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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. My apologies for the delayed response.
    The Compact and Repair utility is under tools the the Access menu. Access keeps sevral system tables in each DB that are hidden by default. One of these tables stores object level permissions. Thre system tables can get a bit wonky sometimes and need repaired.

    I am operating under the assumption that the DB is likely to have a mdw file as well given that it dies seem to have security enabled. The default location for this file is the same directory as the mdb file.

    Lastly you can certainly use VB to access an Access DB. You will, however, still need to have the database's username and password.

    Thanks for your time and don't worry for your delayed response, as you can notice i just see your response because last month i had a lot of problems with my connection that fortunately i resolve a few days ago.

    I think that the better solution to this issue is by using VB to access this database.

    Best regards,

  2. Thanks for this simple and easy to follow code, i'm sure it would help to someone, i just test it and works fine (EDIT: It works fine only when i use an image located on my domain instead of yours.)Is it possible that the generated image includes hyperlinks with the text??? If it is true how you can do it???What kind of security problems we can get???Best regards,

  3. I've thought about stripslashes (), but I don't think it's helpful in this case... stripping the slashes out of 's Stuff is still 's Stuff. And before my script is even processed all the $_FILES data is already set. So unfortunately it wouldn't be possible to strip the slashes out before the data is stored in the array. And also there is no set_magic_quotes_gpc () function to get rid of the magic quotes for the $_FILES array.


    I am truly clueless.

    When i need to handle strings that must be escaped or not, I use a function that first tests if the Magic quotes is on with the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function, if it is true simply returns the string and if it is false it returns the string escaped with the mysql_real_escape_string() function.


    <?phpfunction safeEscapeString($string){	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {		return $string;	}	else {		return mysql_real_escape_string($string);	}}?>
    This function works perfect if you need to insert or update your database data and as i just discover it does not work with uploaded files, so, to work with files you only need to add the stripslashes() function to the Magic quotes test.


    <?phpfunction safeEscapeString1($string){	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {		return stripslashes($string);	}	else {		return mysql_real_escape_string($string);	}}?>
    I hope it helps you and BTW I test this code only with Internet Explorer 6 on a server running PHP 5.2.5.


    Also the Magic Quotes feature has been removed from PHP 6.0.0:




    This feature has been DEPRECATED and REMOVED as of PHP 6.0.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.

    Best regards,

  4. Well, thanks everybody for your help and finally i resolve my connection problem by purchasing a new Wireless ADSL Router that i'm just configuring right now, which replace my old Zyxel ADSL modem.

    I didn't know WinsockXpfix does work on Win2k. I did use that to fix my problem. Thought it won't work on Win2K, thus I search for alternative for you.

    Yes, as i said it works fine on Win2k.

    If you can successfully ping the domain name, then the DNS is working, as it need to resolve to IP before it can ping.
    Putting IP into the address bar might not work most of the time, except for big site. That's because most of the site are shared hosting/virtual host. The IP address will tell the network where to send the packet physically, but the "host" entry will tell the receiving server(like apache) which virtual host to send the request to. Only those site that host a single domain name under 1 IP might work. I believe google does. Not sure about the rest. If not mistaken, Xisto also works using this concept to be able to host subdomains all under 1 server, having 1 IP only.

    Exactly, this is something new for me and i can say that i test it with a lot of domains, and as you say it works only with big domains like google or msn.

    Looks like you don't have much of choice here. You can either test it out with a fresh windows install onto another partition, or reinstall your windows. Worse case, format and install :(

    Fortunately I did not have to do this because my new router is running well so far, however, I still think it is time to update my system.
    So, right now i'm testing my new router with good results, i can receive emails from my POP3/SMTP accounts using outlook express, i can browse any domain, not only google related, i can browse yahoo, msn and Xisto, my ftp client works as usual, and also the Ping and Tracert commands works too.

    Best regards,

  5. Well sadly i still have problems and i'm not be able to get my connection to work.


    After i run the lspfix tool i got more problems and the LSP's stack dissapear completely, fortunetaly i got the other tool -Winsockxpfix- and run it which recovers it, but my connection still don't work.


    So, digging the internet i notice that maybe my problem is related to a kind of malware, but, most of all the solutions i found and try did not work, i don't try the other ones because to test them i need to download some files and unlucky me i can't download them again because of my connection :(


    One of the solutions i found is the one that wutske suggest, and it doesn't work too because when i try to connect a site with it's IP address it doesn't work but when i use it's name it works, stange thing dont you think???? More on this, when i ping a site either by using it's IP address or it's domain name both commands work well and shows me the same results.


    Another thing that i perform is to test my connection speed with some dsl and broadband tests available over the internet, some of the ones i do get me correct results and shows me what my connection speed is supose to be.


    If you want to test your connection speed i reccomend to visit the Audit My Pc website and try the Internet Speed Test for Broadband, Cable, Satellite and DSL Modems that helps determine your true bandwidth and the Broadband Speed Test which is made with Flash and will help you test your bandwidth and find your true connection speed.


    Best regards,

  6. Yes, Win2k also has DNS Client.

    WinXP is actually based on the same kernel as Win2k with added features and much more user friendly. If you're happy with Win2k, plus you don't need the built in firewall, don't play directx game on it, you'll be fine. No need to upgrade.


    How about firewall? Do you have 3rd party firewall installed?


    I once had a more serious problem, something to do with TCP connection. Can't access internet at all. Later found a tool call winsockXPfix.exe. Well, it did the job. Here is another similar tool for win2k http://www.cexx.org/lspfix.htm. You might want to give that a try as well.

    Thanks falutyl.ee, yesterday i review the services management console of my pc and i verify that the DNS client exists also in Win2k and with your information i decide to not upgrade my OS for now, also, as i said before i don't have installed any firewall or proxy on my pc.


    Now, what you say about your TCP connection i'm almost sure that my problem is very similar as yours, i just download the utilities you mention, after i went home i will install them on my pc and i hope that they do the job.


    Maybe in a couple of hours i will edit this post If every thing woks fine as i hope.


    Best regards,

  7. Yes, everything works fine with the router and i can access all the sites that i cant access with my modem. Inside my hosts file i have the default entry and some others entries disabled: localhost# myhost
    I don't use Windows XP i still use Windows 2000 Pro sorry for not to said it, tell me, the DNS client service comes with Windows 2000??? right now i don't remember and i cant check it because i'm not in my machine, later when i'm at home i gonna check it.

    So, i think that this will be the right time to upgrade to Windows XP, truely i don't wnat to do it because i have a lot of software installed that i don't want to loose, but, if it is the solution well in that case i must do it.

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards,

  8. I have a very strange situation with my ADSL home connection,

    I can send emails but can't recieve any from my POP3/SMTP email accounts, using outlook express.

    I can browse to some domains (10% maximum) only, i can connect to almost all the google and related domains like gmail, google, adsense, blogger, etc. but i can't connect to msn or yahoo, and most important to Xisto.

    I can upload and download files using my ftp client.

    Ping and Tracert commands work almost 100%.

    I have a Zyxel Prestige 630-11, it is an USB ADSL modem that works pefect for the last 3 years and 10 days ago stops working fine. Last sunday my ISP tech support check it and seems that it is perfect, then this person replaces it with a router to check the connection and every thing works perfect, as it was with my modem.


    I'm not and expert in this area but I guess that maybe this problem is related with the DNS servers or with a firewall or a proxy but i don't use any.


    Best regards,

  9. Tell me, the Access repair tool is the one located under the Database Utilities submenu under the Tools menu or it is a stand alone application??? if it is the second option from where i can download it because i just search it without success.When i first copy this database i dont copy the MDW file that you say, so, if i get this file from my client every thing will work??? Also, i notice that this file can be located in a folder that i choose but, where is the default location for it??BTW, Can i use Visual Basic to access this database??? and thanks for the access security link i'm start reading it, very useful.Best regards,

  10. Hello, to assist in resolving this issue I have a few questions that need to be answered.


    The database in question:


    Are you working with it directly? Is the .mdb file on your local machine?

    Is the database set up as a single user application or as a client/server app?

    If the Database has a front end are you able to create or edit data through it?

    Did your client provide you with a user name and password to work on the database?

    Have you attempted to open the database file exclusively?

    Does the client have a backup of the workgroup file?

    Have you tried to delete and replace it?

    Lastly, for now, what is your exact error message?



    Answering these questions may well lead you to a resolution if not post the answers.

    Ok, here are my answers:

    Yes, i'm working with it directly in my local machine, i made a copy of the database to work with.

    It is setup as a single user application running on a LAN.

    Yes, it has a front end, which is not developed in Access.

    No, they don't.

    Yes, i try to open it exclusively without success.

    Not sure about this but i guess that they don't have any backup of the workgroup file or of the database.

    What do you mean, to delete the database and replace it localy or at my client office?

    The error that Access shows me up when i try to open any of its tables or queries either in design or data mode is Couldn't read definitions; no read definitions permissions for table or query 'table_name'. Also, when i try to export it to any other Access version i got another error that is very similar, something related with the user permissions.

    Thanks for your help.


    Best regards,

  11. Well, after some initial tests i made i can say that this browser has some interesting features and works very well, so, i will test it in more depth, and posibly i will use as a replacement of internet explorer.BTW, i know that with Visual Basic you can create your own browser too in less than 5 minutes :) Best regards,

  12. I have a couple of questions:
    1) Now if I download XAMPP or WAMPP and install them can I make my own servers to host my own website on?

    2)Now if you can host a server that way how do you do it to get it on the internet?

    3) How do you set up all the databases and that?

    Yes, after installing XAMPP or WAMPP you can host and make not only your own website also you can host a lot of websites for your entire family if you want.

    As Jimmy89 says, to get it on the internet you may use DynDNS or No-IP.com, both of them are very good and works perfectly.

    To set up and administer your databases you can use phpMyAdmin which is included with XAMPP and WAMPP, the MySql tools MySql Administrator and MySql Query Browser, or, you can use another application like SQLYog, MySqlMaestro, etc.

    Best regards,

  13. It looks nice, i will try it and see what happens. I'm especially interested in its multi-threaded functionality.

    BTW, it is not the only browser that uses the internet explorer engine, there exists a lot of this kind of browsers out there. Another browser that i remember right now is the Greenbrowser.

    Best regards,

  14. Yordan, no problem and i'm glad that now you see it better.


    Quatrux, you are right, TIME IS MONEY, and when you work for someone else it is a thing that counts a lot, other thing that also counts a lot is that IT MUST WORK. Related to good and bad scripts, always both of them will exists and we can't do anything about them, but for ours, yes we can.


    I know that nothing is perfect and never will be, but i'm the kind of person that always try to do my best effort in anything i do, and when it is about programming a bit more, because i know that i can improve my code. I think that it is better to first try in your personal projects and then with the experience that you gain with it apply to your professional work which pay the bills.


    BTW, my code posted here is to much simple and i only make it for testing purposes, also, i know that it is not correctly coded, it is not complete and finally I must complete and improve it shortly.


    So, please be honest with me and tell me what do you think about it???


    Best regards,

  15. No problem, I accept this post here.

    However, on the topic subject, I would like to understand something. Do you mean that you could send mails without this kind of contact form, and having your mail being received correctly ? :)

    Thanks yordan to move it, and i don't completely understand your question but just in case, my answer is yes.


    For example, you have a page -form.php- with a contact form and other data in it, that when it is submitted goes to another page -mail.php- which receives all of the submitted data and then sends an email with the mail() php function as usual. For the sake of the example, this is the same code from the article without any kind of validation. The code of the mail.php is:


    $to = "bob@domain_example.com";
    $subject = "Email from website";
    $message = $_REQUEST["body"];
    $email = $_REQUEST["email"];
    $headers = "From: $email";
    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);echo "Thanks for submitting.";

    If you don't perform any kind of validation in any of these pages, then it is very easy for a spammer to send emails with your page in this case with your mail.php page.


    How??? It is very simple, first you only need to view the source code of your form to get the variable names and to where it will be redirected. The first ones are all the elements of your form and the second one is the value of the ACTION property of the form.


    So, it is very easy to send a request like this:


    to abuse it and send my spam.


    On the other hand, if you do some kind of validation, your pages will be a lot more secure and will help you to prevent this situation. This is my code with some validation:


    <?phpfunction contains_newlines($str_to_test) { if(preg_match("/(%0A|%0D|\\n+|\\r+)/i", $str_to_test) != 0) { echo "newline found in $str_to_test. Suspected injection attempt - mail not being sent.<br />"; echo "here you must use the exit or die php functions to finish the script.<br /><br />"; // exit; }} $to = "webmaster@gigasoft.astahost.com";$subject = "Email from website";$message = $_REQUEST["body"];$email = $_REQUEST["email"];$headers = "From: $email";if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "POST"){ echo "Unauthorized attempt to access page.<br />"; echo "here you must use the exit or die php functions to finish the script.<br /><br />"; //exit;}contains_newlines($email);// mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);echo "to = $to<br / >subject = $subject<br / >body = " . $_REQUEST['body'] . "<br / >message = $message<br / >email = " . $_REQUEST['email'] . "<br />headers = $headers<br /><br />";echo "mail ($to, $subject, $message, $headers)<br /><br />";echo "Thanks for submitting.";exit;?>

    Best regards,

  16. Yesterday, i connect to my Gmail account to review my email and while i'm reading it Gmail shows me one web clip that i don't beleive.


    What this web clip says is that Adobe recently has launch a new version of it's famous Photoshop, but this time, a FREE ONE, beleive it, it is TRUE, this new version is called Photoshop Express and to be honest this new online photo editor surprises me a lot, it is still a Beta one but it deserves a try.


    Some features of Photoshop Express are:

    Very easy to use.

    Super simple and efective.

    Extremely fast, comparing with other online photo editors like Picnik or Aviary.

    2Gb of free storage.

    So, to start using Photoshop Express you just only need to complete a tiny registration form, create your user account, and verify it.


    Best regards,

  17. First of all, if this is not the correct place for this topic please an Admin move it accordingly.

    Recently i read at the PHPBuilder.com website this excelent article Preventing spam when using PHP's mail function that explains in a very easy way how to avoid spammers send their spam from your own server.

    Generally speaking, almost all websites includes some kind of contact form which is used to send emails with the php mail() function, this contact form can be used for a lot of purposes like for example to send comments or sugestions, to report problems on your website, to register users, etc. and can be used and abused by spammers to send out their spam without your knowledge.

    This article is very easy to understand and to implement, includes functions for checking valid emails and to prevent scripts to be exploited.

    You can use it as a good starter point to prevent this issue to happen and I hope it helps somebody.

    Best regards,

  18. If you check the referrer is enough to kick a hacker out or there exists another good practices for enhancing security in php scripts that process forms?

    Checking the referrer is a good practice but in my opinion is not enough, because it can also be faked, for this situation you can implement some type of IP checking. If the IP has not visited the specific page shortly prior to calling the script, deny access. For example the following code can be used to get the user's IP address:

    Another good practice for enhancing security in php scripts is to validate for the correct method -POST or GET- that you use in your form, it is recomended that never use the $_REQUEST variable, if you use it for your validations you don't know which method is used, because this variable can handle both methods.

    For example, if you use the POST method to send your form, it is very easy to validate it with the following code:

    <?phpif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "POST"){   echo("Unauthorized attempt to access page.");   exit;}?>
    Best regards,

  19. I receive the last email from the Jayde Listing Notes list some days ago and with it comes an excelent SEO tool called URL Rewriting Tool which i think is very useful and i want to share with everybody.


    This useful tool allows you to convert your dynamic URLs into static looking html URLs, it is extremely easy to use, is than simple than entering a dynamic URL into a text box and press a submit button, once you do it the URL Rewriting Tool returns two type of results:

    Single Page URL

    Directory Type URL

    For each type of result the URL Rewriting Tool will generate some code that you must paste into a .htaccess file and then upload or copy it to your web directory.


    The only bad thing about it, is that this tool only would work if your site is hosted on a linux server.


    For example, if you enter into this tool the dynamic URL of the Xisto's View New Posts link which is:



    The URL Rewriting Tool returns with the following two results:

    Type 1 - Single Page URL

    Generated URL

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/-(Any Value)-CODE-(Any Value).htm

    eg. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    .htaccess generated code

    Options +FollowSymLinks

    RewriteEngine on

    RewriteRule index-act-(.*)-CODE-(.*)\.htm$ index.php?act=$1&CODE=$2



    Type 2 - Directory Type URL

    Generated URL

    http://forums.xisto.com/index/act/(Any Value)/CODE/(Any Value)/

    eg. http://forums.xisto.com/index/act/Search/CODE/getnew/


    .htaccess generated code

    Options +FollowSymLinks

    RewriteEngine on

    RewriteRule index/act/(.*)/CODE/(.*)/ index.php?act=$1&CODE=$2

    RewriteRule index/act/(.*)/CODE/(.*) index.php?act=$1&CODE=$2

    I hope it helps someone for achieving Search Engine Success.


    Best regards,

  20. This may be an improvement to Internet Explorer, I don't like it anyways. But I will give it a try anyways. Is there a method of installing this as a standalone application to run alongside IE7 or does this HAVE to replace IE7? I really don't like the fact that you can't have multiple Internet Explorer versions on a computer without severe compatibility issues.

    Yes there is a method to installing as a standalone application, but, it is more complicated than we can think, because to do it you must first download and install Virtual PC on your system and then download and run the IE8 Virtual Hard Disk, this is from The SitePoint Design View #43:

    On a similar note, it's probably not wise to install this browser on any critical system at the moment, as it will automatically and permanently overwrite any IE6 and IE7 installs. That would be a brave course to take with a potentially unstable beta.
    However, if you're keen to have a play, Microsoft has released a version of IE8 embedded in a virtual hard disk image (VHD) that can be run via Virtual PC. Microsoft offers both of these downloads for free, allowing you to freely test the beta while keeping it safely isolated from the rest of your system.

    If you still want to try this method visit The SitePoint Design View #43 to get all the set up instructions.

    Best regards,

  21. I agree with turbopowerdmaxsteel, that's the way to do that in my opinion, but, another way to do the same thing is by using a series of IF and ELSEIF statements on the same expression, for example the following code is another way to write the same thing:


    <?php$i=rand(1, 3);if ($i == 1) {   sheild();} elseif ($i == 2) {   sword();} elseif ($i == 3) {   helmet();}?>
    Don't forget to always include a break statement at the end of every case, because the switch statement executes line by line and if you don't include it PHP will continue executing the next code until it finds a break statement or the end of the switch block. Also, it is recommended to include a default case that will be executed in case anything match.


    A special case is the default case. This case matches anything that wasn't matched by the other cases, and should be the last case statement.

    For more information go to PHP: switch - Manual.


    Best regards,

  22. Microsoft has released and make available for downloading the first release of it's web browser, Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 focused for Web Developers and Designers.


    According to the information published on its website, IE8 will be the first version of the Microsoft web browser that will, by default, interpret web content in the most standards compliant way it can, and in my opinion this are good notices for web developers and designers.


    Visit the following websites for more information about Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1:

    Microsoft Backflips on Browser Version Targeting

    Microsoft's Interoperability Principles and IE8

    IE8 Version Targeting: Microsoft Considers Feedback

    Microsoft Wipes Out Open Document Formats

    Best regards,

  23. Recently the folks at SitePoint.com launched two excelent online reference sites for web designers and developers, the first one is the SitePoint CSS Reference and the second one is the SitePoint HTML Reference (Beta).


    Both of them are free and available to anyone and everyone who needs to lookup any information related to CSS and HTML in an easy and fast way. The SitePoint HTML Reference (Beta) is still in progress. Also, both of them are very detailed and up-to-date on each subject and are focused not only to beginners because they covers from general to advanced topics.


    The SitePoint CSS Reference website covers topics like:

    What Is CSS?

    General Syntax and Nomenclature

    At-rules and Selector Reference

    The Cascade, Specificity, and Inheritance

    Color, Backgrounds, CSS Layout and Formatting.

    Box, Layout, List, Typographical and Table Properties.

    Workarounds, Filters, and Hacks

    Differences Between HTML and XHTML

    The SitePoint HTML Reference (Beta) website covers topics like:

    HTML Concepts

    Structural, Head, List, Text Formatting, Form, Image and Media Elements

    Table, Frame and Window Elements

    Microformats and Common Attributes

    Elements and Valid DTDs They May Appear In

    Deprecated Elements (to avoid using)

    Proprietary/Non-standard Elements (to avoid using)

    So, if you need information related with these subjects don't waiste your time and visit them.


    Best regards,

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