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Everything posted by mini148

  1. Ah.. my laptop died (the onboard video card) on the first day of summer break.. exactly a week after the one-year warranty ran out. So.. I had $500.. decided to buy a bunch of parts and teach myself how to build a desktop compy.. it actually wasn't very hard ^^..never did get around to fixing that laptop, though o.o(Scrapped its 40GB harddrive, got a USB convertor.. made it into a portable HD ^^; )
  2. Heh.. I like your idea.. ^^ Although s243a's idea about calculations and graphing just makes a nerdy little part of my heart want to do it.. just for fun. Ah, I love graphics.. I'm such a loser ;p
  3. Ah.. I never did believe in things like that, love at first sight.. but now I kind of do o.o (although I guess I always did 'laugh at' people who said they've experienced it, before :...but I clearly remember it.. trailing my friend downstairs, to the E-Cafe where the 'geeks' hang out, my first semester in college.. looking at all the strangers.. and feeling instantly drawn to one guy, sitting alone in the corner.. and I have no idea why. He certainly wasn't the most 'hot' guy in the room.. but from the first time I saw him, 'til now, a year later.. I just can't ever get enough of him. And I don't know why XDTook a while for me to decide this was love, and not something else.. but I swear, my body acted on its own o.o
  4. Ahh.. there's no good way to answer this. ^^;;;I actually recently did turn someone down, due to the fact that I am already happily dating someone else.. and this guy, instead of accepting it, is taking "Hang out, keep being friendly, I'll get her eventually!" route.. and it's sad.. I don't know how to convince him to give up, without hurting him ;.;I guess, though, you said they've broken up now.. maybe this is your chance.. but please try to respect her feelings, if she continues to tell you no. It's heartbreaking to see one of your friends suffering from unrequited love.. and moreso, when you're the one they love ^^;Although I guess in the end, you can't help your feelings, whatever they may be ^^;
  5. I was gonna say.. "Oh no, there I am, haha.."I was thinking about 'starting over', anyways, because I realized a little too late that your forum SN could be different from your site name, (and I'd rather use my SN for the forum, not that of the person I'm making a site for)..Maybe I should take this as an omen XD
  6. Wow.. those are pretty ^^!But, actually, what prompted me to reply, more than that, was that.. you're 15? You type so well / seem so mature for your age ^^(Although maybe I did, too.. I'm 19, now, and 15 seems so young o.o XD)Good luck with your relationship, though.. and you seem to have picked out a lovely gift ^^
  7. I wish I could afford an mp3 player, heh.. :BI just have my computer running, playing some lovely mp3s. ^^In my car, though.. it only has a cassette player, so I have a cassette -> CD player convertor.. so I can burn my mp3s off onto a CD and listen to them :B..it's rather ghetto o.o
  8. I don't think I overly prefer either.. too dark or too light will mess it up.. but all my sites stay medium-to-light in tone.. it just looks more professional.But as long as it's simple and easy-to-read, I'm okay with it.. ^^(Google is like my hero :
  9. Helloooo 'new person'.. good luck with your site ^^It's a fun hobby, and with a place like this, you should be fine ^^ Lots of friendly people to help you if you run into any troubles. :B
  10. Yeah.. it's a sad, sad thing.. I've always lived in towns too small to offer broadband, although of course, the towns 20 minutes over have a zillion different providors :lol:But here I am, stuck with two choices: Dialup- $12/monthSatilite- $100/month..argle.At least the college has super-speedy internet.. ^^
  11. Ah, sorry ^^ "A hardcore fan of anim? and/or manga. Although used with pride by many western fans to describe themselves, the term carries as negative a connotation in Japan as 'Trekkie' does here. Pronounced ?o-tah-koo?." http://www.animetion.co.uk/glossary.htm I'm not actually -that- hardcore about it, but I figure it's a good word to use.. any other anime fans will know what I mean, and people who aren't anime fans wont understand, which is nice.. because people seem to think weird things about me when they hear I like anime o.o
  12. Maybe this is because I'm from America, and not the UK, but.. what is a "Supply teacher"?That does sound a little creepy, though o.o;
  13. Hmmm.. my favorite song seems to change a lot, but right now, I'm really liking Kesenai Tsumi by Nana Kitade. ^^ She just has an unusual quality to her voice that drives me crazy.. and the lyrics are lovely, even if I do have a generally poor grasp of Japanese ^^;
  14. mini148

    Overworked :b

    Eh.. I guess it can't be that bad, if I have enough free time to open an account here :B But that's no venting.. grr, grr.. evil History teacher, I shall smite you! o.o! ..thanks for all the encouragement, though.. I think that's how I keep going.. I live off of praise. (Ah, it's just like Kare Kano ^^;;; ) I think I'm going to take less classes next semester, though.. ^^;
  15. Hehe.. I was gonna say, "Spread IE? Oh no, you don't want to do that..! "Although I will say that (as other users have stated) Firefox does seem to suck more resources than IE, and it doesn't always load sites 'properly'.. I still love them to death.Tabbrowsing is wonderful, and you can't beat all the plugins.. you can make this thing into pretty much anything you want ^^ (which might be why it takes up more of my resources than IE did )I think the problem with IE is simply that it -is- already installed on most all computers.. and with no big competitors for so many years, they got lazy. Not having to work hard to be number one results in low-quality, sometimes.I'm interested in seeing what they come out with in version 7.0, now ^^
  16. mini148

    Overworked :b

    Ah.. I got a full scholarship to do whatever I want.. for the first two years. After that I'll have to look for other forms of financial aide ^^;Soo.. I guess I'm trying to fit in just as much as I can take without killing myself, while it's still free. (Don't ask why I feel the urge to work 6 nights a week, then.. I like to live well, I guess o.o)I could handle 5 classes last semester, so I thought I'd step it up. Oops XDAnd since I'm a computer science (*cough*programming*cough) major.. it's C++, vb.NET, database.... oral com, evil-history, and algebra, this semester.. ^^
  17. I used to turn my computer off anytime I left the house, or went to sleep (which was quite often, really.. ^^;;; )But since I've started college, and spent more time around other computer people, they've told me to leave it on more often.. because once it starts up, and gets all warmed up.. it's hard on it, to turn off and cool down, just to be started back up a few hours later..Although, certainly, you should keep it free of dust and stuff that will build up and help to overheat it, make sure all the fans work properly, and don't cover the vents.. This seems more important with labtops, since they (obviously) tend to have fans on the bottom of them, that will get covered or blocked more easily.. ^^And people worried about power/electric bills.. turn off your monitor when you're not using it.. that helps a lot. ^^;(Although turning it on and off every hour would probably be worse than leaving it on 24/7 :..but hey, what would I know.. :B
  18. mini148

    Overworked :b

    Ahh.. here I am, my second year in college, taking.. ahh.. 6 classes!And, of course, working 6 nights a week at my job.I do believe I'm going to die, sometime.. ^^And the beauty of it is that I did it all to myself! /bowHeh.. but the kicker is, now.. My HST110 professor wants us to do 16 hours of community service."Wants" is a kind word.. demands, actually, is how it goes. If we don't complete this, she will fail us, even if we're getting an A in the class (which I am ^^; ).Now.. I would love to do some volunteer work, sometimes.. it's nice to help people out. However.. since I have classes M-F, and work every night except Friday.. due to the hours of the organization we're to volunteer for.. I only have a 3:30-7:30 block, once a week, I can work for them. My one night off ;.;..which means I will be spending my only night off, for an entire month.. doing volunteer work. Ahh! I left that slot open so I could get my homework done, darnit XD..Ahh.. did I mention, this lovely professor.. is also my Phi Theta Kappa advisor?And her name.. I swear.. her name is Mrs. Bonecutter XD</whiny girl>
  19. Hello, whoever is reading this.. ^^I'm actually making a site for my little sister, so all the content on it will be hers.. but all the posts made here will be mine, as I'm the one building and maintaining her site ^^So.. about me? What can I say? I'm an otaku, and a second-year computer science major.. and a girl, which seems to make me stand out like a sore thumb, quite often ^^;But don't hold it against me, heh.. I can still kick your butt ^.~Actually.. maybe I can't, since I'm all into FFXI right now, and I'm a very helpful and non-butt-kicking whm.. ^^Either way, there you have it.. Togii (Mini is my sister's SN XD;; ) in way too many words
  20. Whee.. I think purple eyes would be kinda cool o.oI have blue eyes, but they're kind dull.. I'd like them to be.. bluer? Bright, pearcing blue.. that would be awesome ^^..although I like all the colors.. ^^
  21. I think you just have to be honest with people.. but expect that no one is being honest with you ^^;Internet relationships can be fun.. although I haven't had one since I was pretty young and new to things.. (I stick to real guys, they're so much cuddlier ^^!)Ah.. I admit, sometimes I run into guys (or maybe they aren't really guys o.o) online that I love talking to, and it's like, "Ahhh.. I love this guy...*.*".. but I never take it farther than random thoughts :B..although I will say, now.. my current boyfriend had to move 3 hours away from where I live, and since we're both busy with college and stuff, I rarely get to see him face-to-face anymore. It's become a sort of an internet relationship for these few months.. and it's interesting. (But at the same time, it's not the same thing at all, since I really do know who he is, and he'll be back in a year or so, if everything goes well ^^)..jeeze that was rambly of me .. ^^;;
  22. I like Final Fantasy XI.My first 'real' MMORPG...And the first MMORPG in general to keep me addicted.It's just so deep and involving...The job system is stellar....The quests are intricate (And timeconsuming x.x;; )I just love my FFXI XD
  23. That's the key, right there. I personally prefer having a spam box, myself, because most things that are wrongly flagged as spam aren't emails from my friends, saying hello. They're auto-generated emails from forums and such that I've signed up for.. things I need to recieve, and, as it is, a reply-flag saying "This email has been blocked by a spam filter" would fall on deaf ears. Buuuuut.. it's a lovely service, Gmail. And the just keep adding things. Recently, they started testing a system that shows RSS feeds at the top of your inbox (web clips). Although only a random few users got selected to test it, it's a fun addition. (Although not really anything I would miss, if it went away ^^; )
  24. Ano.. o.o;If you want to stick around to help other users, please do, heh.. but do it in a friendly manner, eh? ^^Good luck, either way..(By the way.. exactly what were you reviewing, here? o.o?)*walking the edge of spam* u.u
  25. Hmmm.. I'm a sophomore programming major, and a real newb to the field, seeing as I knew nothing other than HTML/PHP/SQL when I started.However, of the languages I've been taught so far.. (VB.NET, C++, COBOL).. I've liked COBOL the best, by far. And, in my class, there was only one other person who ended up enjoying it as well.But.. herein lies my problem. The teacher swears COBOL is still a widely-used language, and it'd be worth learning.. surely I could get a good job with a language I loved, that way. However, most of the other people I've talked to have said it's a 'dead language', and I should switch over to.. anything else...it's all so confusing.. ^^Oh well.. the general advice from you guys seems to be.. study the theory? Get the general idea of a lot of languages, not the details of any one.. and I can do that ^^Okay, that's enough posting for one night.. time to do my C++ class homework :]
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