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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. If you choose to continue to use XnView Viewer... check out their website for support and send them an email about the bugs you are experiencing. Maybe they have something in their knowledge base.
    If you are uninstalling the software, restart the computer and download 'CCleaner'. Run the option to clean the registry. It will remove any traces of the XnViewer. Then restart your PC. Check to see if you icons or thumbnails are okay.

    Let us know what's going on after that.

    I just uninstall the XnView viewer and i have CCleaner, so, i will follow your suggestion right now and later i will post the results of this, thanks.

    Best regards,

  2. My Windows 2000 service pack 4 also has thumbnail view in Windows Explorer. Did you remember to "refresh" the Explorer window ? Also, try to cut the folder and paste it somewhere else, to see if it changes the explorer thumbnail behaviour.And the "save as" option in Internet option proposes .jpg as default file extension.
    So, this strange behaviour is not a Win2k standard feature.
    By the way, I suppose that you did not forget to uncheck the box "hide extensions for know types" in the Explorer properties ?

    Yes yordan, i remember to refresh the Explorer window and i also do what you suggest but nothing happens and the problem stills.

    Also, i did not forget to uncheck the "hide extensions for know types" in the Explorer's Folder properties.

    Best regards,

  3. As yordan said you can select data from several tables by joining all of them in one single sql command, but you can also select some data from one table and then select some other data from another diferent table, for example, there are situations where you need to get some data from a table and then get some other data from another table that depends on one field of the first table, something like this:


    <?php$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');if (!$link) {	die("Error, Can't connect to server: " . mysql_error());}// make foo the current db$db_selected = mysql_select_db('foo', $link);if (!$db_selected) {	die ("Error, Can't use db foo : " . mysql_error());}$tx="<table width='100%' border='1' valign='top' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";$resultOne=mysql_query("select * from tableOne",$link);$nRowsOne=mysql_num_rows($resultOne);if($nRowsOne>0){	while($rowOne = mysql_fetch_array($resultOne)) {		$nRowsTwo=0;		$j=0;		$idOne=$rowOne["id_One"];		$tx.="<tr>\n";		$tx.="<td width='100%' align='center' valign='middle'>\n";		$nameOne = trim($rowOne["Name"]);		$tx.=$nameOne;		$tx.="\n</td>\n</tr>\n";		$resultTwo=mysql_query("select * from tableTwo where (tableTwo.id_One=$idOne",$link);		$nRowsTwo=mysql_num_rows($resultTwo);		if($nRowsTwo>0)		{			$nRowsTwo=$nRowsTwo/4;			$jTwo=0;			while($jTwo<$nRowsTwo)			{				$tx.="<tr>\n";				$tx.="<td width='100%' align='center' valign='middle'>\n";				for ($h = 0; $h<4; $h++)				{					if($rowTwo = mysql_fetch_array($resultTwo))					{						$nameTwo = trim($rowTwo["name"]);						$tx.=$nameTwo;					}					else $tx.=" ";				}				$tx.="\n</td>\n</tr>\n";				$jTwo++;			}		}	}}$tx.="</table>\n";echo $tx;mysql_close($link);?>
    There is no command to close a table, what you can do is to free up the memory used by your result data that you get from your sql command with the mysql_free_result() function.


    mysql_free_result() will free all memory associated with the result identifier result.


    mysql_free_result() only needs to be called if you are concerned about how much memory is being used for queries that return large result sets. All associated result memory is automatically freed at the end of the script's execution.

    You can use the mysql_close() function to close the connection to your database.


    mysql_close() closes the non-persistent connection to the MySQL server that's associated with the specified link identifier. If link_identifier isn't specified, the last opened link is used.


    Using mysql_close() isn't usually necessary, as non-persistent open links are automatically closed at the end of the script's execution. See also freeing resources.


    This simple example shows how to connect, execute a query, print resulting rows and disconnect from a MySQL database.

    <?php// Connecting, selecting database$link = mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password')   or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());echo 'Connected successfully';mysql_select_db('my_database') or die('Could not select database');// Performing SQL query$query = 'SELECT * FROM my_table';$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());// Printing results in HTMLecho "<table>\n";while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {   echo "\t<tr>\n";   foreach ($line as $col_value) {	   echo "\t\t<td>$col_value</td>\n";   }   echo "\t</tr>\n";}echo "</table>\n";// Free resultsetmysql_free_result($result);// Closing connectionmysql_close($link);?>
    Best regards,

  4. This is actually quite interesting. Initially I was going to say that wasn't this already released by Google with something similar? Then I realized that Google doesn't quite offer the same level of functionality since what Google searches from your site has to already be indexed by Google, whereas with this API that Yahoo released, it will just give you its product and let you do whatever you want with it.


    Although personally I don't find Yahoo search to be all that great, I wouldn't say it's horrid either just because there are fewer people using it. Personally, I must say that the ability to change the order of the results seems very interesting, and I'd like to download this just to see such a function in action. The fact that there are unlimited queries is a plus. :mellow:

    As you, i think that the Yahoo! Search BOSS will be very similar to the Custom Search Engine offered by Google, but after reading the Yahoo! Search BOSS documentation i notice that it is a more robust and complete product than the one offered by Google.


    I'm planning to use Yahoo! Search BOSS with my next project, i'm waiting for my client to decide if we use it or not.


    Best regards,

  5. Iam assuming the information in the databases i will create will be stored in the 500 MB space i get, but since 500MB isn't enough iam wondering if you guys can tell me how much bytes the following take: Varchar(x),Tinyint,Text,date,smallint,mediumint,bigint,float.... And the rest present when you add/edit a row in a table.


    Also what are the ranges of tinyint,smallint,mediumint and big int

    The url given by faulty.lee shows in detail all the data type storage requirements, but if you need it quickly here there are:

    DATE: 3 bytes.

    FLOAT: 4 bytes.

    TINYINT: 1 byte.

    SMALLINT: 2 bytes.

    BIGINT: 8 bytes.

    VARCHAR(x): x+1 bytes, usually 0 to 255 bytes.

    TEXT: Maximum 64Kb.

    Take into account that for the VARCHAR(x) and the TEXT data types this value depends if it is a binary string or a non-binary string -for the first one it represents the declared column lenght in bytes and for the second one in characters- and which character set you will use with them, because some character sets are multi-bytes like UTF-8 (up to three bytes per character) or UCS2 (up to two bytes per character).


    BTW, i don't think that you can reach the 500MB limit unless you will use your database to store images or binary data like music or video.


    Best regards,

  6. 1) Did you install any software that might affect the way Windows Explorers recognizes or opens files? Sometimes media players fight over who opens what. When it comes to pictures - you will be looking at graphics, photos, and printing programs or viewers. The Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, Macromedia, Corel, and other similar productivity programs which support the use of adding, viewing, and copying images should be looked at. Almost all software give you an option at installation when it comes to what file types they will open. This may indirectly affect which images are thumbed.


    2) Speaking of thumbnails in explorer. You problem might have to do with explorer or Internet explorer and any plug-in/skins you may have installed. You're folder options for thumbing images may not be selected. Specific to Windows 2k, you also have to right click the folder and select it for thumbnail of images.


    3) Another thing is registry settings. I use to change my thumbnail sizes. I believe there are additional thumbnail options for Windows 2k.


    I hope this give some idea as to where to start. Then again, just do a reinstall if you can't pin point the problem. :mellow:

    First of all thanks for your help, and second, my answers:

    Yes, i do. I recently install an image viewer called XnView, but none of the products you mention, so, i will uninstall it to see what happens.

    In this case, the problem i had as i said is related with Windows Explorer and i don't install any plug-in or skin, also, it is stange because the thumbnails preview works fine in case of html files.

    Do you remember exactly which registry settings you change???

    Best regards,

  7. Hi,


    since a while i got two problems related with images files in my Windows 2000 machine, both are very closely related because them happen with Windows Explorer and with Internet Explorer 6.


    The problems are:

    Windows Explorer Thumbnails Preview: The problem with this option of the View menu is that it doesn't show any thumbnail preview of any image in my hole computer, i verify this problem for jpg, jpeg, gif, png or bmp files, but it works fine and generate the thumbnail previews for html files.

    IE Save as... dialog and JPG files extension: Every time that i want to save an image with Internet Explorer while i'm surfing the net, the default extension that the Save as... dialog shows for jpg files is *.JPEG, but before this dialog shows *.JPG for them, this is not a really problem because i can simply type jpg while saving but i prefer the previous behavior.

    For the first problem i really don't have any idea on how can i fix it, and for the second problem i'm thinking that this problem is related with the default settings for jpg files.


    I hope that someone can help me.


    Best regards,

  8. Last wednesday (2008-07-09) Yahoo! Search launched a new service called Yahoo! Search BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) which is a web services platform that allows developers and companies to create and launch web-scale search products by utilizing the same infrastructure and technology that powers Yahoo! Search.


    Some capabilities of the new Yahoo! Search BOSS service are:

    Ability to re-rank and blend results

    Unlimited queries

    Total flexibility on presentation

    This service is based on Python and is available to everybody, to get started and Build your Own Search Service you only need to go to the the Yahoo! Developer Network and get a BOSS app Id.


    For more information visit Yahoo lets you build your own search service.


    Best regards,

  9. As i said in my first post, this tool will help you to verify the status of any page by checking its HTTP status code.


    For example, when you are updating a website you usually make things like changing file names, add, delete or update page content, move inside another folder a page or group of pages located at your root folder, delete a page, etc., so, with this tool you can verify that every thing is fine and any search engine can be able to view your changes.


    Check server headers and verify HTTP status codes. There are seven HTTP status codes that we are primarily interested in from an indexing and search engine marketing perspective. It is recommended that you verify your URIs are returning the proper Status-Code in the Server Header.

    200 OK: The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request.

    301 Moved Permanently: The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs.

    302 Found: The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests.

    304 Not Modified: If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD respond with this status code. The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.

    307 Temporary Redirect: The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.

    404 Not Found: The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

    410 Gone: The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent.

    And thanks to tansqrx to post the complete list of HTTP status codes.


    Best regards,

  10. Marketleap is a website that offers three free search engine marketing tools that i think can be useful for search success.

    Link Popularity Check: The Link Popularity Check tool help website owners to find out who is linking to their site. With you can check the total number of links that a search engine has found for your website and for your competitors. You simply enter your website url and up to three comparison URLs and optionally your industry and this tool will generate a report with the number of links that a search engine found for your website. The Link Popularity Check tool works with Google, Aol, HotBot, Yahoo, Fast and Altavista.

    Search Engine Saturation: Search Engine Saturation refers to the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain. With this tool you can create some meaningful benchmarks for your search engine marketing campaigns. You only need to enter your website domain name and optionally up to five comparison urls.

    Keyword Verification: This verification tool checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword. The Keyword Verification tool works with Google/AOL/HotBot, Google, Lycos Pro, MSN, Netscape and Yahoo!/FAST/AltaVista. Simply enter your website domain name and the keyword/phrase you want to verify.

    Best regards,

  11. Umm correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this code apply JavaScript functions to one page only:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function one()
       // some code here
    function two()
      // some code here

    You are not wrong, the code apply to one page only, but, what i'm trying to explain is that i want to include only some extra javascript code to only one page not to every page of the website.

    I put your code inside a file called library.js and i create another file called library1.js with one function only:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function three()
       // some code here

    The idea is to include to every page of the webiste the file library.js and then include the file library1.js to only one page that needs this extra code.

    Best regards,

  12. So many keywords, so little time -trying to keep track of your site's ranking for every phrase can get pretty hectic. That's even more true if you intend to keep tabs on multiple search engines. Luckily, the Search Engine Keyword Position tool can help.

    The Search Engine Keyword Position tool is very easy and simple, you only need to enter your site's address and a key word or phrase, and it will determine where you stand with Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

    Best regards,

  13. The Check Server Headers tool is another helpful online tool that you can use to check and verify HTTP status codes of any page. Server headers and HTTP status codes are a matter of particular importance in ensuring that search engines see your content. But checking them can be a bit tricky.

    The Check Server Headers tool is very simple and easy to use, you just need to enter a valid URL, and the tool will give you one of seven HTTP status codes. It will also -and this is important- give you an interpretation of the code.

    Check server headers and verify HTTP status codes. There are seven HTTP status codes that we are primarily interested in from an indexing and search engine marketing perspective. It is recommended that you verify your URIs are returning the proper Status-Code in the Server Header.

    Best regards,

  14. Could anyone tell me why this function would be useful (the purpose of this) and are there any issues with cross site scripting?

    In my opinion this function could be very useful in the event that you need to add some additional javascript functions to only a specific page not to all pages of the website. Generally what i do is to separate the components of every page in modules, and then start loading these when needed, first the header, then the main body, then the footer and so on of any page.
    In the header i include a general javascript file which all the pages of the website will use but in only two pages i need to include some additional functions to them. The first thing that i do is to include an extra script tag inside these pages, but when i validate both pages, they don't pass the validation process, so, i use this function to add the additional code needed and after that both pages pass the validation process.

    Best regards,

  15. I m retriving data from Mysql databast to the Input box but on runtime the text box displays the <?php $_GET['name1']; ?> in its textbox
    Help me what is difference between GET and POST method

    -reply by Joshua

    You forgot to include an echo statement, simply add it to your code like the following example:

    <input type="text" name="name1" value="<?php echo $_GET["name1"]; ?>" size="30">
    The GET method is used if you want to send information somewhere via a browser URL. Youâve seen URLs that send information; they look something like:


    In the above URL, the part after the question mark is information sent to handler. Multiple information chunks are separated with an ampersand. The GET method can send only a limited amount of information. The limitation depends on the server where the server where the information is sent to. The limitation can be as little as 256 bytes but is often 1k or more. Another limitation of the GET method is that the information being sent is visible in the browser's address bar. In some cases this is of no consequence. In others, it is unacceptable.

    The POST method is the most common method used to send information from a form to an information processing program or function. The POST method can send much more information than the typical GET method. Most browsers and servers limit the amount of POST information to about 32k. With POST, the information is not sent via the URL. The sending is invisible to the site visitor.

    Best regards,

  16. The problem still exists, i notice this since yesterday when i try to do the same thing as Miles, a solution of the View New Posts option is by using the My Assistant option, once you open this link it shows up a pop up window with four tabs, select the New Posts tab to view there the last posts of the forums.


    Best regards,

  17. As i said in my previous post, you can obfuscate your HTML code to hide it from prying eyes using some kind of encryption method or with an html encoder, like this one HTML Encoder - Encode URL, Text and Decoder that i just found at the Audit My PC website.

    The HTML Encoder tool is free and very easy to use. You can use to encode or decode html, url or text. Additionally at the bottom of the same page you will find a tool to help you to escape or unescape text called the Text Escape tool, this tool will look for any special characters and escape them.

    So, take a look to the HTML Encoder - Decoder tool may be it can helps you.

    Edit: The Encode/Decode HTML entities is another tool which you can use to convert text to HTML entities.

    Best regards,

  18. I think that this error happens because of the server name parameter, as wutske said use localhost instead.


    The database server name parameter is a string that can include the port number the MySql server will use in case it is necesary. Also, you can use a path to a local socket ":/path/to/socket" for the localhost or even an IP number. So, the following ones are valid strings which you can use to specify your MySql server name:






    localho http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    For more information visit the mysql_connect() php function page, and if you need the exactly mysql error number use the mysql_error() function, like:


    <?php$db = mysql_connect($host['naam'], $host['gebruikersnaam'], $host['wachtwoord']) OR die("Mysql Error: " . mysql_errno() . " - " . mysql_error());?>
    Generally i use a function when i need to connect to any database, and instead using the die() php function i use the exit() php function when an error is generated. Here is my general database connection function:


    <?phpfunction dbconn($server,$uname,$upwd,$dbname) {	if(!($link=mysql_connect($server,$uname,$upwd))) {		$errorText = mysql_error(); 		$errorNum = mysql_errno();		echo "Connection to the database server fails.<br />MySql says:<br />Error Number: $errorNum<br />Error Message: $errorText";		exit();	}	if (!mysql_select_db($dbname,$link)) {		$errorText = mysql_error(); 		$errorNum = mysql_errno();		echo "Database selection fails.<br />MySql says:<br />Error Number: " . $errorNum . "<br />Error Message: " . $errorText";		mysql_close();		exit();	}	return $link;}$host['naam'] = 'CENSORED';				// my host$host['gebruikersnaam'] = 'righto';	   // my database username$host['wachtwoord'] = 'CENSORED';   // my database password$host['databasenaam'] = 'odinms';	   // my database name// To connect you can use this way$conn = dbconn($host['naam'],$host['gebruikersnaam'],$host['wachtwoord'],$host['databasenaam']);// or this way toodbconn($host['naam'],$host['gebruikersnaam'],$host['wachtwoord'],$host['databasenaam']);?>
    Best regards,

  19. Hi!
    I was just wondering if it is possible to make username unable to view the page source.. I know that you can disable right click, but still, they can go to the page source from the navigation menu on the top of the browser.. if possible, I would really like a code that works on all browsers. Or if you know different codes that works on different browsers..

    Thanks //Feelay

    As far as i know there is no way to perform that, what you can do is to obfuscate the html code by encrypt it, about the php code you can use an encoder to encode your code prior to distribute them to your client.

    One php encoder that i know and you can use is PHTML Encoder, comes in two versions -free and pro- and the free one is available to download from here. You can use this with all versions of PHP between 4.0.6 and 5.2.4.

    What is PHTML Encoder?The PHTML Encoder (formerly-PHP Encoder) allows encoding PHP scripts before distributing them. The script code logic is preserved while using cryptography to hide your logic from prying eyes. It is possible to lock encoded scripts to predefined machine (Web server) via machine ID so your scripts will work only on this machine. You can use self-decodable scripts, which do not require any changes to your PHP installation. Because PHTML Encoder is a cross-platform product, this software will work on ALL computer and server platforms which support PHP. The PHTML Encoder includes console and GUI versions of converter for encryption/decryption of your scripts. You can use wildcards to easily convert a whole project. The PHTML Encoder is transparent to your visitors. It is possible to combine protected and unprotected scripts on one web site.

    Best regards,

  20. Your query don't work because your variable stores a string like "2008/06/13", the "/" character cause this error to happen.

    To fix it simply change your variable's date format to:

    But this can lead to get problems with the register_date field, i'm not sure about this.

    A better solution is to change the data type of the register_date field to date and change the sql query to:

    <?phpmysql_query("INSERT INTO members(username, password, email, register_date) VALUES ('$user','$pass','$email', NOW())") or die("Failed to register.<br> Error:".mysql_error());?>
    Best regards,
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