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Posts posted by solankyno1

  1. Why not u use Gmail notifier in Mozila firefox browser. It may solve messenger's problem.

    A mail notifier can not take place of Messenger. Mail notificaton is just one function of messenger not only one. So I don't think that Gmail notifier can solve messenger's problem in any case.
    But it will be very good if Google launches its Messenger becasue I am sure it will be different and useful than others.

  2. dear friends,

    I have made a Form page and I am using javascript for validating it . I don't want the textboxes to be blank. My code is working well in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox. the page is at http://www.webdirectory.co.nr/Emailform.html

    the code is as following

    <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function formsubmit(){  if(formme.fromname.value==""){  alert("PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME");  formme.fromname.focus();  return false;} if(formme.fromemail.value==""){  alert("PLEASE ENTER YOUR EMAIL");  formme.fromemail.focus();  return false;} if(formme.message.value==""){  alert("PLEASE ENTER WEBSITE WITH DESCRIPTION");  formme.message.focus();  return false;} return true;} //--></script>

    Please help what is wrong with my code. Thanks in advance.

  3. Gmail is the best. The most important reason is speed. I don't know about others but for me it saves my lot of time. The attatchments are uploaded very fast on it just like any email client on your computer. And now free pop3 access is also possible which is of great use. Yahoo Mail cannot be accessed like this way and Hotmail only in Outlook or Incrdimail. So my vote for Gmail.

  4. Dear Friends,

    I have made my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is a web directory of various links. There are various categories in it and soon I am going to add category Personal Websites. If any member wants to add his site in my directory PM me or just go to my site and click on the Suggest link. On suggest page you can provide your website to me. It will be good if you can provide small description (5 to 10 words) about your site.

    Thanks in advance. I am waiting.

  5. I have started this thread for help regarding HTML or CSS. Now I am using CSS easily in my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . CSS is very easy to use if you have a lot of pages in your site like mine. When I was using inline styles I was having a lot of problem in changing styles on every page. But now I am using external style sheets and this is extremely easy to use. Just make change in one file and all the pages are changed. Wow .....

  6. Thanks friends for devoting your valuable time in reviewing my site. I appreiciate your suggestion and I am working on them. I am also thinking for DHTML effects like mouseover effects. But I am new to HTML so I am lerning DHTML for this.I will not be available in forum for one or two week from today because I am shifting my home. So I can not reply you in this thread. You keep posting your reviews I will reply once I will be again availble.Thanks once again.

  7. Dear admin, The problem is not for my site only. I have seen googlue.tk also. There is the same problem. Now I am again describing it with a example. My site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and also on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Suppose if you are on the CONTACT page of my site. And you have reloaded the page by reload tab of browser than instead of CONTACT page you will get the home page of my site.

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