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Posts posted by solankyno1

  1. Uhm, surely all you do is make the installer program catch any errors? If the installer can't write a file because of lacking permissions or anything like that you can catch that during the installation in the code, you don't need to check when you're done installing, do you?
    And if you want to check the integrity of the installer package you could perform some sort of hash value check on the install package before starting to install.

    Thanks bjrn for your help. I will pass your reply to my friend. I hope his problem has solved upto some extent.

  2. I'm not sure I trust websites like this or this.  Call me paranoid (many of my enemies do!) but I get the feeling sites like that are just a fancy way of collecting my email so they can spam me.


    Anyone heard of anything like that happening?  Can those sig sites be used to get email addresses?


    I have made my signature two months ago. And I have not received a single spam since than. So I think it is not a problem for you.

  3. when you register a domain, it is yourdomain.co
    in http://www.mydomain.com/, they provide a service.

    You can map subdomain, such as http://www.yourdomain.co/ to be analysized by another DNS. I think Xisto.com can host your subdomain DNS.

    Then your website host at Xisto.com is really http://www.yourdomain.co/, redirect is not required at the http level, since DNS has resolved it. You don't need change your code anytime.

    I think other registrar may also provide this service.

    I have checked there but they are providing just only url forwarding. I have not found there about DNS. Can you give the specific page address.

  4. Ive scanned for viruses, none found, a bit of spyware tho, gone now,
    And I alreadt have Sun's Java...

    The thing is that I dont know any of the people who reported it to me...

    It is very bad that you are in such a problem. I did not know how can you identify the sender of the email . But one suggestion - along with using anti virus you should also use a firewall ( if you are not using) for better protection against this type of attacks.
    Best of luck for future.

  5. Yes there is already a topic for this started by me. And to my great surprise he has copy my starting post on that thread word to word. Even my signature has been copied. I think it should be considerd spam.

  6. Dear friends,
    As everyone know there is new hosting credit system has been introduced. May be some persons had liked it as me and there can be some who did not liked it. So tell your choice. It will be better if you write some lines about your view also in the post with voting in the poll.

    READ THE DETAILS HERE : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/

  7. I am using .co.nr free domain for my website. And I have choosen path forwarding. (For example if someone types http://www.mywebsite.co.nr/contact.html he will be directed to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) . For this i have to change my all internal links to mywebsite.co.nr/filename.html . Now i am feeliing that search engines are not indexing my all pages. Is there any solution for that or I have to disable path forwarding and using internal links in my source code???????????

  8. OOPs sorry, but really,  a topic like this can come and go because PEOPLE come and go.  Some that answered before might be gone now, and others that weren't here before get to say HEY!  :P    Saying "HEY" is american slang for hello.


    Its OK man. No need for sorry friend, it was only a suggestion.

  9. Many persons have suggested you a lot of software but if you still not satisfied than I will suggest you to go to download.com and search there for your needed software. I am sure you will find there your requirement. As far as about my experience, I only use Photoshop for the image editing purpose because it is more than enough for fullfilling my requirement.

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