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Everything posted by BitShift

  1. I've added the Apache handlers: application/x-java-jnlp-file for .jnlp extension and application/x-java-archive-diff for .jardiff extension this is wut alot of websites told me to do my jnlp file will still not load as a Java application, it just displays the text in my .jnlp file wenever i click on it any suggestions? mine only show me the strings for Perl and PHP this is wut mine shows
  2. wenever i assign priviledges to a MySQL databases, it seems to work properly but this message is always there My database name is: bitshift_wforum the username is: bitshift_wforumu What does all that maen, it displays it anytime i grant priviledges on any mysql server to any user note: i am new to all this MySQL stuff
  3. is JDBC supported?i dont think it is but im just checkin
  4. i dont think it cani tried configuring ssl the other day just for fun to see if i could do iti spent alot of time on it and i got no wheremaybe an admin will post sumtin with a final answer
  5. Wow thanks alot earthling.That phpProxy thing was almost the exact kind of thing i was looking for.My school ( like most schools ) blocks tons of websites from being accessed while at school.While this can be a good thing, it is also extremely bad.Such as when i am in my independant study computer science class and i need some help and i try to go to forums and certain sites and stuff lookin for help and its all being blockednow i can go to my website and browse everything through the proxythanks a bunch
  6. I use a combination of Winamp and WMPI use WMP to sort my media files and to sync to my mp3 playersWMP has a mechanism that will sort all your media files for you according to advanced rules that you can set in the options, and it does it in the background too which is even cooler.It also automatically updates the information in the mp3 id tags, and makes sure they are all correct.For syncing, can temporarily convert fiels to lower bitrate for sync with device ( good for people who dont have much space on mp3 players)WMP has a lot of awesome implemented features, but it does have drawbacks.It is slow, uses way too many resources to use in background. If I was just running music on my computer then it would be fine but this is almost never the caseusually i have tons of programs open and im doing this and that and every program is doing sumtin,example, i like to burn dvd's/cd's, play video games, listen to music,..well doin that isnt possible with WMP, makes it so computer will almost freezebut with winamp, which hardly uses any resources, but still has alot of power behind it is much more feasible. I also like how it takes up a small part of your screenI've used winamp for years and love it. and i always keep up to date with the newest version
  7. Does anyone know how to set up a proxy on a website?I want to set up a proxy on my web space, that i can access from anywhere, well mainly school since most websites are blocked at school.I know there are a bunch of free ones, but i want my own so i can learn how it works and configure it.and i want to be able to set up a global username and/or password to be able to use it
  8. I think other companies are trying to find ways to stop Google's growthHow is a company who indexes billions of web pages supposed to be able to find and delete bad links, in this case "child pornography"i know they probly have a huge staff that does stuff like this but no matter wut, its not an easy taskbesides why would Google take part in something so illegal, in an area they know they could easily be caught, its just accusations, and people wanting moneyI think Google is growing into a very prosperous company, starting out as just a search engine and now they have all these cool programs like Google Earth, Google Desktopand lets not forget GMail, in which my opinion revolutionized webmail with its massive storage space, powerful yet simple spam filters, simple userface, free forwarding to outlook and other mail software, and strict policy against keeping your email address private from spammers, unlike yahoo and hotmail, in which you open an account with them and you have spammers in days, before you ever even use ur new email addressgoogle impresses me again and again every day, coming out with all this new software, and for the most part most of it is free, yet still extremely innovative
  9. this is my clan server for counter strike condition zero70.173.95.166:27016
  10. Gaming mouses are made with a unique kind of shape its like an "ergonomic" mouse you could say, designed to fit your palm much better then ordinary mouses and these buttons are very small, here is a link Logitech® MXâ¢518 Gaming-Grade⢠Optical Mouse
  11. It doesn't necessarily install on C: It probably installs it on whichever drive is hosting your currently running operating system. So if you are running Windows on a C: drive and you install Google Desktop, it will most likely install on C But if you install it while on Linux, on say your D: drive, it will install Google Desktop to D: (that is if it supports Linux, unlikely but its a possibility) By the way that stresses a unique point... I think if Google should try making applications that would appeal to Unix/Linux users, if they have already then correct me on this It would certainly give Google a unique popularity, being liked by both Linux and Windows users, which is a hard goal to achieve for any software company
  12. Your right, FrontPage does still save web pages as *.htm by default In my experience .htm and .html are treated the exact same, just like the guy above who mentioned .jpg and .jpeg There is probably no right or wrong answer, but now im curious to put a index.htm and an index.html on my server and see which one is called wen you visit the main url
  13. I would get a laptop because you can pretty much turn it into a desktopIf you hated the small screens and stuff, you can always hook it up to a larger monitor if your at home (assuming you have a monitor)you can always attach a keyboard if you don't like the laptop keyboard.you can always attach a mouse to useyou can leave it plugged into wall while your at home so you dont have to use batteriesso right there its basicaly a desktop, and if you ever needed to travel you would have ur laptopi guess the bad things are you can only have so much cd drives, cant add addition hard drives, and you cant upgrade any of the specs
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i remember right that website has a program where you make robots and then program themcheck it outi was considering doing it but then i decided not to because its a little too expensive for me
  15. after windows xp i dont see how i can ever trust windows again to make an OS period i'm sure that its new "interface" will look pretty cool, but yea, there goes a huge amount of wasted valuable resources right there, resources which can be better used by my video games and software i also have my total doubts about IE7 ive gotten so much spam/adware/spyware through IE, and then switchin to firefox and all my problems were solved, i dont think ill ever even bother with IE again and i bet they are going to create some huge security issues trying to give their website (like windows update) exclusive access to ur computer through IE i really hope gaming industries start focusing on making games more compatible with linux, i have never run linux but alot of my friends do and they say that is one of the only disadvantages, that linux has trouble running some games that were designed just for windows and that right there scares me, if im an administrator on my computer im not ganan want any limits on my account i mean seriously, if they need to go that far in lengths to keep people from screwing up their own computers then wow, thats just kind of pathetic
  16. Have you heard of the new update that Microsoft released that actually identifies people running pirated software.I bought my computer online in separate parts and put it together ( cheaper that way )and then I got Win XP Pro from Best Buy because my bro works there and gives me huge discounts.Anyways my auto updates ( dunno why i have auto update on ) installed the update and i was just like watever my copy of windows is 100% legal.Well next time I booted up windows there were banners all over my desktop and bottom of screeni was so pissed off i sent a very unpleasant email to the "technical center" at microsoft ( yea its "technical" alright)They said that my copy of windows must be illegal because apparently their detection program is "perfect"I ended up having to back up my files and formatting my entire drive, and then reinstallign and configuring my entire computer againI am so fed up with windows, i'm ganna start trying out linux pretty soon, some of my friends have it in my computer class at school and they say its alot better cuz it doesnt treat you like an idiot and it doesnt have nearly as many security holes"Anyways, Windows is like a baby. The interface looks cute, but it constantly asks to sleep; then wakes up. When it's too tired, it crashes. It's prone to illnesses (viruses) because it's still very young. It doesn't understand English either. You constantly have to guess what's wrong. (Windows doesn't keep a friggin' log). It constantly needs your maintenance. That's my anology for Windows." yea xboxrulz i totally agree with what you said
  17. I know how to play a sound file in an applet and an application.I was wondering though if anyone knows how to make Java play other sound formats such as mp3, wma, etc..Well especially an mp3.I know Java already supports wav, au, and aifHow do you play mp3's?
  18. Many programmers consider the quicksort to be the fastest sorting algorithm available. Technically its not. There is a sort called the Merge Sort which takes a recursive means of sorting. Let me give you a comparison. I hope you understand Big O notation, its pretty easy. Bubble Sort: Data are in completely random order: O(n^2) Data are ordereed from lowest to highest: O(n) Data are ordered from highest to lowest: O(n^2) Insertion Sort: Data are in completely random order: O(n log(n)) Data are ordereed from lowest to highest: O(n) Data are ordered from highest to lowest: O(n log(n)) -I'm not 100% sure that these are the correct Big O runtimes for the Insertion sort. Quick Sort: Data are in completely random order: O(n log(n) ) Data are ordereed from lowest to highest: O(n^2) Data are ordered from highest to lowest: O(n^2) Merge Sort: Data are in completely random order: O(n log(n) ) Data are ordereed from lowest to highest: O(n log(n) ) Data are ordered from highest to lowest: O(n log(n) ) As you can see, the Bubble sort is only good, when the list is already sorted. However your not going to sort an already sorted list. The Quick sort is awesome when the list is random. However, if the list isn't completely random, and is only off by a few elements, it takes longer. The Merge sort is consistent, providing O(n log(n) ) If you don't know, "n" is the number of elements in the list you are sorting. People say the Quick Sort and Binary Search are related, because Binary Search uses the same technique and a Binary Search also has O(n log(n) ). I have no code on the merge sort in any language I just know its there. One of the reasons that the Merge Sort proves to be more effective then the Quick Sort is that the Quick Sort is implemented in such a way to save Memory. The Merge Sort uses a recursive method and therefore, uses a ton of memory. The Insertion sort looks better then the Merge sort, but I'm not 100% sure that I have the correct Big O runtimes for the insertion sort. Anyways, I just posted this because I wanted to share information that I had.
  19. You can access ur files on google pages i uploaded a few exe's to my google pages and then i use my main google pages address and just put the exe names after the \ and it would download
  20. It may not even be your video card. Have you checked to see if your drivers are up to date? That happened to me when I got a new video card a long time ago. I though it would play steam games alot better but they always froze on me. I googled around and a lot of places suggested updating drivers. So I went to the NVIDIA site ( since my card was NVIDIA I went there, if you had a ATI please go to the ATI site ) Anyways as soon as I updated the drivers and restarted my computer the steam games worked great and I was able to take advantage of my new graphics.
  21. Who actually has a gaming mouse, or a mouse designed with the concept of gaming involved.To start i have a Logitech® MX™518 Gaming-Grade™ Optical MouseIts pretty sweet, costed my dad around $40 since it was my birthday present.It has a button above and below the scroll wheel, that adjust sensitivity.It also has a button a little farther up that acts as the *alt-tab* combination in windows, to switch between applications.It also has a forward and back buttons on side for browsers and other stuff that can use it.From a gaming standpoint though it supports up to 1600-dpi ( i run it on 800-dpi because 1600 is too much for me ).It also has some sort of boosted data rate for the USB and graphics rate. In all its pretty sweet.So what kind of mouse do you guys play with?
  22. My computer teacher told me that although "throwing" and exception is handy, its a bad idea.He said always use the try..catch blocktry{//code here}catch(Exception exc){}
  23. For a long time now I have been reading forums and articles to figure out how to write/read files with a Program on the Internet.I'll give you my situation. I have a game that writes/reads a file that keeps track of a high score. It is in Java and it is hosted as a Java Applet and a Java Web Start program.I want to be able to write and read from a certain file on the server, the same directory in which my game is in on my server.Everything I have read says this is perfectly ok and the working sandbox doesn't affect this. Well I can't seem to figure out how to do this.I don't know if the way I write the file is bad, the way I retrieve the directory, or if in the script to execute the applet I need to include something, or in the JNLP file I need to put something.Everything I have read tells me it is possible and easy but I can't find a place that tells me exactly how to implement it.To sum it all up:I have a program wrapped in a single Jar file on my server. I want to be able to have read/write/delete priviledges in the same directory the Jar is in on the server, NOT the clients computer.If anyone could shed any light on the subject I would greatly appreciate it.
  24. That would be cool.The only thing that stopped me from releasing the code at first was because I didn't know anything about copyright laws/protection for open source projects but I took a look at you website and some topics about it and I now have a faint grasp on it.Should I post it under your "Ongoing Projects" thread or "Game Development" thread, or perhaps another thread?And you said you were going to put it in your reviews. Where can I find your reviews?
  25. Use Java Web StartHas much better functionality then Applets.It can automatically upgrade client JRE.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for my snake game, the second link uses Java Web Start. Take a look at the JNLP format it uses, you can pretty much copy and paste.Just open the .jnlp file in notepad.It has an extremely slow launch process though, but its a Java app so it will be slow anyways.
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