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Everything posted by riao

  1. That is an extremely useful list to have there! Thanks for posting it.And looking at services is a much better place for locating viruses IMO. Most viruses don't show up as processes.
  2. I can see the point about DOS, but really.. what or when was that last game released that could be played on a DOs system?I agree with NuHoaXuLa. Windows 98SE is fairly stable so long as it is regularly maintenanced. And it supports the most games by far.
  3. I am soooo looking forward to Halo 2. The first was (IMO) spectacular for its time, but the grafix are a bit dated now.The reason why I liked the first som much is simply this: It is not very often that you find a game that has such an engrossing 1 player/campaign mode, and still have the multiplayer just as good. I thought it was extremely well-rounded.
  4. So many favorites.. It's really hard to narrow it down to 3. Well, The games that I play the most right now are:1. Start Wars Battlefront2. Crimson Skies3. Halo NMP+CXE (modded maps for Xbox)
  5. That was funny as hell, dude! Thanks for the link! I was laughing all the way through!
  6. Here's some interesting facts comparing Turkey and my country, Canada:1. The average Canadian smoker smokes 1 pack per day.2. The average smoker in Turkey smokes 2 packs per day.3. Per capita, the number of smokers in Turkey doubles that of Candians.4. Per capita, the number of cancer-related deaths in Canada doubles that of Turkey.5. Per capita, the number of cars on the road in Canada doubles that of Turkey. hhmmmmmmm...
  7. Yeah that's true, but the clan I've co-formed offers tournaments, prizes, etc. We're a really close-knit group with a general love of gaming. We're really new, so we're somewhat disorganized at times. Here's the site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's not much to look at right now, but keep in mind that I whipped it up in just a couple of days. And my current host does not allow much in the way of bandwidth, and really doesn't like to give too much access time to perl, although it does allow a little. So all the scripts had to be pretty small, and the forum is off-site. Anyway, I love Kai and would never give it up.
  8. A Canadian eh? Yeah.. that was one reason I switched to Rogers.. I couldn't get the upgrade as I was too far away from the CO. I probably would have stayed with dsl otherwise, but I am extremely happy with Rogers now. I'll be staying with them.
  9. I switched from dsl to cable. Which is better depends entirely on the neighborhood you live in, not to mention what you're mainly using the internet 4. If your just downloading files like mad, then just go with whichever's fastest, if the money's worth it. If your gaming, dsl is the better choice because of the stable speeds. There's much less packet loss with dsl.I do a lot of gaming however, and i still switched to cable. Why? Well, it was $10 more but my speeds tripled. I now have 5mbps down, and 800kbps up. It was the upload that did it for me. I figured that the extra speed would offset the speed fluctuations. So far I've been right.
  10. Yeah.. XP is really just WIN2000 with all the bubblegum features of 98, a new start menu and extra security holes . Win2000 is by far the most stable and secure OS put out by M$ to date. But I still wouldn't recommend it without a good firewall.
  11. riao


    I agree. I thought the game was actually really good, but if you rent it for a weekend, you'll have it beat by the time you bring it back.
  12. That's a nice looking site dude! Gotta lean me some o' that php! You didn't mention what you're playing on. I'm in a clan too, but we all play xbox, and there's a good number of us that play Jedi Academy.
  13. I use my xbox to play online, and do not pay a cent. I don't use Xbox Live, however. I use a tunnelling app called Xlink Kai. Anyone who has an Xbox and a little knowledge of networking should seriously look into it. It uses the system link option in any game that has it, and therefore you can also play Halo online which doesn't have an xbox live option. Super cool.
  14. Hey guys. I'm looking for a nice place to host my XLink clan site, and just came across this one. I'll be aiming for 50 posts.. I think that should get me all the bandwidth I'll need. Fantastic service you guys are offering here! (And seems to be a great community too! I think the clan will be happy )Riao
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