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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. I just got my site hacked!! (don't worry because it is not on Xisto) Actually it is a wordpress blog. So I backed up my MySQL Databases with cpanel.
    Now when I get my hosting approved here at Xisto, can I restore those backups? Is the change of the site address going to interfere with this?

    Is there anyway I can edit those databases to work with my new address?

    Please help me out here!

    Yes, you can edit the restored databases files and then import them to your new site.

    As i know, cPanel creates one .gz file for every MySql database you have on your server, each one contains a sql file with a complete database dump including all objects like tables (structure and data), indexes, etc.

    Best regards,

  2. The Site Link Analyzer is another simple SEO tool that helps you to verify all outbound -external- links and/or internal links of any web page.

    Keeping track of links is an important pastime, and it just got easier than ever. Examine any webpage's outbound links (or its internal ones) by using the Site Link Analyzer.

    The Site Link Analyzer tool only requires that you enter an address, decide which type of links you'd like to learn about, and make the same choice regarding nofollow attributes. It'll then return relevant links' URLs and anchor text, effectively giving you all the link-related figures a person could want. Use this time-saver to your advantage and optimize your online campaign.

    This tool will analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text. If a hyperlink is represented by an image, the image's alt attribute will be included as the anchor text. What are outbound links? Outbound links are simply hyperlinks which point to another web page. In fact they are simply regular hyperlinks.

    What is anchor text? Anchor text is the text used to display a link, for example: this is anchor text.

    Best regards,

  3. The Spider Simulator tool will help you to see your content the way the search engines do! Spiders don't operate like normal users, and yet you've got to take their perspective into account.

    Just enter the URL in which you're interested, and the Spider Simulator tool will return "spidered" page titles, text, meta descriptions, meta keywords, internal links, and external links. Use this information to your advantage and gain new insight into how the search engines work.

    A lot of content and links displayed on a web page may not actually be visible to the search engines, e.g. Flash based content, content generated through JavaScript, content displayed as images, and so on. Basically anything rendered on the client side may not visible to search engines.
    This tool simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page in exactly the way the search engine spider would see it.

    Best regards,

  4. The Similar Page Checker tool will help you to make sure you're not being penalized by search engines for duplicate content! People don't like repetitive things, and neither do search engines. Even if you've differentiated all your pages from the rest of the web, the engines may decide that they look like each other.


    The Similar Page Checker tool lets you determine the exact percentage of similarity between any two web pages. Simply enter both URLs and you'll be well on your way to eliminating overlap and getting the best possible search ranking.


    How it Works


    Search Engines are known to act upon websites that contain Duplicate / Similar content.


    Your content could be similar to other websites on the Internet, or pages from within your own website could be similar to each other (usually the case with dynamic product catalog pages).


    This tool allows you to determine the percentage of similarity between two pages.


    The exact percentage of similarity after with a search engine may penalize you is not known, it varies from search engine to search engine, Your aim should be to keep your page similarity as LOW as possible.

    Best regards,

  5. The Code to Text Ratio is a SEO tool which you can use to calculate the percentage of text in your pages, to get this value this tool extracts all the text contained in paragraphs and the anchor texts from the HTML code of your web page.

    Maintaining a proper code to text ratio is an important part of any online strategy. And while this sounds like a difficult concept, the simple goal is to keep that ratio high. The Code to Text Ratio tool will let you know if you're on the right track.

    Just enter any URL and this tool will deliver relevant data. Adjust your page (if necessary), and try again - it's easy enough that any number of tests won't wear you out. Get the code to text ratio right, and you'll be on your way to search engine success.

    What is the Code to Text RatioThe Code to Text Ratio represents the percentage of actual text in a web page. Our content ratio tool extracts the text from paragraphs and the anchor text from HTML code and calculates the content ratio based on this information.

    Why is the Code to Text Ratio Important for SEO?
    The code to text ratio of a page is used by search engines and spiders to calculate the relevancy of a web page. A higher code to text ratio gives you a better chance of getting a good page ranking for your page.

    Not all search engines are using the code to text ratio in their index algorithm, but most of them do. So having a higher code to text ratio than your competitors gives you a good start for on-site optimization.

    Best regards,

  6. i just bought mccodes and i cant install it!!!

    i uploaded all the files (including class) and when i open installer.php it says everything is ok except for Game folder writable which says failed and beneath it says

    One of the basic diagnostics failed, so Setup cannot continue. Please fix the ones that failed and try again.

    so any ideas on what to do ?(i cmodded all files to 777 becouse im using https://www.000webhost.com/ ) :):P

    Do you apply chmod 777 to the Game folder??? if you don't simply apply chmod 777 to the Game folder and try the installation process again.


    Best regards,

  7. The Website to Country tool is a very simple SEO tool that checks the physical location of domain name's or website's IP address to helps to determine in which country it is hosted.

    You just need to enter a site or domain name URL and the Website to Country tool will return the IP address of the submited URL.

    Many people wonder why their websites dont rank well in Country specific Search Engines, most of the Search Engines (including Google) determines country of the website based on the physical location of the website's IP Address. You would probably rank well in a Country Specific Search Engine if your website is hosted in the same country.

    Best regards,

  8. I agree with everybody, OpenOffice is your best choice, but if you don't want to download and install any thing, take a look to the Presentations Editor of the Google Docs Suite and give it a try.I just test it yesterday, and i got a very good result, it is very easy to use, have a nice and simple interface and you don't need to download or install any thing to your machine, you can also share your presentation almost instantly.Best regards,

  9. It's kind of simple, but I think it is cool anyways. Using CSS border properties, you can make an element look 3D.
    Here's the code:

    li {	border: solid #000;	border-left-width: 1px;	border-bottom-width: 1px;}
    In this case, I have styled the list-item element to have a solid black border. The left and bottom side will only be 1px thick in order to make a difference between those and the top/right borders.

    This line, border: solid #000 , has no width set. I figured out that most browsers default to a 3px border with an unspecified width (give or take a few pixels). By setting the left/bottom border to 1 pixel, it will give the right/top borders a thicker look, creating a 3D effect.

    A change you can make to this is instead of thin left/bottom borders, you can have thin right/bottom borders. They will now look to be "pointed" left. I'm thinking that it will look nicer with right-to-left pages, but I'm not sure.

    I have found that setting the top border to be the thin one doesn't look as good as this is intended to create a visual effect, and most people read downwards instead of upwards.

    Experiment with CSS and you'll find really cool things you can do!

    (This is compatible with all CSS supporting browsers.)
    Some years ago when i work with Fox Pro, I remember that for boxes needed on screen you create it by drawing manualy each one and setting things like its border colors and using an almost similar technique to have a 3D look.

    Instead of yours i prefer this one:

    li { 	font-size: 0.75em;	list-style-type:none;	margin:0px 0px; 	padding:0px 0px;	border: 2px solid #000;	border-left:1px solid rgb(192,192,192); border-top: 1px solid rgb(192,192,192);	width:20em; 	text-align:center}
    The list-style-type determines which list item marker will be used and setting it to none hides the list item market of each item. If you want to separate with some space between each list item simply increase the margin to 10px 0px.

    Also, if you want to add an hover effect you can do it using a little javascript function that for example reverse the borders.

    Best regards

  10. You can convert your access forms to html forms manually or you can do it directly from Access, if i remember correctly with Access you can create a new data access page by using a wizard or in design mode, also you can modifcate an existing web page.The most powerful way for this is to convert it manually, but, you will spend a lot of time in this way, so, i dont recommend it unless you need absolute control.Best regards,

  11. You can do that with a combination of PHP and AJAX as vujsa says, there are some different ways for it, right now i'm not in my home machine so i can't post any example :( The output generated by the PHP script not only would be in an XML format, also, it would be in a JSON format, that is an usually format used by javascript.Best regards,

  12. The YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) Framework is an excellent open source project that helps you to create two or three columns (X)HTML/CSS floated layouts. This framework is very easy to use and allows you to modifiy it to your own needs, this framework offers some tools for rapid development of modern and accessible CSS layouts.


    Yet Another Multicolumn Layout (YAML) is an (X)HTML/CSS framework for creating modern and flexible floated layouts. The structure is extremely versatile in its programming and absolutely accessible for end users.

    Based on web standards



    Easy to use

    Fully documented

    The YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) Framework supports all Internet Explorer versions from 5.x/Win to 7.0 as all modern web browsers like Firefox, Opera and Safari. All Internet Explorer's major rendering bugs as the majority of browser bugs are patched by YAML. You can create flexible (em), elastic (%) or fixed (px) layouts and is oriented to web standards and the demands of accessible web design.


    Also, you can use the YAML Builder 1.0 beta1 to create your layouts. This is an online tool with a simple user interface, that comes with many features and a complete (X)HTML/CSS code output, so you can develop your layouts in an extremely easy and fast way, simply by copy/paste the generated code.


    Best regards,

  13. .co.nr is a free domain service without ads, some features that they offer are:

    Free Domain Name.

    Free Short URL.

    Free URL Redirection.

    No Ads.

    To use this service the only thing you need to do is to place a link back to the CO.NR website on the main page of your website, it is absolutely required to comply with this rule, if you don't comply with it your account is terminated without any notice.


    After you register and activate your account they send you a welcome email with all the details and the linking code on how to place it on your page.


    Best regards,

  14. Another reason to host your own web server is if you want to share with your friends or family some big files like music or video files, you need to access your pc remotely or you need to show to your client the progress of the work you are doing for them. Of course, you will do this only some times, only when it is needed or when you are in a hurry.

    For this you only need to get an account with a Dynamic Dns service like No-Ip and install a web server on your pc like Apache or IIS, then set up your web server to let it been able to access the files or folders that you need to access or share, and finally start up your webserver and your Dynamic Dns Client, Simple right???.

    Best regards,

  15. According to the Official Lavasoft Blog the final version of Ad-Aware 2008 will be launched next Wednesday, May 21.

    Hereâs an update for our Ad-Aware users: thereâs less than a week to go until the official launch of our Ad-Aware 2008 product line! Be the first to have a look at the improved features of our new Free, Plus, or Pro versions when we release on Wednesday, May 21 at 12 noon (Central European Time).

    If you want the last beta version go to Ad-Aware 2008 Beta to download.
    Best regards,

  16. Hi again

    today I've read through a few tutorials but still find if very confusing so will have to go real slow or I will fry what little brain I have with it all. Thank you for taking the time to set me these examples though I think Ill stick with the first code as I use Internet explorer.


    Thanks again :(

    Ok, no problem, and you are right its better to go slow to complete understand this and not get confused.


    I recommend you to visit the following CSS reference pages:

    SitePoint CSS Reference

    W3Schools CSS reference

    You can view more information about the first one by visiting the following post i made a few months ago: Sitepoint's Css And Html Reference Sites


    Best regards,

  17. You are welcome mischievous and don't worry you can use my code whenever you want, the only thing i hope is that you study it soon :( and if you have any questions about it please let me know.


    Relating to how to insert the CSS sheet, well it is pretty easy you only need to include this line on the HEAD section of every page where you want to use it:


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="name-of-your-sheet.css" type="text/css">
    Another way to achieve almost the same look and functionality is by using INPUT elements and a tiny Javascript function to load the pages:


    <style type="text/css">input.boton {	border:0px solid;	border-top:2px solid #140C3A;	border-bottom:1px solid white;	text-align: left;	padding:0;	margin:0; 	width:8em;	color:#fff; 	background-color: #140C3A;	cursor:pointer;	font-weight: bold; 	line-height: 2em; 	height: 2em;	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size:0.9em; vertical-align:middle; }input.boton:hover { 	color:#fff;	background-color:#b70000;	border-top:2px solid #550000;}</style><script type="text/javascript">function go2Url(page) { location.href=page; }</script>
    Inside the BODY section of your page you need to add this code:


    <input class="boton" type="button" value="Link One" onclick="go2Url('page1.html');" ><br /><input class="boton" type="button" value="Link Two" onclick="go2Url('page2.html');" ><br /><input class="boton" type="button" value="Link Tree" onclick="go2Url('page3.html');" ><br />
    BTW, as far i know this code do not work with Internet Explorer 6, with the latest versions of Internet Explorer i don't know if it works because i don't use them, but with Firefox 2.x+ or Opera 9.x+ it works fine.


    You can view in action at Navigation Buttons Example 2.


    Best regards,

  18. The following code works fine and i test it with Internet Explorer 6 only, it looks almost the same as the navigation buttons of the site you post:

    body {	font: normal 100.1% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	background-color: #140C3A;}a.boton3d {	height: 2em; 	text-decoration: none; 	font-size:0.70em; vertical-align:middle; text-align: left; 	display: block; font-weight: bold; line-height: 2em; 	border-left:0px solid black;	border-right:0px solid black;	border-top:2px solid #140C3A;	background-color: #140C3A; width:120px;	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	color: #C41427;}a.boton3d:link, a.boton3d:visited {border-bottom:1px solid white;color:#fff; background-color: #140C3A;}a.boton3d:hover { color:#fff;background-color:#b70000;text-decoration: none;border-top:2px solid #550000;}
    I hope it helps and you can view in action at Navigation Buttons Example.

    And of course it can be improved and modificated to your own needs, it is just a test :(.

    Best regards,

  19. The XML-Echo Google Sitemap Generator is an extremely easy to use and free online tool powered by the XML-Echo language which allows the creation of Google Sitemaps in three steps:

    Simply create your free account.

    Enter the URL of the web site for which you want to generate a sitemap.

    Download the generated Sitemap and then Upload it manually or use PHP or ASP to automate the process.

    The XML-Echo Google Sitemap Generator free online service can be used by any person or organization that mantains a website and wishes to make it easier for Google to include your site in its search engine, also, this is an open source project so you can modify it according to your own needs.


    The XML-Echo language is a declarative XML-based transformation language, it has an XML syntax and operates on a data model based on the XML Infoset. XML-Echo is well suited to work within the REST architecture of the World Wide Web.


    XML-Echo is a computer language for scripting the processing of data. The data can be in the form of structured data (databases, flat files, forms, spreadsheets, etc.) or unstructured content (documents, images, etc.). Processing includes actions such as the simple transformation of data from one format to another, accessing or storing content, correlating data, generation of new content, or conversion among data representations. XML-Echo provides a set of commands for specifying these actions in such a way that the processing actions can be combined or assembled into complex information processing applications.

    Best regards,

  20. Try to make an Online Virus Scan from any of your infected machines or send the file you mention to an online malware scan service, a good one i know is Jotti's malware scan, it is a free online service to diagnose single files which use some anti-virus programs including Avast, AVG, ClamAV, F-Prot, F-Secure, Kaspersky, NOD32, Panda, Sophos, etc.

    Best regards,

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