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Everything posted by khalilov

  1. I copy and pasted them, neither work
  2. I'll try =) { position:absolute;top:460px;left:250px;width:100px;height:60px;vertical-align: middle;background:black;color:yellow;border:1px solid orange;text-align: center;} the verticalalign isn't having an effect O.o
  3. I can make the text appear in the center of the box by text-align:center But that only works in width i also want it to be centered in height, meaning the word appears exactly in the middle of the box.
  4. Yeh its funny it worked with firefox lol, anyways now iam using classes and its working with IE and fire fox exept in some areas, some boxes appear closer/higher/lower in firefox than IE. Is this normal?
  5. Iam making a game where the price of a worker increases iaccoriding to how many workers you have. Whats the java script code for getting number of workers from database, then getting the input , then calculating and viwing the price without clicking submit, meaning no page load.
  6. Bah i just found out that it doesn't do my country too =(, anyone can find me a service that does lebanon? i would really apreciate it =)
  7. I can use this for my game, does anyone use this service? I don't have a bank acount or credit card is that an issue? And whats the minumum amount of $ that has to be in my acount so that i recieve that card XD
  8. I formated my computer and ended up with a stolen copy >.>, guess i have to format again. I am getting a 'your windows isn't genuene or somethin and you can't update <.<'. To hell with them XD
  9. I just use <gameinfo>...</gameinfo>it works with firefox but not IE, i can add a note asking users to download firefox but not all will do it, how do i make firefox and IE work with same CSS code?
  10. gameinfo{ position:absolute;top:200px;left:0px;width:300px;background:black;color:red;border:1px solid firebrick;text-align: center;} This works perfectly with Firefox 3.0 but when i open it in IE it doesnt have any affect.
  11. k i got the email verification (got both java and php) and the random code generator, but i still don't know how to auto-email it :/
  12. I finished COD2 and COD3, COD2 was great, especially the story. COD3 didn't live up to the expectations in my opinion, iam gona get COD4 asap
  13. Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-face-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 8Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-highlight-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 9Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-3dlight-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 10Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-darkshadow-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 11Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-shadow-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 12Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-arrow-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 13Warning: Unknown property 'scrollbar-track-color'. Declaration dropped.Source File: http://localhost/game/mainpage.cssLine: 14for some reason these don't work with firefox, i have 3.0
  14. khalilov

    Getting Ip

    Whats the php code to get the users IP, i want to start a referal program and i don't want to people to refer themselves:P
  15. Whats the php function that generates a random activation code then sends it to the email the user used to sign up. Also how do you check if the inputed email has corrected format? meaning its xxx@something.com
  16. I still haven't got a server, iam goan get hosted at Xisto soon, is this possible in Xisto?
  17. So are you saying the only effect is my site running slower O.o
  18. I was in my village for the last two days so i did alot of PHP scripts and came up with some questions:1-When a PHP script is run, the server is doing something. So am I using bandwidth in the process? If so how much, lets assume the script gets a row from a database and display it. Does the script use bandwidth equal to the size of the data desplayed or the data the script went through whiel searching the database.2-I want a script to run every X minutes, how do i do that?3-In a script, i call some data from the database having a same trait and put them in a table through a while loop. Now after the loop ends i want to use them again, can i put them in an aray or somethign while in the loop?4-I want to make a countdown timer for my entier site, meaning it has to be in the database or something, also when it is viewed i want it to keep counting down , meaning the viewer doesn't need to refresh the page to see how much time is left. Also when the time hits 0 i want it to reset back to a value i set and i want a php script to be automatically run.I forgot the other questions , i'll add them later O-o
  19. Found it =) I had to enter database->select table-> then enter search =) Iam guessing thats the only way?
  20. K thanks i think i got the idea guys =).I have another question, how do you view a the data in the table, i know i can do that in a while loop in a php script but i don't want to do that every time, i searched the data base in localhost and phpmyadmin and i just can't find it O.o, its probably something i missed. I want to view it dierectly from their.
  21. I know you can connect to data base and select a table, can you select a table get what you want from it then select another table with the same command, or do you have to close the first table (is their a command for closing a table)
  22. I am an arabian, lebanese in particular. If anyone wonders why we don't accept israel it isn't because we are muslim-extrimests or because we are terrorists. The people who came to israel don't have to right to do so. They believe that the land is their holy land? That isn't an excuse. They were treated badly by Nazis and what so ever i know that, but that does not give them permision to take over a country because they believe someone with the same religiousity as theirs used to live there 3,000 years ago. If i believed that muslims used to live in country X 1,000 years ago. Would you support me in kicking half of the population of X and taking over most of its resources. If you believe a country is your holy land, don't take it by force , work and save up enough money to buy a land and house their, wouldn't that be good in your religion any way?. Its funny, the west supported israel in taking over palestine because they were treated badly and because they believe people with same religiousity and possible no blood relation used to live their 3,000 years ago, and they call palestineans terrorists because they want to free the land that belonged to their grandfathers and fathers 60 years ago, + they want to bring back 4 million palestinean refugees. Which side of the story makes more sense?. The palestineans tend to be violent (missile attacks, suicidal attacks...) yeh well that happens when your land is taken and no one in the world knows or cares about it. Regarding the targetting civilian issue, we don't see the israeli's as civilians because of the kicking 4 milion palestineans out of their houses part.If you want arabs and muslims to accept israel as a country, israel must accept the palestineans as equals and give them their rights back, meaning their lands, and they should allow the palestinean refugees to return.I hope i didn't offend anyone in my post.
  23. khalilov

    Vga Issue

    I have this problem with more than one game so its not a game issue, as for the card issue, is it a necessary? Computer: 1256 RAM 256 VGA colour 2.4Ghz CPU no video or sound card I am not sure about the other stuff
  24. khalilov

    Vga Issue

    Ok i have a 256 MB vga, which is pathetic... but any way it can run some games with no lags. But i noticed with all of my games the game works perfectly for like 5 minutes, then freezes for a couple of seconds then continues to work perfectly. It happens every 5~10 minutes. Is my vga bugged or somethin O.o.A sample of the games is heroes 5, Turok .....
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