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Posts posted by solankyno1

  1. I am using yahoo messenger 7 since its launch and yes it is better than the earlier version. The interface is improved. In India version we can see the cricket score right into the messenger which is very good for a lot or cricket fans here in India.Althought I have not tried the file sharing method but I will try it soon after reading the above post.

  2. Major Geeks is a good website for downloading softwares but I think the best site is Download.com. ( Zdnet and Download.com are almost same because they are from the same owner CNET) . I have tried tucows.com also but it is not as good as download.com for me.
    There is also a very good side for downloading free softwares, the site is https://sourceforge.net/ , this site provides Open Source Softwares. There are a lot of softwares avaible on this site some of them are really very very good like emule, gaim, notepad++ etc. There is free alternative of almost every software on this website.

  3. Hi friends,Recently I have changed my PC form Windows XP to Windows 2000 Server because I have to run many server side applications. But the antivirus for Server computers are different from the client computers. Currently I am having Symantec Corporate Edition 10 antivirus. But I want to know the any other good and free anti-virus for Windos 2000 server computer????Thanks in advance.

  4. Although their site seems good but as you have written that there is no php available there is nothing excited in that. Now a time there are only few persons who want to make a website in simple static HTML pages I think only personal pages. Most of the persons want to build a website whihc have dynamic content and for this php is necessary because CGI is obsoleted now a days and you can't find a free web host who provide you ASP or JSP pages. So a host without PHP is useless atleast for me.

  5. Thanks M^E for sharing such a nice snaps with asta host community. The images are really really very good. I always like nature and in your photographs the nature is in full swing.

    Well, I never expected those place to be in India. Honestly, I thought India would be something like Iraq with grassy plains here and there, but mostly a dusty place. Heh, I have a lot to learn, yes, I know. :D :D Hehehe...

    dear cyborgxxi,
    when comes to natural beauty india is a versatile country. You will find here everything hills, sea, desert, plains etc... .
    Don't believe on me come and see it live.

  6. Goodbye, and now you can delete the posts for real .................


    By reading these kind of lines it seems that it is good for Xisto community that we have lost such a member.

    After a very long post of Opaque in which he has given explanaiton to rodneylay about why his credits have been reduced, he (rodneyley) should be feel sorry and make a post about this that he will not do this in the future. But rather he has made a post with such a rude lines.

    In this situation I would recommend his termination but it is better that he has left.

    Goodbye rodneylay.

  7. Very nice review, Herenvardo. Everything you have written in your review is correct word by word. I am also using Gmail and it is the only regular Email for me since I have got the inviation last year. Gmail has bring revolution in the field of emails because after entry of gmail every other mail provider like yahoo, hotmail , rediffmail etc has to increase its size.I hope Gmail will improve a lot day by day when its first version will be out.

  8. I have made a software with Visual Basic 6 and Crystal Reprots 9. Now I have to distribute it on the client side but the problem is coming in distributing the Crystal Reports. I have tried Setup Factory but it is not working. Then I have used Visual Studio Installer from Microsoft and downloaded Crystal Report Merge Modules from Business Objects website. It is working properly but now the setup file size is very big because it carries a lot of files with it.Is there any other installer software which can automatically select the required files to be distribute with the project so that it takes minimal resources.I don't want to use Visual Basic Deployment Wizard.Thanks in advance.

  9. Hi Solanky,


    check out my site here. It's not much but it's a very basic layout using CSS. Try resizing the browser window and see what happens. If you need the source, PM me with your email and I'll mail them to you. IMO, it's not necessary because there are plenty of articles on the net about resizable layouts. Try googling for it. You can do lots of surprising things with CSS.


    Hope that helps you out.


    Thanks abhiram for the help. Yes I have checked your site and this is what I was looking for.

    Thanks for the offer for providing the source code but I think it will be better if I make it myself. (Offcourse by taking help on the internet)

    If I come across any problem later I will definately post here.

    Thanks once again.

  10. Very nice discussion is going on here. In between I have one quesiton - Is it possible to create web pages with the help of CSS so that whenever we resize the browser window the contents of the page automatically resize. I mean that the content should not be absolute to page but it should be relative.Although I have tried to make pages with CSS but always I found it very hard or may by I have not used it in a right way. After reading this thread I will try once again to make pages without any single table tag.

  11. I don't think any thing can beat Macromedia Dreamweaver in designing websites. It is useful for creating personal as well as Professional websites. Although many people feel that it is very hard to use at first but once you go through it for couple of days it is very easy to use. I have tried almost every web design software but every time I come back to Dreamweaver. Now when Adobe has purchased Macromedia I think Dreamweaver will be better and its interface will be easier to use for newbies.Dreamweaver Rules.

  12. As you have said that this problem comes on all of the systems not only a particuler system so I don't think that this is a problem of any type of software or hardware malfanction.Although you have written than Insert button is not creating this problem but I will still insist that the problem is only due to insert button. No other thing comes in my mind for this. Whenever this problem comes in front of you press Insert button for once and I hope your problem will be solved.

  13. I have never worked with MySQL but I have heard that is very good database. At my workplace I work in SQL Server 2000 and I have found it very easy and powerful also. I have earlier used Oracle also but I think it is not easy to use. The user interface of SQL Server is very good and easy like any other Microsoft product. The Stored Procedures used in it are very helpful in creation of application programs.

  14. For all interesting in FTP managers I would like to tell that the good free FTP client SmartFTP which has been made paid by the owner is now free once again for non commercial use.I have used it earlier and it is a very good tool. It has all the features of an paid FTP client. I have stop to use it when it has gone paid.But it is good that it is free once again.

  15. it doesn't look much different from other browsers such as say opera or firefox. In my opinion it didnt really seem to offer any major advantages over each of these browsers.

    You may be correct that it is not differenct with the other browsers. But even if it is same as others I will switch to it from firefox because firefox takes very large amout of RAM and it is a problem for me because I have only 128 MB Ram. If the IE7 renders the page as fast as firefox and it is as secure as firefox than there is no advantge to use firefox. Let's see what the result came in final product.

  16. Hi friends, I am creating a forum using ASP and SQL Server. For this we need a WYSIWYG Html text box ( You can say it Rich Text Editor ). It should be like the one used in Vbulletin forums for posting/replying to a topic not the one used in IPB which use BBCode.I have two options either getting the control make by third party or creating it by scratch. I think the second option is bettter but I have less time so it will be better if I can get some help from anywhere regarding this on the internet. Can any body have any idea in this regards.All suggestions are welcome.Thanks in advance.

  17. At first when I have tried to work in front page because it was already there in my computer with MS Office. Offcourse using FP is very easy. But then I see the code generated by it and there was a lot of garbage code. So I have never used it again. Than I tried Dreamweaver MX. But after using it for only one day I found it very hard to work as other members have said here. Later I tested many but then once again I decided to try once more dreamweaver. I have explored it thoroghly and now I can say that you can't find a better html editor than dreamweaver. I am using Dreamweaver MX now a days and it is super. It generage 99% pure html code without adding any garbage and it is very easy to use.So just work at least some days on Dreamweaver and than you will never go anywhere else.

  18. Frankly, i feel that this is a bad move by microsoft. the name longhorn does sound cheeky, but now people are accustomed to it, after all the hype surrounding it. if they rename it to vista, it will create much confusion, and people will begin to think that vista is the successor of longhorn (now that's a bit too far)

    can't they just decide on one thing? typical microsoft....


    Longhorn is only a code name of the coming Microsoft Operating system. Most of the companies give a certain code name to their project. A codename is different from the producat name. So don't think that Longhorn has been renamed to Vista.

    Longhorn is the codename of the project.

    Vista is the name of the product.

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