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Posts posted by solankyno1

  1. As other members have replied Vbulletin is very costly. I think it is near to impossible for adding this in their features for a free web host. It will affect Xisto very bad in financial aspect. I don't think that the Xisto managment will even think for doing so.

  2. I am member of Xisto since a long time. I was a regular poster here always having credits above 10. But since last month I am on a offical trip to a very interior place where it is not possible to access net very often. So now I have minus 13 credits (Offcourse my account have been suspended). But still I am not thinking of moving elsewhere because hosting is not the only thing I have found here. The community I have found here is the best of all the fourms I have found. I will try my best so that I can earn positive hosting credits and my site soon be again online.

  3. I am member of Xisto since a long time. I was a regular poster here always having credits above 10. But since last month I am on a offical trip to a very interior place where it is not possible to access net very often. So now I have minus 13 credits (Offcourse my account have been suspended). But still I am not thinking of moving elsewhere because hosting is not the only thing I have found here. The community I have found here is the best of all the fourms I have found. I will try my best so that I can earn positive hosting credits and my site soon be again online.

  4. Hi Cragllo, Nice Layout. But I want to add one thing. The combo boxes on top of your pages in which there are links to your other sites are not working smoothly. I have to click two or three times them. They are slow also. So find what is the problem. And in your post make a link to your site ( at present it is only in your singnature) so that members can go to your website easily for reviewing it.Thanks.

  5. I am glad that admin and moderators have taken my post serioulsy. And it is very good to see them replying honestly. I am agree with them that the members should not leave everything on the moderators. But I will like to add one more thing- the members are supposed to make mistakes that's why moderators are made. The members should be learned for posting in a good manner. And it is the responsibility of moderators. Isn't it??Thanks Nils for pinning it.

  6. I don't think that way. Topics being in the wrong place is the posters mistake. You can't expect the moderators to do everything. Just try being the moderator somewhere, I know because I am a moderator for a group (Yahoo). Moderators are human beings. And no one pays them (I don't know for sure) so that way I think they couldn't do a better job. It is hard work and they are doing it well. :D

    Keep it up!


    I am already moderator of two forums. You are right that we can't expect the moderators to do everything , but we expect the moderators to do something atleast. And it is no excuse that no one pays them so they could not do a better job. I have seen some very big forums where you post in some wrong place and your post will be moved within a minute and I am sure there also they not get paid. I also do the same thing on my forums.

    I don't want to see this good forum in bad condition that's why I have started this thread. I love Xisto forum. My effort should be seen in Positve direction rather negative.

  7. Hi, I have hold myself to not start this poll for at least one month but now I am forced. I have seen a lot of duplicate topics here. Some topics are not in their relevent forums or categories. But their is no action of moving or deleting the posts or threads. We have 2 Admins and 18 Moderators here. Are they so busy that they can't give a little time here?????May be I am wrong, So I would like to see what other members think.Thanks.

  8. I don't know which is the best anti-virus but I am sure that Norton is not the best. I was using it for 8 months but it was a resource hog. My system used to take a lot of time in booting. And when I scan a file I could not do any other task on my pc because lack of RAM. Last week I have replaced it with AVAST Home Edition and I am pretty happy. If I will feel some problem later than I will try AVG Free. I have searched a lot on internet before my decison and found that people are in favour of Avast than AVG so only I have choose AVAST over AVG. Anybody has good comparison of both of them them please shere here.

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