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Everything posted by ethergeek

  1. This is because Windows imposes a limit on Half-open (SYN'd but not yet ACK'd, or CONNECT_WAIT in netstat terms) connections so that Windows would look less attractive to botnet owners intent on DDoS attacks (though Micro$oft's official position on this was "it will slow the spread of network-vectored virii" or some *BLEEP*, which is correct, though irrelevant since most virii use human stupidity to spread). Dumb move by Microsoft, screws up bittorrent alot...anyway, if you search google you can find a patcher that will remove this restriction by patching tcpip.sys. Opera is the ****, but I still prefer firefox on my PC. I'm an extension ***** too...I can't browse at all without adblock plus (with easylist USA sub), noscript, and greasemonkey (and a handful of userscripts). As for Opera, you will never find a better browser for a WM5 Pocket PC...even Minimo (the PocketPC mozilla port) can't match Opera on that platform. Now, if Opera supported Firefox extensions, or was at least open-source so the support could be added by the OSS community, I'd switch in a heartbeat, but for now, Firefox works wonderfully.
  2. Be careful here...SQL is not all there is to Database programming...there's the native procedure support, like T-SQL in SQL Server and PL/SQL in Oracle.As for MySQL and PostgreSQL being the most widely used...I'd disagree there. With around 45% of the market share, Oracle is still in the lead on that one.From a TCO perspective, if you're just learning, Oracle has the "personal edition" and SQL Server has the "SQL Server Express" products, both available free, though you cannot redistribute Oracle's personal edition.From an employability perspective, being an expert Oracle DBA will pay HUGE dividends in the future, especially if you get yourself certified. Expert DBA's for Oracle are in huge demand right now, because so many large enterprise shops (read: lots of disposable cash) are on Oracle and need people to keep their database running efficiently.Now, all those facts aside...I personally prefer MySQL for most small projects, but it doesn't scale when you have terabytes of data to work with. I'd go with either Oracle or SQL Server on that one, but I lean towards Oracle since SQL Server requires Windows.
  3. Roger that...though you still might be able to incorporate awk as the replacement backend for the text search/replace instead of writing your own regexes and routines. You can abstract the operation but still maintain the power of awk
  4. Is there some reason you *want* to use access? SQL Server 2005 express is MUCH more functional and can be redistributed with your application.FOr that matter, is there some reason you want to use a SQL-server based data storage backend at all? I mean, seeing as how that will confine you to running the app on windows and all...
  5. I've always liked phpbb...I started using it a long time ago (yes, I chose it over IPB even when IPB was free) and am still using it today. The user community for it is *huge* which means lots of support from the community, the codebase is (relatively) clean, so it's easy to write plugins for it, and the template system saves a lot of time when coding new plugins and editing skins.
  6. If you don't need a gui program, awk will do this for you. The syntax can be a little confusing, but if you read the manpage you should have no problem devising an awk statement that will do anything you like.Also, a perl script could do this extremely easily in less than 20 lines of code.I forgot to mention, awk is both freeware AND open source.
  7. I'm in Tucson, AZ...and I used Verizon, then T-Mobile, then Alltel. To date, I've had the best voice and data coverage with Verizon and Alltel and the coolest, cheapest phones with T-Mobile. The problem I had with T-Mobile was that the data and voice service availability just really sucked. The service was fine...when I could find a signal...but that was rare.I would check the coverage maps before actually getting in bed with a cell carrier.
  8. Just for the hell of it, I installed Vista Ultimate on my Dell Inspiron 5150 (3.2GHz HT, 1GB RAM, GeForce 5200Go) and it worked fine, with aero right out of the box. I was actually shocked, the only hardware that did not work post-install was the MiniPCI 56k modem, but who the hell uses those things anymore anyway?
  9. I need some recommendations for Wiki software. I haven't really used wikis all that much aside from the mediawiki install at work, but I've already ruled that one out as being too cumbersome and not having the features I need.Basically I need a wiki package that's lightweight, uses a db backend (file backends don't scale well anyway), and has access control list support such entire sections of the wiki will be completely invisible to anyone not on the access control list for that section without too much administrative overhead.Anyone used a wiki that sounds like that?
  10. Well, I just checked it again on several computers, and it seems the only time the problem happens is when using Firefox 1.5 on FC6. Weird...
  11. It works fine on my site root now, however I still see the problem on some of my subdirs. Some of the subdirs work fine, others don't...For instance, / works, /anime works, but /software does not.
  12. So if I browse to my site, http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=ethergeek&e=com it takes me to a download window which proceeds to download the PHP page from the server. If I type http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=ethergeek&e=com the page loads as expected. This happens in other folders too...it almost seems like if the server looks at DirectoryIndex parameter it doesn't pass the page through the php preprocessor...Any ideas?
  13. My "best distro" choice depends on how much time I have to maintain it...for example, on my desktop machine at home, I have Gentoo...since I need bleeding edge with a perfect development toolchain and I have time to maintain and upgrade a source-based distro. At work, I use Fedora Core 6, since I really don't have time to maintain it like I do with Gentoo...and I need stability so I can get some work done on it rather than getting work done to it. For my router, I use debian...it's stable as ****, and I don't want to worry about it...at all. My laptops run XP/FC6 dual boot since I need them to be updating really quickly
  14. The weirder question is why it doesn't let me use a domain account that has local administrative rights on the system. It strikes me as kind of weird, since all of the group policy on the machine functions on a group-level basis, and my domain account should have the same privileges as my local administrator account.
  15. I wasn't sure it was mod_rewrite, I was just making sure it was enabled so I could eliminate that as a source of the problem in my troubleshooting.Thanks ;)Edit: I got it working, it was a .htaccess file that didn't have the proper perms.
  16. I ran the setup using the SYSTEM account via PsExec and everything went off without a hitch. It looks like when run as a domain user (even if said domain user is a member of the local administrators group) it fails to set up the listener and the DBCA can't connect to the oracle instance.It shouldn't have any trouble running on a workstation-class machine with 4GB of ram...the fact I'm using XP Pro and not Server 2k3 shouldn't make any difference with the exception of some optimizations having to do with timeslice quantas and resource allocation,
  17. Is mod_rewrite enabled? I'm getting 404's in the wordpress install that would indicate mod_rewrite is off since the "/year/month/day/title" link structure isn't working anymore...Thanks.
  18. 2 other ideas to consider:1. just use firefox and never worry about IE's antics again.2. remove the change privilege for the registry key that has IE's homepage setting for your user account. Even if you're a local admin the system will respect this (make it read-only for you, but maintain the system account full-control privilege)
  19. I totally love my DS Lite! I spent 4 days searching Tucson for a store that had them in stock, finally got it, then ordered myself an R4DS (aka M3 Simply DS) to play uh...homebrew game and watch movies. I now basically let my free time be consumed by Final Fantasy 3 and Izuna. The graphics capabilities aren't what the PSP's are (the PSP has a kickass graphics system, and the *BLEEP* battery life will back this up) but the system has more playtime, more fun games, can play GBA games, and there's a huge homebrew community for the DS (w00t Moonshell).
  20. I'm gonna agree here; I tried OpenSUSE awhile ago when I was trying to find a slimmer distro than FC5 for my old laptop (Fedora got rid of the "minimal" install option) and found it to be more bloated and buggier that FC5. I eventually put Ubuntu (well, Kubuntu to be precise) on it because it let me do a true minimal installation (and brought me back to my good old days using debian before constant infighting brought debian to a seemingly interminable update freeze, hehe).
  21. OK, oracle didn't install any services at all...which is weird because I was running it as a Domain User in the local administrators group...do you think I need to be logged into a local administrator account?
  22. Control panel? Where in the control panel? Did I miss some oracle configuration control panel applet? I looked in the services snap-in and it didn't list any oracle services (unless it calls it something really arcane). I figure since the oracle installer offers to set up a database for you at install-time it should be pretty automatic and straightforward.
  23. I did all that before...my first instinct was that I fatfingered something, so I went through and reinstalled everything. I gave it default passwords to test it, but it wouldn't log in. I couldn't ev.en get PL/SQL to connect using the URL it gave me in the post-install screen, something about a TNS error. I researched the error and it ran through the fixes described (by removing NTS as an authentication service) but then I just got a different TNS error from PS/SQL+.Oracle installs *flawlessly* on my Linux boxes and on my Windows Server 2003 box...not sure what it's problem is here...
  24. If you really want to hide things, take a look at TrueCrypt. TrueCrypt lets you have an encrypted container either as a whole volume or just a file on the hard disk that will work as a virtual, encrypted disk that is completely inaccessible once unmounted. http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/
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