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Everything posted by ginginca

  1. The regular web site will still be there. But then we would add a second version where the site would be read, page-by-page. In my mind you would still navigate the same way. The target is this: audio-learners vision-impared people would would just rather listen than read
  2. FF2?How did I ever miss that? I have 1.0.6.
  3. Our company is in the web development (and marketing) business.This winter we are re-developing our own site, and I have been thinking of making the web site also available as an audio option.Since I'm an audio learner this concept interests me, and I figured I would throw this idea to you guys for you opinions / feedback etc. as I don't like to act on something without first getting feedback from people.I have the right recording gear to make the files sound good, so there's no problem there. And I would still do the usual "TEXT" in particular the search engine food.
  4. I just read through all the replies and didn't see the "obvious" anser to the original question: MOUSE SH*T
  5. I noticed that the pop-ups are being blocked by the google toolbar in Explorer, but not by Firefox itself.
  6. Aha! you're seeing something that I didn't. I'll give that a look. Thanks. Yes, that's it. THANKS!
  7. Not exactly. I was clicking on the "ALL" button. But the # was MUCH less than what I expected. In the category I was searching I expected thousands of results to come up. I think there were maybe about 150 or so. I'm trying to figure out ... is that all that's in their database?
  8. I have an HTML question. I have two boxes on a page and plan to add a few more. The first box contains a block of HTML code and a SELECT ALL button at the bottom, using this line of cide: <input name="button" type="button" onclick="document.form_code.code.select()" value="Select All" /> It works fine. My second box has a similar line of code: <input name="button2" type="button" onclick="document.form_code.code.select()" value="Select All" /> But when I click THAT one, it still selects the cide in my FIRST box. Can anyone help? Thanks. Gin
  9. I tried to find the most suitable place to post this topic and there didn't seem to be perfect fit anywhere, so I decided to place it here. (Perhaps I could throw out for consideration to the moderators that blogging / podcasting etc. could be considered for its own category.) Anyway to my point ... I'm an audio learner and have been very excited at the growth of podcasting over the past year or so. I spend a great deal of time listening to podcasts particularly covering the subjects of marketing, as that is what I do. Until this weekend, the podcasts I listened to located by seeking out something specific in google (for example a certain speaker etc.) But yesterday I downloaded Itunes and started to check THAT out. If you're an ITUNES user, my question is for you ... If you dig into a category (for example business) is it listing EVERY podcast in their directory? There really doesn't seem to be that many. Thanks, Gin
  10. Yes they are geo targeted. I'm in Canada and the ads are specifically Canadian. But it's getting very annoying every time the main page loads. I like this site ... but MAN!!! Can you guys stop it?
  11. I think what's happening is that it isn't getting my user name.The error message is this:Could not connect: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'the name of my database'Looks to me like I am telling it that my user name is @localhost ?I have done this:I added code above my select statement:$database = mysql_pconnect(all the details here without using variables) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); Now my script will go one line further than before.It lists the categories but not the subcategories.
  12. I have this line on my page for the database details: $database = mysql_pconnect($hostname_database, $username_database, $password_database) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
  13. Whether or not your video card requires it, I agree with the thought that it is likely your power supply.I went through this twice in the past. In one case I replaced the motherboard and CPU because there were a few blown caps (which could also make it shut down). But in the end the problem went away as soon as I replaced the power supply. In hindsight it was likely the bad power supply that caused the blown caps.And of course the good thing is that it's one of the easiest pieces of hardware I've had to replace.
  14. I was wondering how to add a (hidden) field to my submit form that will collect the IP address that someone is submitting from?(I'd like to see if my spams are from the same source.)
  15. I have a select list of cities which is about 10 cities. I am getting a number of submissions (likely spams all from the same source) where the submitted value isn't from my list. I was wondering how this is possible?
  16. Thanks, I'll give that a try. I was thinking it was a problem with the router.
  17. Yes that in fact was the problem ... thank you! A few years ago someone wrote a script for me for this site when I knew nothing about php. I am re-writing everything with some new features. For the most part I'm doing it from scratch because his style is very different than mind and I don't necessarily follow his logic. His style was to number all the fields which I have never done mysql that way. In my form there are fields that need to dynamically populate (category and sub category). He did it this way: Category*</span>:</td> <td colspan="2" class="TitleColor"><span class="style4"> <select name="Category1" onChange="document.thisform.submit()"> <option value="">Select</option> <? $ll_sql="select * from category order by name"; $ll_res=mysql_db_query("londonlink", $ll_sql, $ll_conn)or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); for ($i=0; $i<mysql_num_rows($ll_res); $i++) { $ll_info=mysql_fetch_row($ll_res); if ($ll_info[0] == $HTTP_POST_VARS[Category1]) { print "<option value=\"$ll_info[0]\" selected>".$ll_info[1]."</option>"; } else { print "<option value=\"$ll_info[0]\">".$ll_info[1]."</option>"; } } ?> </select> <? if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS[Category1]) { } else { ?> <select name="Category2"> <? $ll_sql="select * from sub_category where cat='$HTTP_POST_VARS[Category1]' order by name"; $ll_res=mysql_db_query("londonlink", $ll_sql, $ll_conn)or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); for ($i=0; $i<mysql_num_rows($ll_res); $i++) { $ll_info=mysql_fetch_row($ll_res); print "<option value=\"$ll_info[0]\">".$ll_info[2]."</option>"; } ?> </select> When I said "numbering" I'm referring to syntax like this: $ll_info[0] I copied this section of the script, and inserted it into my php page and voila ... the form stops displaying right at this point. There's a select box for this field (with no data) and nothing thereafter. No error is displaying on the page. When I do a VIEW SOURCE, I can see this: <b>Warning</b>: mysql_db_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in <b>filename</b> on line <b>176</b><br /> Could not connect: I also don't get why he is calling his fields category1 and category2. Doesn't it make more sense to name them what they actually are? (cat and sub_cat) Here's the line 176: $ll_res=mysql_db_query("londonlink", $ll_sql, $ll_conn)or His connect variables are different than mine?
  18. It says line 88. Line 88 is right after: GetSQLValueString($city, "text"));
  19. I have tried that. But I'll try the IP address. WOW the IP address works. Hmm.
  20. I am writing a new submit page for one of my sites and am doing a few things to stretch my experience. I am getting an error (naturally.) Here is part pf the page where the error might be: //Check to see if the web page called itself if (strtoupper($action) == "CHECK") { //The web page called itself, so run the error checking code //Declare a variable to hold the error messages $error = ''; // variable names: name, cat, sub_cat, url, date, status, email, other, area_code, city $name = $_POST['name']; $cat = $_POST['cat']; $sub_cat = $_POST['sub_cat']; $url = $_POST['url']; $date = $_POST['today']; $status = $_POST['0']; $email = $_POST['email']; $other = $_POST['0']; $area_code = $_POST['area_code']; $city = $_POST['city']; //begin error checking in fields //Are Required fields blank? if ((empty($name)) or (empty($cat)) or (empty($sub_cat)) or (empty($url)) or (empty($email)) or (empty($area_code)) or (empty($city))) { //required field is blank $error .= 'One or more required fields are blank.<BR>'; echo $error; } //Is area code 3 characters? if ((strlen($area_code)) <3) { //required length too small $error .= 'Area code is not the required length.<BR>'; echo $error; } } if (($error == '') and (isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "myform")) { $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO links (name, cat, sub_cat, url, email, area_code, city) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($name, "text"), GetSQLValueString($cat, "text"), GetSQLValueString($sub_cat, "text"), GetSQLValueString($url, "text"), GetSQLValueString($date, "text"), GetSQLValueString($status, "text"), GetSQLValueString($email, "text"), GetSQLValueString($other, "text"), GetSQLValueString($area_code, "text") GetSQLValueString($city, "text")); mysql_select_db($database_database, $database); date, status, and other are not filled in by the user. I'm thinking this is likely where I messed it up. The error message I get is: Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING
  21. PC # 1: last 3 digits .101 PC # 2: 102 PC #3: 103 Subnet mask
  22. I have 3 PC's all XP, networked.All 3 have internet access and are part of the same work group.PC #1 can access shared folders on PC#2 and PC#3.PC #2 can only access shared folders on PC #1.PC #3 can only access shared folders on PC #1.PC #2 and 3 can't access shared folders on each other.Any thoughts?
  23. I have done a number of OSC sites myself, but my programming knowledge is weak.Have you posted this on the OSC forum, or done a search for the error message on that forum.Just as a side note ... I have started using Zen Cart for my E-Commerce projects. It is based on OSC, but to compare, it's like OSC on steroids.
  24. For whatever reason I just don't find myself getting excited about operating systems. When Win95 came out, all the jokes going around were "have you heard about the latest Microsoft operating system? It's called Mac '85." I started hating operating systems then ... when I had bought a system with Windows 95A, and had network card issues that were only corrected with Windows 95B. Then we had problems with Windows 98 ... same old issues. Then when Xp came out with all those service packs, techs were advising against installing SP2. Our newest machine has XP and all the updates installed. It's a week old so there hasn't been time for things to get messed up. But only one day in ... we saw that the desltop doesn't redraw correctly. There's a blank white spot that only goes away when you boot. Sound like an OS config issue? Who knows!? Anyway ... vista doesn't excite me ... neither did the other versions of Windows. But when the latest version of the apps that I use come out ... I like to pick THOSE up. Just my Canadian 2 cents. (So about 1.8 US cents.) Gin
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