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Everything posted by Togi

  1. ...I have.. the one and only ISP avaliable in this town ^^;It's 56k dialup.. for $12/month. Could be worse, I guess ^^
  2. ...Hm.. Considering this is a lovely free email account, I think 2GB is great.. I've had it for a year now, and have never deleted an email that wasn't spam.. including the ones containing all the pictures, music, and mpeg clips my friends have sent me.. and still, I'm only at 4%.People who need more than 2GB for email are probably using it for.. something other than email ^^;Save that stuff on your HD and delete a few messages ^^;
  3. Yeah, I've used it for a long time without problems; but then, I normally use Firefox instead of IE.Although now that I use Googletalk, it tells me when I have mail.. although I miss the "Tell me again..." option that Notifier has, so I run them both. XDMaybe it's just a fluke o.o
  4. Ah, body language.. ^^Heh.. I agree with jlhaslip, about the butt-slapping thing; it drives me crazy, when guys do that to me.. you'd think they could come up with something better to say than, "Nice [butt]"But then, they are males.. what can you expect? :B
  5. ..I remember playing a loooong time ago.. when it was still in Beta.. or Alpha, or something. It seemed pretty fun, at the time.. I remember spending forever, jumping up little ledges, somewhere, to get some flowers.. o.oBut now I can't remember what I did.. maybe I was an archer.. yeah.. I had to get lots of crossbow arrows.. ^^
  6. ..I don't know about maturity levels.. but it seems that women reach their 'sexual peak' at a later age than men, even if they do generally seem to mature faster in everything else..?..but, like sonorama said (kinda) ..I wouldn't read too much into it. Hmm.. maybe, since girls are naturally more huggy-touchy-feely, it'd take more of an extreme thing for them to call it a sexual encounter, than a guy would.. so it takes longer for them to get to that point.. ^^;Ah, who knows..
  7. So, now.. a day later.. anyone feeling ill effects? XD Or did it go well? ..was it tasty, at least?
  8. ..jeeze, what a situation.But I guess, a lot of people are familiar with it... my boyfriend used to live right across the street from me.. but we weren't going out, then. It wasn't until he moved, 3 hours away, that we realized we really did love eachother, and wanted to start dating...although 3 hours isn't very far, with my crazy class and work schedule, I'm lucky to see him once a month.. it's horrible. ^^You really can't help who you love, I guess.. but it's not that bad. Actually, it's kind of fun, to work through things, together.. you learn a lot, that way ^^I guess.. long-distance relationships can work out.. as long as you've got a pair of honest, hard-working people.. ^^ ..actually.. one of them can be lazy, it still works.. *shifty eyes* ..if you nag him.. o.o;p
  9. Is Missouri really that bad? I was born and raised here, and I <3 the Show Me State, hehe..Although I guess it's understandable to be missing family ;.; ..ah, Brandice.. I'm paranoid about germs and stuff, I'd be scared to eat it, too.. although I guess I would in the end. Just can't beat a happy meal with your family ^^ ..honestly, though, I think SM has the right idea.. XD
  10. Ah! While everyone sits around putting on that aformentioned 5 pounds.. be greatful for the people working at grocery stores! I think I personally saw to it, today, that the entire town of Linn had enough turkey and stuffing to last them.. :BAh well. Happy turkey day, everyone.. finally, I'll have a day off of work and college, so I can go home to visit my family. Cheers ^^!
  11. ..I really pay no attention. It takes me -forever- to find a thread where I feel I have enough input to reply (but I can't think of any new thread ideas, so I can't complain ).. but, once I do find them, it's not hard to post enough to keep my credits up ^^..I doubt I've gotten over 10 a day, though, heh..
  12. ..you love eachother.. but can't do anything about it? o.o Ha, good luck ;.;...I actually have two guys who claim to be in love with me, although they both know, and have known, that I'm happily dating someone else.One of them had decided that the best course of action was to ignore me flat-out, until he no longer thought of me every day.. but that only lasted a week.. now he's decided to be my friend, and just let time take care of letting him fall out of love..The other decided to find some reason to hate me, fight with me, something.. so he'd be too mad to love me. That plan also died after a week.. he couldn't find anything to be mad enough about to kill off the love, so.. he's also going to just remain friends with me, if he can ^^;..I really don't think there's a good way to fall out of love. Maybe things are different in.. Pakistan? ..but I couldn't imagine just sitting back and watching love die.. for anything...they say time heals all wounds, though..
  13. Togi

    Php Vs Html

    Mmm.. when I saw the topic title, I thought, "PHP vs HTML? Wouldn't it be more helpful to talk about combining the two?" They're both lovely by themselves, but since, as everyone else has said, they're so different.. putting them together makes for an unstoppable website ^^ I personally use HTML more, since I tend to like things simple.. but the lines of PHP I sprinkle through my pages couldn't be replaced by all the HTML in the world ^^
  14. That was a good intro.. welcome to Xisto. ^^Hehe.. I did taekwondo for a short time, when I was pretty young. Actually, my parents signed me up for it, when they noticed that I was quite fond of Power Rangers XD; ..so I didn't last very long.. I was scared when they suggested practicing at home by kicking/punching trees, heh.. (I'm such a wimp o.o)
  15. Ah-ha! I have one like that right now, for Database.. she learns this stuff one chapter ahead of us, I swear. Goes over powerpoint presentations that actually came with the book, although she just read the chapter the night before. It's not uncommon for her to look at a slide for a second, say, "Huh.. that's stupid.." and skip it without even covering it. XDAh.. and to top it off, the projector sits on a little table, and she sits on the table with it.. swining her legs back and forth, so that the projection of it on the wall nods up and down the whole time. But then.. those days are better than the ones where she comes in, goes, "Ah.. I don't feel like teaching anything today, so.. you're dismissed!" (And considering it's my first class of the day... there goes my extra hour of sleep)
  16. Wow, that's quite a problem XD;Maybe she didn't believe you when you told her you hated her o.o I guess you could keep her around as a friend, if that was possible.. but you need to make sure she really knows you're not interested. Don't send mixed signals :B How are you doing with the girl you do like? ^^
  17. ..heh.. normally I'm pretty good with breakups, and I'm still friends with all of my exs, except for one.. ^^;Although I'd still like to be friends with him.. he seems to hate me, now, so there's nothing to be done about it ^^;;
  18. Mm.. work o.oSometimes, our customers are scary o.oI saw one of our new stockboys get approached by a customer, asking where to find something.. and since he hadn't even been there a week, he didn't know where it was. He said, "I'm not sure where to find that, ma'am, but I'll go get you someone who knows where it is.. actually, keep shopping, I'll find you and bring you one ^^"..and when he turned and left to get help.. she grabbed a bottle of cleaner off the shelf.. and threw it at him o.o;I'm like.. huh.. o.o;
  19. Mm.. yeah, there you go, guys. ^^Although everyone is different, and those might not all be good points.. I think, if you try your best, pay attention.. and keep up with number 20, at least.. you should be just fine ^^
  20. Ah.. there's "Taking things more deeply," and then there's, "Taking things too far" ^.~This is the kind of topic that could use an opposing viewpoint.. but.. from where? o.o
  21. Ah, Google Talk.. it's like the Notepad of messangers. It's so simple.. it doesn't need a zillion little pictures and features you'll never use, clogging it up.. it's purely a messanger.You guys keep saying that no one is using it yet.. and personally, I find that a blessing. I have 5 people on my Googletalk BL.. and probably 100 on my Trillian's AIM/MSN/Yahoo. I let Googletalk auto-launch and leave it running all day, safe in the knowledge that only my 5 best friends can see me on it.. and if I get a message, it'll be one I want.Launching Trillian is almost a headache, sometimes, getting bombed by people you hardly know, amongst the few convs from your friends.
  22. Alright.. here's a puzzle game on the net that a friend emailed me, a couple of days ago. Planarity .. this game consists, mainly, of a handful of little dots, connected to eachother by 2-5 lines. You must move the dots around so that none of the lines cross over other lines. It's a little hard to explain, but oddly fun to play. The site says to try to get past level 10.. which, of course, I did :B What'ca think? Fun game, or not?
  23. This is actually an interesting topic ^^I personally love to 'negotiate' with others.. debating, if you will. A friendly, open debate between intelligent people is thrilling to me, whether I win or lose it ^^I love to argue my point, and learn the views of someone else.. Sometimes, when everyone agrees, I pretend to disagree, a little, just to shake things up.. in group projects, the best ideas seem to come from negotiating differences. If everyone is just blindly following the ideas of a leader.. there's probably something wrong with that ^^;Although, now.. the guy I'm dating seems to be scared of it. Any time anything comes up, he instantly backs down; he'd let me walk all over him. It drives me crazy. It doesnt matter how small or serious the topic is.. he will always back down, and I never get to nogiatiate a thing with him.. I just make all the choices ;.;
  24. Yeah, I remember that feeling.. ^^Hehe.. my little sister is 13 now, and starting to date.. it's fun to watch o.o
  25. I guess stuff like this varies in other countries, and.. you're from Holland, Nani? I don't know how it is there, but here in the US.. I don't think people take it very seriously, anymore ^^;People rush to get married.. either after dating only a short time, or at a young age.. and so it's not surprising that the devorce rate is so high ^^;I can remember thinking like you did almost my whole life.. from being little and learning that girls change their last names when they get married ("Why doesn't the boy? That's not fair, I like my name, I'll never get married! ;.;!")..to having my mom die.. ("They were so happily married, and this happens.. what a waste.. ;.;")..to watching my dad and step-mom devorce.. breaking up with different guys.. it always just seemed horrible.But now, and the 'rip old age' of 19.. I think I might have found someone worth marrying. Maybe. If I move in with him when I turn 20 and finish college. If I'm still with him a year after that.. and want to be with him, still, for the rest of my life.. wouldn't it be fun to get married?Granted, I wouldn't mind living with him forever, married or not.. but if you're going to live together forever, anyways, why not take that step?I secretly grin, now, at the idea of changing my last name to match his.. or the idea of wearing a ring, just a simple one, to show everyone that I belong to him.. even to stay up all night fighting with him, every so often.. knowing the whole time that this is the man I picked to stay with forever, because I love him..I guess we don't have to be married.. but it seems to make it more official.. and legal things change. I think I'd be proud to have him call me his wife, instead of his girlfriend, and to grow old together..I think it's something that changes in you, when you meet someone special. But every person is different, and so is every relationship, so.. if you never did get married, and found a guy who would agree to that.. then cheers ^^
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