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About leafbunk
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Wow that's really exciting! I can't imagine how many more planets might be out there that have the potential to sustain life like here on Earth. I agree very much with Quatrux in saying that all of the information we're coming across and discovering about nearby planets and such really will have a great impact on future generations of explorers. What info we gather today can help us to continue to advance toward the ultimate goal of making our way out there to this new planet. It's really too bad it's so far away, and that we don't have the means right now to actually get to it. Space exploration can be so interesting. : )
Oh my goodness that website really is..... bright...and...hurt my eyeballs. The site feels so random. The background, mixed with the religious quote, and the ads, as you mentioned...it's just crazy.
I can only imagine the stamp collector one was meant to be an oral sex reference, even though technically if you're a collector of stamps you wouln't ever dare lick them. Haha, but yeah this was pretty funny, and I too thought when I saw the topic that it was going to be some "real" story. Thanks for posting!
I have a Wacom Intuos 3, 9x12 graphics tablet and I've got to say that I've been really satistfied with it. I mainly use the tablet for drawing in photoshop as a hobby, because I had previously been using a mouse and it was just too time consuming and frustrating. It took me a while to get used to using a tablet, because it feels very different than drawing on paper or anything of that sort. It's also a bit weird at first getting used to drawing on the tablet and focusing on the screen. Anyways, the tablet was really easy to install and now all I have to do is plug it in and have at it. It's got a USB hookup which is nice and convenient, and it came with a digital drawing pen and replacement tips, as well as a mouse. I haven't had any issues or problems with it since I got it about....a year ago I believe, and it's really been helpful to use.The 9x12 tablet has really been the perfect size for me to use, just because it allows for a lot of freedom and movement along the drawing surface, and I don't feel constricted or restrained by the space. Smaller sizes though would probably work just as well though, as you'd get used to using the space efficiently. Also, the smaller ones are less expensive! Wacom tablets are kind of expensive, and I'd imagine you're going to be paying around $300-$400 depending on which size you get. I'm sure there are also many other brands of tablets out there though that might be less expensive than that. I've only just had a Wacom, and I've found it to be a great investment and definitely something I don't regret buying. As with everything though, how much money you decide to spend will directly relate to how much you think you'll use and get out of the tablet, and ...of course...how much you actually have available to spend! : ) Hopefully though, someone will come along who is more knowledgable of graphics tablets, and they can give you a full rundown of suggestions and prices of various models.
Whoa. Your review of this movie slightly scared me, mainly because I simply can't imagine sitting through this movie that many times. I watched it a couple of days ago while playing WoW, and I was weirded out through out most of it. Such an odd movie. I kept questioning everything like, "What in the world is going on??" I'm glad though that you've found a way to pass the time, but....Happy Feet? Seriously, there's got to be a better movie to watch over and over, right?
Compliments of BBC News , Thursday, 5 April 2007- Link to article found here I'm a WoW player and I thought this was kind of odd and possibly worth sharing. Has anyone heard of this before?
I played this game for a short while and didn't think it was too bad. It's cute, so it's got that going for it. Besides that though, you're right - it couldn't keep my interest for a long amont of time because it is a huge grind session. I got so tired of fighting those dumb mushrooms I wanted to pull my hair out. I also had a tendency to get lost in that game...not that there were a ton of places you could go, but still..amazingly enough I got lost. I didn't quite know what to do most of the time as well, but besides that, I guess it wasn't too bad to just pass the time, as you mentioned. The characters look neat, if you like..cute, tiny.....things. Ehh, I dunno if I'd even recommend anyone to play maplestory. It's not too bad at all, but it's definitely not great. Maybe though, it's worth a shot if you're horribly bored and looking for some mindless entertainment.
I think the font is a bit hard to read, but that could just be me. I do think a more simple font might better suit this, but I suppose it's totally up to you! And I agree, the second one most definitely for a white background. Other than that, looks good.
Ok so I just finished God of War II, so I thought I'd give a bit of an update.... I must say, I still think this game is incredibly awesome. The storyline is really exciting and neat, and the whole game is just fantastic. There are a few areas that were really difficult to conquer though, like an area with a huge streaming wall of fire, and another part with a crushing ceiling with spikes all while skeletons are attempting to bash you to pieces. The puzzles in the game are satisfying to complete, and some are pretty challenging. There is a part near the end of the game where you're expecting to fight waves and waves of nearly all the creatures you've encountered through out the game at once. I thought it was a really difficult part to get through, and pretty frustrating actually because once you die, you are placed back at the very beginning of the first wave. Kind of sucks. But...yes. The levels are all very neat looking, and really add a lot to the feel of the game. That is one thing I really appreciate about both the God of War games - the detail that was put into the creation and look of the levels. The cut-scenes in-game are really clean and crisp, and it's neat to see the story animated so clearly. : ) I'm very glad I played the first one, because it allowed me to really get into the story of the second game. But anyways, still a great game now that I've played it completely through. Anyone else out there besides Moon Child have any thoughts on it? Thanks Moon Child, by the way, for sharing your opinion!
My Best Work Yet Nice new photoshop sig
leafbunk replied to Arkane's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Yes I agree that shadow is the first thing I notice in your signature as well - which is a good thing! : ) I think that overall the signature looks very nice and clean. The only thing I might suggest is moving the text slightly over to the left so it's not running straight into the border of the sig. It's....just a visual thing, and it throws me off a bit to see the text blend into the border. I do like that the text is subtle, because then it allows for the view to focus on the image and not so much on the words. Other than sliding the text a bit left though, I think everything else is good. Nice work! -
The wii does look really neat and sleek, but I've yet to have an opportunity to play it! I don't know anyone that owns one, and in all the stores, they only offer a video that talks about the wii instead of actually being able to give it a test run. I was so disappointed they never made any playable in-store because I'd sure like to try one out. I'm just glad that the gaming industries are coming up with more interesting ways to play games! As someone mentioned earlier - guitar hero is cool because you have a guitar-shaped controller, and the wii has it's perks because it's motion sensitive. Great stuff.
Google's Annual April Fools Pranks
leafbunk replied to nightfox1405241487's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Haha, a friend posted the link to Google broadband and I didn't even link it with the fact that it's April. I just thought, "Hmm now that is incredibly odd...." Hats off to Google for having a sense of humor in a world where everyone else seems to be losing theirs. : ) -
My boyfriend just got me God of War II for the PS2, and I must say - this game is fantastic. I really, really enjoyed the first one, so I was sure hoping I wouldn't be disappointed with the second. These games are just so incredibly epic!!! I thought the concept behind the first one was SO cool, and now that I'm playing the second one, it seems just as awesome if not more than the first game! It's just so great to have a game where the storyline involves you fighting gods, or flying through the air on a pegasus with fire wings, or being such a pimp warrior that you harness four humungous, steel horses to pull two halves of a city together. Amazing. The transitions between levels are neat as well. It feels almost like you're observing a truly epic movie, and yet you're actually playing through it! The puzzles in this game are extremely similar to the ones in the first game, and so are the monsters. Actually....I think that nearly all the mosters that appear in the second game are also in the first one. I haven't quite decided if I view that as a discouraging thing or a good thing yet. Of course, there are new monsters, and the bosses are mostly different...but still, I noticed an extreme amount of similarity. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm well on my way to doing so. Seriously, I've very much enjoyed both games so far, and I would highly suggest them to anyone who is interested in a new action/adventure game that you can get completely caught up in.So has anyone out there played God of War or GOWII? What did you think? Do you enjoy the fighting style? Does the constant guided camera angle bother you or does it make it feel more cinematic?Did you enjoy the story line in both or either game?Which weapon did you enjoy using the most through out the game?Discuss!
Teach Me English=) Lets just talk here...
leafbunk replied to CrazyPensil's topic in General Discussion
I sure wish I was fluent in more than just one language. I'm trying to learn French and Spanish, but it's quite difficult considering I don't really have any exposure to properly spoken Spanish, and my exposure to French is extremely limited. I do think it's absolutely great that you're wanting to learn more about English. I would love to be able to speak a second language fluently! And...I was trying to think of some slang phrases that I could throw out for you to learn, but I honestly can't seem to come up with any at the moment. Ah well, maybe I'll think of some later and post them here. Good luck with becoming more comfortable and precise with the English language! Heh, like the word "epitome". You don't say it like it looks. You're probably already familiar with this word, but if you're not, it is pronounced - "eh pit oh mee". And...words like "rough", "dough", "through", and "cough"....it's just insane how they can all have a familiar spelling toward the end, but are pronounced so differently. Oh! And then we have words that are spelled the same but can mean different things. Or, words that sound the same but are spelled very differently. It's just crazy! I'm amazed by anyone who manages to actually maintain a grasp of English when it's not their first language. : ) So yes, as I said earlier, I wish you the best of luck with it. -
Where Do You Work? Or where do you WANT to work?
leafbunk replied to eubanksd's topic in General Discussion
I teach ballet at a local dance studio. I'm only 19, but I think I've come to realize this is not exactly what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I think I'd much rather be something like.....a horror film makeup artist, where I could have the chance to create absolutely grotesque and awesome masks and costumes for films. That would just be...incredible. If not that, then I think it'd be cool to be an archeologist, or maybe something to do with graphic arts. Right now though, ballet is what I have to stick to. It's what I know, and it's the easiest job for me to maintain while I'm attending college. Ohhhh well. It's not too bad though. : )