and that is windows and even that gives me problems, imagine a anti-spyware program, it most probably helps spyware get in.
  16. Now that would be great. Firstly they will help with changing the world from non-renewable resources to renewable resources. Also making power cheaper and making life better for most.In the long run when the power does become cheaper we will start getting slight decreases in prices and such, but then again with oil prices increasing we will soon seeing a great price increase. This is the beginning of a new era. If only America and other countries would follow, not saying america is bad and all. This only because they produce alot of polloution everyday compared to other countries.If only more countries would also move from non-reneable resources to renewable to help make the world a better place.
  17. They play music and can store alot of files the best part about it is the quality and speed of the whole ipod is great. I personally prefer it for it's reliability.
  18. Opera is the best because it is the fastest and is the sleekest. But it comes down to what you prefer and what you think you would do best for yourself. The best browser is purely based on speed, reliablity and looks.
  19. They havn't even gone to mars yet let alone grow anything. Maybe they should get someone to land there and see mars for itself, then try differant things such as growing plants, living there and doing all differant types of research.Anyway it's best to see their results and to see what they come up with...
  20. Isn't that in the movie where they put this chip into some kid to get it into the country so they two sides fight over this kid, anyway cutting the story short they get the chip into the bad guy and they turn it on, then the nano chip cuts some artery so then the guy dies... This if made would be the perfect assination technique thus saying bad people will kill more people. Any way moving back to nano, Is whay they called it the Nano Ipod... no jokes of course i knew this. Quite intresting infact. Imagine they started making things that size, like microchips or something.
  21. fusionx

    Amd Vs Pentium

    Amd is hot and has a better performance whilst intel gets better durability and reliability. I'm personally over it, as long as my programs can run faster and do not crash i am happy else i would be very very angry.
  22. Xbox is out now The only problem is i don'y have cash probably wait when the price comes down.. Anyone know the price of games?PS3 has had it's time, after a year of xbox 360 sony is going to loose it's market.
  23. Im thinking of getting a pentium for a laptop but i truly want amd performance, the only problem is that with using a laptop it will get hot and burn me . So i'll end up getting a Centrino.. Does anyone know how an apple powerbook 1.5ghz compares to a centrino 2ghz?
  24. I liked it for it was a great strategy game at the time. I still play it but with mods which make it better. I agree that Act of war is a great game for it has such a great story.
  25. I have heard about it and want to try it but im a bit scared. My PC is 2ghz so i would like to get it to something like 3 or so. Then again im not going to try.
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