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Everything posted by chinfo

  1. Just have to ask why my hosting package was changed to "Alpha" (20mb space/no posts) when I had "Beta" just a the day before?
  2. Paint Shop Pro is just that, a professional version of Paint
  3. Hey, guys, before we go any further in this thread, I'd like to remind everyone we are incriminating ourselves (especially those coming from the US) with our statements. Just a thought....but I still get pirated copies myself
  4. Shackman, if you want XP to stop giving you warnings and other annoying stuff, you need to edit the registry and/or head out to the services tab (Start>Run>services.msc) and turn the subroutines that control them. I have a copy of a procedure on how to do this, but I forgot where I put it. I'll let you know when I find it.
  5. Yes, I have the same problem too.
  6. Yes I agree with that. Linux is better than Windows.However, for most people, they're intimidated just mentioning Linux. They tend to see it as a geek's OS, and the learning curve for it tends to make the average Joe faint. That's why Windows have become so popular (as well as infamous) because it lets (or at least attempts to) the user forget about the system, and concentrate on the applications. This may or may not be good, but that's what most people want. I used WinXP for one of my 'puters coz its currently the best of its family line. If there's one better, then I'll probably upgrade.
  7. I usually test a program's worth by getting a bootleg copy first to train with. When it proves to be useful and worth the money, then I eventually buy it (legal one). That way I won't end up with overpriced junk on my hardrive.There's no denying however that real programs are too damn expensive for average guys like us and comes with all the legal horseshit dictating us what we can do with it even after we paid for them.
  8. Don't bother with Outlook or Outlook Express.If you want e-mail clients that's free, head out to freeware sites they lots to recommend with accompanying reviews as well to help you out. Google them out.
  9. Whatever is "Flash17"??? Anyways, great job to all concerned
  10. chinfo


    I'm having trouble configuring my site, as every time I try to test it on my browser all I get is a message saying nothing is configured when it was working just fine yesterday. Also, I tried installing a phpbb and it did but I can't access the the board itself.
  11. In many ways it is, especially with the interface, which is of course simply common sense. But there are lots of new features in PS-CS. However, compatibility problems between the two have also cropped up. Example, try making text in PS7 then open the same file in CS, or vice versa, and you would be force to "update" (which changes the formatting) it. That alone makes them different.
  12. One thing I would like to be added to Dreamweaver (as well as other other web authoring programs w/ WYSIWYG) is the the ability to drop and drog elements across the workarea without touching the code manually, something like Yahoo! Pagebuilder (online tool used by Geocities) can do.
  13. Personally, I don't really see a big difference between IE x.0 and MyIE. I mean why would Microsoft dish out two almost identical products instead on just making one better Same goes for Outlook and Outlook Express.
  14. No I disagree. The general plot may be the same, but the details are not. I suppose it can be argued that adapting the books was a monumental feat on the part of P. Jackson, but they were inivetably forced to changed a lot of things to suit ti the big screen.
  15. Ok, I just found out that 6ht book in the Harry Potter series has been given an official title, and now called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. (Check out J.K. Rowling's offcial site). I can't wait to read it!
  16. My original DOS copy, the one in the 3.5" floppy dates back 1993, but the original (since corrupted) was circa 1987 which my father owned. It s a family heirloom! Do any of you guys play MMORPGs? Like Ragnarok Online or MU Online?
  17. Is that what I think it is??
  18. That's a strange name for an ISP, "Rogers" Anyways, for me any web-based mail provider is much better than having Outlook download it, virus and all, to my computer. Besides 100mb (and even G-mail's 1000mb) is more than sufficient, so why not use the space?
  19. PHP.net would be a good start. Then there's MelonFire and Webmonkey. You might also want to Google it, use the search section above, it'll make admin happy
  20. I remember I used to wake up at 5 a.m. to prepare for school which will last from 7.45am til 4.30 p.m. Only when I went to college and started picking subjects later in the day did I enjoy over-sleeping
  21. My workhorse PC has:Pentium 4 3.01 GHz processorASUS Motherboard512MB DDR memory80 GB HDDDual-boot for WinXP and Win98SE
  22. I generally use web-based e-mail, especially Yahoo! (much more so now that it gives big storage). I'm not too happy with Hotmail nowadays.
  23. "Hardcore" webmasters (forgive the term:lol: ) prefer Notepad (or other plain text editor for that matter) than wysiswygs because you retain full control over the source code. Granted its tedious and repetitive, it remains very useful and very cheap to boot.
  24. I agree with the Dreamweaver part, but Frontpage and "good web authoring" are mutually exclusive terms
  25. Well I just thought of something...the message board is a little bare at the moment. Shouldn't the mods add a few more to cover other topics, especially in the Life category, say include one for Sports, Media, Humor, even a Debates section where we can discuss important issues.The point here being that with more topics, users will stay longer and not be stymied by lack of things to discuss. Of course post count will be an issue, but in the long run we can help our webhost coz there's a bigger chance of us <- snipped -> right? }
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