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Everything posted by Maxfelgar

  1. I registered for the site, and I clicked on six of the seven visible ads (one didn't credit). Six of the seven got lines through them, and I'm not sure how to 'refresh' them. Also, I looked at their forums and saw dozens of claims being a scam. Could someone please verify that I'm not doing this for nothing, and also explain how to refresh the ads?Thanks,Max.
  2. Don't know all of the specs, but my brand new laptop has the following:Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5450 1.66 Ghz, 667 Mhz FSB, 2 Mb L2 cacheUp to 358 MB Mobile Intel Graphic Media Accelerator X31003 GB DDR217" WXGA+ Acer Crystalbrite LCD320 GB HDDDVD Super Multi DL802.11a/b/g WLAN
  3. I've had a single Mac in my entire lifetime, and although I don't remember the specs - I didn't like it. I've been a strict Windows/Microsoft man ever since. Macs are simply too... snobby for me. I absolutely hate all the commercials.
  4. Well, I live in Vancouver, and we don't have our own team. Canada has a couple, but since Seattle is SO much closer to us than any of them, I'm a strong mariners fan . I'm a huge fan of baseball, and I've played since I was eight years old. I'm going to see the Mariners in August, but they've unfortunately been playing badly lately :S. Hopefully they'll straighten out their game for me .
  5. If you enjoy classical music, as well as rock, you might want to look up "Mattrach" on youtube. He covers several classical songs on electric guitar, except in a "modern" style. Some of his best are "Amadeus Rock" (Turkish March, or Ronda a la Turca) and "Canon Rock" (Pachabel's Canon in D).Enjoy .
  6. Recently I've started playing a game called Renaissance Kingdoms, which is a MMORPG based in the Renaissance. You start out as a "level 0" with 50 Pounds, some rags, and two loaves of bread. You take jobs, such as working in the mines, and eventually get some sort of field. It's certainly not a high paced game, as you only get one "action a day (e.g. you can't work in the mines and work at the Church within the same day) but as you get more well known you can get involved in politics (Become your towns mayor, or join your County's Council), become a robber (quite profitable, but there's a high risk of getting caught and tried by the REAL Judge), or you can join the military and keep the roads safe for innocent travelers. All in all, the game can be quite exciting, however, it is heavily based around role playing, and I recommend the game for players 16+, although it's fine for any age (I know entire families that play together). So, if you like the Renaissance, and are a RPG 'master', this is the game for you!The website is http://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/, from there it's pretty easy to sign up. Also, I'd really appreciate if you could put "Alendril" as your sponsor.Hope you enjoy the game .-Maxfelgar
  7. Welcome to Xisto! I'm not exactly new, but I just returned after well over a year. So, you're from Vancouver I'm guessing? I am as well ;P. Nice to see another Canadian.
  8. Absolutely! Certainly there are magic tricks, but there are certain things that can't possibly be done without real magic. This opinion was only enforced after I saw the esteemed magician David Copperfield! I've always been fascinated by magic, ever since I was a child and my Grandpa showed me card tricks. I've always believed in some sort of magic, and I think I always will.
  9. Today I ordered a pizza from Domino's, and it was a simple order: One large Pepperoni. The Domino's is about 10 minutes drive from my house, yet it took 45 minutes for them to deliver it. No mention of a 30 minute guarantee.
  10. You made me think of another point, Mike. If there was no religion in the world at all, there would have been virtually NO wars *ever*. Think about it: The Crusades, World War 1 and 2, and in some ways the Korean/Vietnam War all were influenced by religion. If there hadn't been any there would hardly be any reason to fight.
  11. Personally, I have both a laptop and a Desktop. Both have their advantages: With Desktops you typically get MORE for LESS money. Also, their ease of use pleases many people. However, with Laptops, although they are more expensive for the same specs as a desktop, the portability, size, and convenience appeals to many people. I prefer laptops, and I bought my second one (An Acer) about three weeks ago, and I LOVE it. It was a great deal - $550 for 3GB of RAM and 320 GB Hard drive, with a built in webcam. Also, I can't even *hear* the fan running when it's on, it NEVER gets hot. So, although I'm a bit late, I'd say definitely go with a laptop!
  12. I bought my first item (a drill) on Ebay about a year ago, and it went through absolutely GREAT. Yes, I paid for shipping, but it arrived within a few days and there were no problems. Not to mention I saved about $150 off the store price! I've bought several other things, from electronics to ancient Roman coins, and about two weeks ago I actually bought a car off of it. I've never been scammed at all, and everyone I've dealt with has been polite and honest. Ebay is a great site, and although there are scammers once in a while, it's well worth it. Personally, I've saved about $750 overall, and have gotten several items that would be VERY difficult to get without it.
  13. I'm Canadian, but I truly believe that Obama should, and WILL win. All the Republicans seem so fake, and... well, stupid to me! Obama really could really do the States some good, especially with environmental issues.
  14. A "sleep" switch for humans. You have no idea how long I lie in bed trying to fall asleep . One time, I went to bed at 9:00 and didn't fall asleep until 2:00 - such a waste of time!
  15. Chances are they calculated the orbit of the Earth wrong, and it won't even end up hitting. An if it does, considering how much of the Earth is water, I'd say it would hit somewhere in one of the oceans. However, if it did hit an ocean - even smack dab in the middle of the Pacific, the results would be catastrophic. Imagine Tsunamis lasting for weeks, which reached hundreds of kilometers inland. I believe it truly would destroy much of the Earth, not to mention the flooding of much the area that tsunamis didn't reach.
  16. Cell phones are both a great, and horrid invention. It's wonderful that you can keep in touch with people on the go, and especially if you're in an emergency it's always good to be able to call 911 (or whatever your emergency number is), but as has been said, when I see 10 year olds with $300 phones and iPods, I feel like smacking the parents in the face. Kids shouldn't have those types of things, no matter WHAT the situation is! Ten year olds shouldn't even be going out on their own! Personally, I didn't get a phone until a few years ago (I was out of high school), and even today I don't use it a heck of a lot. Personally, I think the age someone should get a phone is about 13, when you go into highschool. That's when things may start to get a bit... dangerous. However, elementary (primary) school kids shouldn't have any sort of technology. The most they should be doing is passing notes - not text messages!
  17. This is one of my favourite topics to debate about, so I'm really glad it's been brought up. Here we go, .One of my first, and main points is the following. Some of the first main Gods were those of the Greeks (e.g. Zeus, Athena, Ares, etc.). They "ruled" for several hundred years, and many myths and legends were made up. However, once the Romans took power, the gods 'changed' - different names (Jupiter, Artemis, Mars) but basically the same Gods. Now, for nearly a thousand years, these Deities "existed", exacting worship and prayer from millions of people. However, all of a sudden, Jesus Christ appears in 0 A.D, and a whole new God is suddenly created, who supposedly made the entire Universe? Then, when the Emperor Constantine came around (Somewhere in the late 300's) the Pagan gods simply... disappeared! The Christian God suddenly became the ruling being of Earth (or at least Europe). I don't believe that Gods which held power for thousands of years could suddenly vanish, and some newbie pops up and takes over completely. Beliefs that had been around for ages were worthless, and the new ones, about events that happened BILLIONS of years before suddenly comes up? It sounds a bit suspicious to me. My second point is this: There are billions of Christians on Earth (Yes, this is the religion I'm focusing on), yet "God" lets tens of thousands die every day? Young children, babies even, who have never had a chance in life simply don't deserve to live. Yet rich "Christians" in North America and Europe live in enormous houses and are "good Christians" because they go to Church once a week, and donate $100 at Christmas. I don't see how anyone can call them self a true Christian while they still have a single penny, and aren't wearing rags. It sickens me how many people I see who are rich and do nothing to help the others in their world, while believing they're strong followers of ANY religion.Now, my third point. God sends disasters upon man kind to "punish them for their sins". To me, any true god would not let any people die, no matter what they had done. No matter what someone does, no one truly DESERVES death before their time. Any real god would never allow war, hunger, disaster, or sickness to happen at all! They had the power to create universes, why can't they stop a war from happening on one measly planet? My fourth point: The papacy. It absolutely SICKENS me when I see how the Pope, and other high Bishops of the Papal Government live. They have extravagant vehicles, clothes, and food. The Pope is supposedly the closest person to Christ on Earth, yet how could he be so unlike Jesus and be so close? Jesus gave all he had for others, and even if he wasn't the son of god, he truly was a great man. The Pope and other Bishops on the other hand live like Kings, while millions of others are starving and dying of sickness. If all of the billions of dollars that the Church has went to the poor, the world would be a much better place, and the Pope would be more of a true Christian. Also, all of the buildings that have been made through the centuries - yes, they are all very beautiful, but if I was a God, I would not care the least about it. I would prefer that it instead is sold to make money for the needy. After all, isn't that what it says in the Bible?My fifth and final point of this "mini essay" is: All of the other modern Gods. There are probably over a dozen Religions in the world at this time, and all of them believe in different Gods. I don't understand how all different Gods could have all created the same universe, when each religion claims "their" god did it? There are billions of Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews, and millions of others in the world, yet they all believe that their ideas are true. If someone can logically explain to me how the Ancient Gods simply disappeared, and the others "sprang up", I may very well become religious (yes I am an Athiest).That's my two cents .
  18. I always knew that video games could be addicting, but I had no idea that anyone had actually *died* from playing one too much. I've heard stories of people who completely withdraw themselves from the real world, preferring the life of a "Fantasy game". In fact, I know people who have actually QUIT their jobs in order to have more time on their games - they often do forget to eat, drink, and even cut down on sleep. Luckily, most of my acquaintances have all had counseling, and have now all but quit their respective games.Anyways, as has been said, I believe that this man died from Exhaustion, or possibly a seizure or some other sort of attack, and not starvation or dehydration, as both of those take several days to occur. Unless he hadn't been eating for several days before that for some reason?
  19. When I was (I believe) Eleven years old, I was typing something around 75-85 average. Now, I've gotten much- much faster, and although I haven't done a typing test for a while, I'm most likely something around... Say, 100-125, maybe faster if I'm creating in my mind what I am going to type rather than reading it off the computer screen. Does anyone here have a typing test site that works well? If so, please personal message it to me, thanks.Maxfelgar.
  20. I absolutely LOVE this site, I've been able to host over an hour of footage onto here, and any of my friends, in real life or on the net, have been able to watch it. The hosting gives great quality, and the best thing (in my opinion) is that you don't have to download anything! Great for people like... Well, like me, that are suspicious of almost any downloads . Summed up, its a great site overall .Maxfelgar.
  21. Personally, I don't know about the rest of you, I would say no. I highly doubt it is required to give away most if not all of your personal information, just for a website or domain name? Xisto works just fine, and I never would give away things that strangers should not have. After finding this site, I'm starting to wonder why *all* sites don't have a sort of... Pay by Post option. That would improve their buisness, as well as making it easier for people like me, who don't give away personal information to get a site or domain name. Maxfelgar.
  22. I completely agree with you, Anime. I used Freewebs for two to three years, and I thought it was GREAT because of it being free, I didn't care at all about the adds. But now, after seeing Xisto, FreeWebs is HISTORY for me. As soon as I have the points, I'm transferring all of my info onto my site hosted off here. Its too bad that freewebs users have never heard of Xisto, hopefully, sometime they will!Maxfelgar.
  23. Thanks VERY much for the link to this site, I just downloaded it, and it is probably the best (and one of the only) mmorpg makers I have ever had the pleasure of using. The graphics aren't *great* but they're definitely good, and considering thousands of other people can play it, its even better. I would put a lot of work into my game, if I had the time, which... Well, I don't. Anyways, thanks again for the link .Maxfelgar. *Note, this is my first post.*
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