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Everything posted by chinfo

  1. chinfo

    Nuke help

    New Question:How do you implement Google Ads' script on a Nuke site?
  2. That's probably because the full version of Opera is not free. Unlike Mozilla and IE.
  3. Pop-ups are a nightmare for those who don't have blockers, and they might red-flag your site and never comeback again...so its a no-win situation.
  4. Let's get the straight, once and for all: you can post 100 times a day, even a million times, but that doesn't help our a host in anyway. Its by CLICKING the ads you see around here that helps fund this webhost. So even if you stay around here 24/7, if you don't click even once then there's no point posting.
  5. And please change the topic title, some people are bound to get offended by that and take it against you. Something like "PHP Help Center" will be sufficient.
  6. Its more about User Perception than anything else, as Linux is stereotyped as a geek's OS. No matter how much progrees Linux made to become as user friendly as possible, the stigma of being "difficult," "hard," and "ominous" will still haunt it. And there's also the fact that so few commercial/industry-grade programs are designed for Linux, and that stymies the growth of its user share.
  7. In this case, you have to, because the cPanel here allows multiple database usernames, its up to you if you grant it with access permission. Nope, myphpAdmin has nothing to do here, its use to administer the database. There was no problem with the database itself so it didn't help. The way things are set up in the cPanel database permissions is much easier controlled tthough the MySQL db management tool because its there you make it. Are you asking about PHP in general? or PHPNuke it self?
  8. Yeah, I see what you mean but you can't put a lot of things in an image that size, so I'm going to make an animated one.
  9. Ok, you see when you create a database through cPanel in Xisto you only enter the database name. You have to create a username separately and assign that username to the database you created. I was used to having to create a database and username all in just one step that I overlooked this. So even if you entered all the correct info in phpNuke's config.php file, if the dbuname value (example xxx_yyy) hasn't been granted permission for that particular database through cPanel, it will tell you the database doesn't exist.
  10. Add to that you can immediately see what your work looks like real time, instead of continually saving your file.But fact is, some people still have an aversion with WYSIWYG-capable editors.
  11. chinfo

    Nuke help

    Ok I just sort it out! Turned out I didn't add my database username to the database access parameter I was used to having it created automatically I overlooked it ! Thanks!
  12. Notepad and Worpad are not good PHP editors, they don't even deserve the word "editor", often than not they insert invisible characters on your code document which can have a big impact on your scripts.I myself use Dreamweaver's codeview to edit scripts.
  13. I you could get a few more mods, perhaps a way to help them is to designate a particular area where they have to concentrate, like Templest could be in Forum A and another would moderate Forum B. Of course they can help each other out, but give them specific areas so they won't burn out as fast than when they have to mind the whole board all the time.
  14. I would have probably gone out for cable, except for a tiny technicality. My place is already saturated with cable subscribers all from the same company, and that means whatever speed benefits it offers, in the end we have to share the bandwidth amongst ourselves. So DSL is my choice.
  15. The problem is , I know the database is there, and the name I used is totally correct, but my nuke installation can't find it, says it doesn't exist and I tried several times.EDIT:I've finally sorted it out! Eureka
  16. Here's what I'vemade on such short notice.
  17. chinfo

    Nuke help

    I'm really in a fix. I've installed phpnuke and created the database for it, but I still can't get it to work.I used phpNuke installer7.2, and everytime I tried to test it it says the database doesn't exist though it does. Can you help me sort this our guys?
  18. If I the day comes when I have to run my own webserver at home, I'd probably have to give up with the web altogether I mean, just looking at that list above already gave me a light headache
  19. I don't foresee myself using more than 200MB space, but I'm for posting to have more bandwidth
  20. OK, first of all I'm NOT an American so I don't belong to any dumba$$ party. But if I were, I would probably vote for Kerry. At least he knows what he's doing.
  21. I agree, downloading emails into my puter really gives me the creeps And you're not the only one Shack, I can't connect to my databases.
  22. The problem with Disk Cleanup Wizard is it doesn't really give you an option which files you want to clean-up. It always recommend "Compressed Files," but it doesn't show which files are those.
  23. fractalfarm.trap17.comcPanel: Fractal
  24. How long does it take a database you created to be recognized? I want to install phpnuke, but I can't make it connect to the database I created using the name for that particular db. I'd realy appreciate it if you could help me sort this out.
  25. OS X is really great! I use it to do my graphics work, which I would never trust to any Windows-running machine.
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