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Everything posted by Maxfelgar

  1. I went on vacation for a week starting last Saturday, and when I came back yesterday I discovered two things. 1. The template I had on my website 'disappeared'. All my text and links are still there, but the template is gone.2. I can't enter the cPanel. When I try to enter it says some ip (if you need it I'll give it to you, I think it's 60. something) has timed out. I tried it several times with the same result. If you're wondering, yes I DO have enough hosting credits, and I had more than enough while I was on vacation.I tried to enter my webmail, and it too was down. A friend who went on my website while I was away says that the template disappeared on Friday (two days ago), so I don't know if it was a mass thing, or just me. Any help (especially from a Moderator or Administrator) would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Basically that's it, yes. You get paid two and a half months after your clicks (all your total clicks in January are totaled up on the 31st, and you are paid for them in mid March. Understand?
  3. I'm currently downloading something, and it's only going at an average of about 50 KB per second. I have a computer with 3 GB of RAM and 320 Harddrive, so I have a feeling it should be going a lot faster. So far, every download I've done (and I've done a lot) has been capped at 75 KB/s. I don't know it's because of the download site itself, or if it's my computer. I'm really bad at technical stuff, so any help anyone can give would be awesome. My main question is if it's my computer or my download site. If you have any other tips on how to speed up downloads, that'd be great too.-Max
  4. Ok, example. You click ads and get the min payout in January, and you get paid in mid March because it's 45 days after the FIRST of the month after you reach the minimum payout. I know it's confusing .Also, Toby, it isn't the same results as Google, but it is the same as Yahoo - if not better.
  5. I recently signed up for "Homepages Friends", a program which pays you about âŹ0.02 for every search you make using their version of Yahoo. The system is very easy to use, as you simply add the toolbar to your browser (or you can do it online instead - either way no download is needed). I have yet to cash out, as the minimum is âŹ20, and I only have about âŹ2. However, if you are an avid searcher, or if you're simply willing to spend a lot of time working on it, you can EASILY get âŹ4 + a day. Also, you can invite friends and get a portion of their intake (I believe it's 10%). Hpf pays via Paypal, which, in my opinion, is by far the safest, quickest, and simply best method. I don't know if it's a scam or not, but I've seen a few pictures that have proof, so I have no reason to not believe it (especially since they're partners with Yahoo). As for the actual SEARCHING quality, I have found it to be very high. I immediately tried searching for a website that I'd been searching for for two weeks on Google, and I found it as the first result using the same keywords. I'm pretty sure that the search engine is the same as Yahoo, and would therefor get the same results, although it may even be improved. If you're wondering why they're able to do this, it's because of both the ads when you search things, and also because people that are getting paid to search tend to search more, therefor increasing Yahoo (and HPF's) traffic. Just so you know, you can't just type in a bunch of random things and then go on to the next word. You have to click at least ONE of the results - I should know, as I made that mistake myself, thinking it was a bunch of easy money . You are paid 45 days after the first of a month, so it isn't exactly quick. It isn't really a 'get rich quick' scheme, though, so you probably need the time to get it. Whether you want to use it for power, or casual surfing, I believe this to be a good alternative to simply using plain Google or Yahoo. If you'd like to sign up the link is http://www.myhpf.co.uk/apply001.asp?Friend=166937 Good luck .
  6. Think of it as a super cold icecube .By the way, you really should stop posting things that you didn't write yourself... or at least put them in quotes. You could get banned for not writing your own material.
  7. That's absolutely amazing, and almost 'too' high tech. I don't how the 'box' can tell when you're simply moving over a key, or typing on it, though. Also, wouldn't the keyboard be extremely sensitive? I think it would mess up far too many documents. Personally, I'm sticking with the traditional keyboard for a long time (not that I have much choice, since I have a laptop ).
  8. If it goes the necessary speed for the highway, while saving gas, that's completely fine with me. I might even get one myself! But if it doesn't go as fast as it should, I don't really see the point of it if it doesn't *really* save fuel.
  9. Some people prefer to let other people do the shooting for them, hehe.
  10. Thanks for the tip(s). There have been several occasions when I've needed to copy something from a website (not illegally) and the "you can't right click" sign comes up. I'll try out one or two of those methods next time I need something.I especially like the idea of looking at the page source and copying it - that's a really good idea.
  11. Well, considering I live on a farm in real life, I doubt I'd get too much enjoyment from this . However, for people that want to have a real life simulation it sounds like a pretty neat game, especially for kids - as they get to do things that they can't necessarily do until they're older in real life. I should try it sometime (even though it's pretty old by now).
  12. Yeah, I had a similar story in Italy. There are these women who sit hunched over under a thick blanket with bowls in front of them. One of them had another woman who started speaking to me first in Italian, then English, and when I started speaking French she knew it. It's amazing how people that are so... poor, know so many languages. I'm sure that if I had tried another language, such as Spanish, she would have known it as well.
  13. Like the first poster said, the only games you can make without any experience are ones made by Gamemaker (he provided the link). They're pretty fun, and can get intricate for the type that they are. Also, I think there is *some* way you can put them on the net, but they aren't like other Flash/Java games - you have to download them to play. You still could put the links on your site though.Good luck.
  14. All of the electronics look really neat, but like Skedad said, kinda pointless. The only one that I really see being of great use to society is the electric motor, as some sort of healing device that could travel through your body that easily - and possibly be ingested, would save countless lives, and a lot of time of hospitals. I can't wait to see what some of these evolve to in the next ten years or so .
  15. I am currently using Bidvertiser on my first ever website, and I am EXTREMELY pleased with it. They don't show any inappropriate ads, and some ads pay up to THREE DOLLARS A CLICK! That is an absolutely phenomenal payout. Also, the best thing (in my opinion) is that they pay via Paypal. I haven't gotten any money yet (since I only have $0.22 in my account) but I'll tell you guys if it worked when I get my first $10. Also, if there are any ads you don't want to show up you can disapprove them. Although this may be a bit "sneaky", you could take off all the ads that pay under a dollar, so it would be a huge payout for even a small number of clicks.
  16. I think I read somewhere that only older screens really damage your eyes - it's just the focusing on the screen when you're close up that can strain them. However, that is a good point. You'd have to have the laptop almost right on top of you constantly if you want to use it easily.
  17. In Canada we really have quite a low poverty rate, but in the big cities (Toronto, Vancouver, etc.) there are quite a few beggars/homeless people. I always feel bad walking past them, especially the older people, as they aren't always able to work. I often give a couple bucks to the older people I see on the side of the street, but those people that come up to you with cigarette smoke on their breath asking for spare change, I just walk past. I don't like it, but I don't want to give someone money for them to blow on drugs & such.
  18. Freewebs is the only other free host that I've ever used, but compared to Xisto, it is NOTHING. Freewebs has their own ads, horrible service, and not much space. Xisto, on the other hand, provides lots of space, great service, and you can put on whatever ads you want - for your own benefit! Considering that all you have to do to 'pay' for Xisto is post a few times a week, I think this is much better than having a crappy free service, or an adequate one that you have to pay quite a bit for. Also, Xisto has a great cpanel, about 10x better than Freewebs'. Personally, I'm going to be sticking with Asta for a long time .
  19. Sounds pretty neat to me. Although this "toy" may be fun and exciting, I highly doubt it will be as practical as other laptops, considering it will likely cost $500 more than another laptop with the same specifications but no touch features.I've never bought an Apple Laptop, and I doubt that I ever will. If I ever happen to come into a small fortune, however, I'll happily buy one of these .
  20. The homepage isn't much to look at, but I really like the format after you've searched something. However, some borders would be nice. It's a bit hard on your eyes.As for the actual searching, I think it's merely adequate compared to Google. It works, and I think I'd use it over Yahoo or Ask Jeeves, but Google still holds the key to my keyboard ;P.
  21. I'll try it out. It isn't the sort of game I *usually* play, but there's no harm in trying. After all, what can go wrong (except me getting addicted and quitting my job to play 14 hours a day ;P).
  22. For one thing, I highly doubt that in a dangerous situation anyone would have time to text out a full message, INCLUDING their location. As most phones are not fitted with GPS, it would take quite a lot of time for most people to type out all the needed information. However, for phones that are equipped with GPS I can see it being as a useful service, as if you are, say... hiding in your closet because someone is in your room, you wouldn't want to make the noise needed to talk to 911, and it could possibly save your life.One main problem however, is that some people can "accidentally" dial 911 when their phones are in their pockets. Personally, I don't see how it could happen, but if it did it would waste a lot of police time.
  23. In my opinion cloning should never be done - whether with animals or people. I highly doubt that any government would allow it in the foreseeable, except perhaps to create some sort of... super soldier. I know it's a bit 'geeky', but I really can see governments trying to find a way to win more wars. No human is meant to be perfect, and I hope that it will stay that way.
  24. I've always been really interested in Adsense, though I've never had a website that supported it. However, now that my hosting request has gone through, I'll probably adding Adsense to my website. I really do trust Google, as they're such a large company - and I'm a shareholder, so I could always sue them ;P.
  25. Personally, I like paypal simply because just about everyone in the world trusts it. Every deal I've made online using paypal has gone very smoothly, and I simply like the popularity. However, I'll look into this one. Only thing I'm worried about it that other people might not trust it enough to make a deal with me.
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