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Everything posted by khalilov

  1. Upload as in uploading scripts/pictures to my Cpanel or upload as in have a browse button for visitors to your site to upload whatever they want. Cuz if its the latter i don't need it atm
  2. You can increase your PHP, mysql and alot of more programming language knowledge through one of these sites: http://www.tizag.com/phpT/syntax.php <--basic http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_ajax_intro.asp <-- better than the previous one Also if you want to make a game you have to know how to design it, http://www.maketemplate.com/ <-- generates CSS files and you can understand what each code does by changing them, also you can just input colors and fontsizes and generate what you want. As for helping you in your game if you can offer a general idea on what your game will be,example turn based, war game, strategy game... maybe i can help
  3. i used to play it a while ago, its graphic look a bit childish but that wouldn't necessary make it a childish game. However the hordes of 13 year olds kinda make it a childish game. If i remember correctly i have a couple of lvl30+ mage/warrior/two archers. The main problem of the game other than beggers and spamers is that it gets repetative. And with the lack of PVP there is no real challange. I am not sure they can even make PVP possible due to 2D graphics unless they make it a battle dome with 1vs1 only. However warriors and some thieves will be at a disadvantage against magicians and archers. The game is just,like many other games, to burn time. It gets boring pretty fast but if it entertains you it works. And there are many 18+ players who play the game so the the game isn't childish. You just don't see them around alot because they have work/university and probably because they don't say their real age either because they are perverts who want to hit on young girls or because they are embarassed and think the game is for kids only.
  4. Ah i get it, iam new to programing so i dont' know all the services iam using. My site is a simple text based game with some java script, will these be enough? Also please notice than in PHPmyadmin there are two databases (i think), the one iam using and information_schema, if i choose 1 database only will one of them be deleted? or is the information_schema not considered a database, if it is can i delete it cuz iam not using it. The price for databases, parked domains,FTPs... is it anual or monthly? Whats FTP acounts and shellaccess?and could someone explain what are parked domains? i understand what a subdomain is. Finally, can you transfer $ in the new system? because in this system we can transfer credits.
  5. No i mean my site is working fine and with all Xisto options like 999 databases and 99 FTPs so why would i transfer O.o, whats the deadline to transfer and what happens if i miss it?
  6. I hate it when they turn a good game to 3D, personally i think it kills it. I mean even if you get a computer with enough power to run the game, which isn't hard these days, its not that fun anymore. I used to like Heroes of might and magic alot. I played Heroes III, IV and IV expansion. Then Heroes V came with 3D graphics. Sure it was fun in the begining but later its just annoying, its better off as good 2D graphics than annoying 3D graphics where you have to change the angle to see if theres an army hiding behind a tree or a mountain. I hope this won't be the case in Warcraft III, but then again it probably is. I played Warcraft III and frozen thrones, i'd like to see how the story continues, but if its gona be annoying i'd rather read the story from some website.
  7. So do you mean by that that i don't need to submit my hosting package?Also i think my credit count isn't decreasing, anyelse noticed? it might a mistake
  8. Do survey sites actually work? i tried some all i got was and still is about 50 spam mails every day some of them saying i won millions of pounds (grand total of about 300 millions so far i think) and other free servey sites or spam offers.Maybe i stumbled on some scamsites.BTW does paypal do lebanon? iam gona get a credit card and bank acount soon. might check out these survey sites then.
  9. Programing for me is a hoby, something to burn my free time on incase i don't have any plans. It might turn into a money making skill in the future, but atm its just for fun and for education. I am studying at two universities, planning on getting 2 degrees in computer programming at the same time , so yeh iam probably a geek, but a socially active geek
  10. When i make the transfer, will all the scripts here go to the new server automatically? i have alot on my site and transfering them manually will be a pain O.o, especially the databases.BTW when will Xisto terminate all existing acounts? and does myCENTs take alot of time to update after each post O.o?
  11. Nice tutorial, my brother wants to learn photoshop so this will be alot helpful for him. I am just wondering can you export GIF images with photoshop? because my brother wants to make a candle, he wants the small flame on its top to look realistic and moving. If you can export GIF images, how much frames do you suggest for the flame animation to look realistic?
  12. Iam already hosted at Xisto, do i need to do anything manually or will my site be transfered automatically or something.
  13. K, i know i've asked alot about this so plz be patient:PBut when all members get an acount their and the service is fully started, what will happen to credits here? will the credits be removed and completely replaced by $. Also what about the options like transfer credits and credit bank....
  14. Is this the same service offered by Xisto? meaning the same organisation of control panel and such? BTW whats TB? Can someone please tell me how much this costs and how much BW usage is considered as abusing my power
  15. Iam kinda confused Where did the 2 $ come from O.o, is it a bonus for signing up or so? Also what does mycents stand for, mine is 40. something Another question, a .com domain costs 9.99$ for a whole year, iam already at 2$. How much credits will it cost me to reach the required payment, also do i have to verify a bank acount or credit card to be able to use the $? cuz i don't have neither. Finally, can someone who is NOT REGISTERED neither at asta host or at Xisto - Web Hosting purchase me $ their without registering? might be a substitute for money services (paypal....) for my website since all money i will make will go to improving my website not personal profit, for now atleast.
  16. khalilov

    Php Counter

    The reason i did not do a detailed explanation about what each section of code does is because iam assuming that the reader knows basic PHP, I'll offer more indepth explanation in my coming tutorials =). Iam gona work on a complicated counter, I already have several ideas for it, the options already present in this one + viewing views per day till 7 days , then views last week, last month, total views and maybe a message to your email if you hit a certain amount of views. I might even make each one of the users acount contain how many views the guy did . The concept is very easy, you only need to do some cronjobs but still i'll make a tutorial for it.In case anyone wants to see more in it say so =).Also iam just wondering i might add these tutorials to my site, i don't have to turn them into quotes right? because iam kinda quoting my self. If i have to quote them then i won't add them to my site because quoting them will make credits go negative :/.Btw when i add this complicated counter tutorial do i have to merge it with the main post? because that one will be big and probably worth the whole 10 credits. I know the subjects are the same but i hope i can start another topic, i won't be repeating my self because the coding will have alot of modifications.
  17. khalilov

    Php Counter

    A good way to figure out the traffic in your site and what pages need improvement is to keep a record of the visits of every page. In this tutorial, i will show you how to make a simple counter system. Simple counter: Keeps track of views of each page. Shows you an overview of your website's traffic. Procedure: First of all create a database and call it Counter, also create a table in that database with 2 fields, 'Page' which as a 20 character (can be more) varcharacter format and 'Count' which has an intermediate integer format. Insert rows equal to the number of pages on your site, and enter 'Count' as zero. At every page insert the following code: <?phpmysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die(mysql_error);mysql_select_db("counter");$result=mysql_query("SELECT* FROM counter WHERE `Page`='Main page'");$row=mysql_fetch_array($result);$i=$row['Count']+1;mysql_query("UPDATE `counter`.`Counter` SET `Count` = '$i' WHERE CONVERT( `counter`.`Page` USING utf8 ) = 'Main page'");echo "This page has ".$i." views!";?> mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die(mysql_error);mysql_select_db("counter");$result=mysql_query("SELECT* FROM counter WHERE `Page`='Main page'");$row=mysql_fetch_array($result);This code connects to the database and fetches the array(in this case row) of the viewed page. Note: change the 'Main page' according to the names you entered in the table, example 'index.php', 'forums.php'..... $i=$row['Count']+1;mysql_query("UPDATE `counter`.`Counter` SET `Count` = '$i' WHERE CONVERT( `counter`.`Page` USING utf8 ) = 'Main page'");This code increments the number of views of the selected page which was stored in $row['Count'], next the code updates the database with the new count.Note: again change the 'Main page' according to the names you entered in the table, example 'index.php', 'forums.php'..... echo "This page has ".$i." views!";This is optional, incase you want the page to view how many times it has been visited so far, not necassary. You can change the message into something more attractive. Now for the overview of your website's traffic:Note:You can insert this code anywhere. <?phpmysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die(mysql_error);mysql_select_db("counter");$result=mysql_query("SELECT* FROM counter ");$row=mysql_fetch_array($result);echo "<table border=1 celspacing=1><tr><th>Page</th><th>Views</th></tr>";echo "<tr><td>".$row['Page']."</td><td>".$row['Count']."</td></tr>";while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){echo "<tr><td>".$row['Page']."</td><td>".$row['Count']."</td></tr>";}echo "</table>";?> mysql_connect("localhost","username","password") or die(mysql_error);mysql_select_db("counter");$result=mysql_query("SELECT* FROM counter ");$row=mysql_fetch_array($result);This gets the FIRST row in the table we made. echo "<table border=1 celspacing=1><tr><th>Page</th><th>Views</th></tr>";echo "<tr><td>".$row['Page']."</td><td>".$row['Count']."</td></tr>";This makes a table and views the data of the first page in it. while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){echo "<tr><td>".$row['Page']."</td><td>".$row['Count']."</td></tr>";}echo "</table>";Using the while loop here, we can get every row in the table until it ends, when the table ends the mysql_fetch_array function returns false. So, with each value a new row is shown. When the table ends and false is return the loop ends and the table is closed. If you are wondering why i didn't do this in the begining instead of addressing the first row alone, well that is because in some cases the first row will be skipped, according to my experience anyways.There you go a simple counter for your website, feel free to use,modify but not sell it .
  18. I used to play the game along time ago, i dunno anything about starcraft 2 though, except they have been working on it for ages...Bah Diablo FTW
  19. All are good, but sometimes they slow your computer down. Especially kaspersky. I suggest you use antiveer (i dunno if i spelled it right). Cleared alot of spyware/viruses from my computer once. But like i said they slow your computer down, thats why iam using Mcafe and iam being extra careful. Most spyware can be treated via system restores, annoying but it works most of the time. As for viruses, well i dont' have enough experience to manually delete or quaranteen them
  20. Some members may not be from Briton or the US so not every one knows english well, and others might be typing too fast or don't believe it is necessary to recheck what they write. Good spelling and the use of commas or points may make the post more professional, but i think Xisto members care more about the content which in many cases is plain coding.
  21. Every 1 or 2 page views i do with IE all IE pages are directed to another page saying: Also a message (the ones you do with java, you have click ok for them to go i dunno what they are called) saying my computer is infected and if i wanted to download an anti-spyware, thats probably a spyware since i have to say no like 10 times.After that iam directed back to my previous page, i start viewing again and it happens and the cycle satrts all over again. I ran a spyware scan using Mcafee (lolz i know) and found nothing. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of this annoying problem, i know system restore will probably fixed by system restore but i did alot of stuff on my computer (thats probably how the spyware got in), so iam keeping that as a last option. Any FREE anti-spyware that i can download? even if its a free trial one i only need it to get rid of this. I don't want any free scan pay to remove ones too
  22. Nice, maybe an option of donation can be added. Meaning you can put a donation button on your site and if someone clicks it he buys you $ in that balance.
  23. First of all i don't think this post belongs to this section, regarding how many points you gain per post it depends on the length of the post, some posts give <1, some give 10 (its the maximum per post). The main thing to remember is not to spam,repeat what you say(double post),copy paste from google (unless you use quotes) or post junk.
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