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Posts posted by TavoxPeru

  1. I need to convert a database that is in Access 97 to Access 2003 but every time i do it using the Convert tools of Access 2003 i got some errors and can't change or add any of the objects -tables, querys, etc- of the converted database.All the errors i got are related to the user priviligies and permissions of the database, is there exists a way or procedure that allows me to reset this permissions???Best regards,

  2. You could have found it yourself ;)Among the very first hits on google searching for 'access mysql'
    I don't know if it's any good but atleast it's free ^_^
    I think it is not that easy to write an access2mysql converter, not to mention that somebody would then distribute it for free ;)
    As I said, not guaranteed to work, you may have to try another one

    This program is no longer free and the latest version only allows you to convert five records per table. I found this free Access to Mysql converter that i will test soon, i hope that it can help anyone that needs this kind of utility.

    Another converter that i know is Navicat but is not free.

    Best regards,

  3. I don't know does PHP has any functions which can product a serial 0 to 9 as a string-array

    do well, but they are numeric
    is the same above, they are still numeric
    Must I write
    (it is a too bad code)?
    You can simply use a string variable to store it, for example:
    <?php$MyString="0123456789";echo substr($MyString,0, 1);// outputs 0echo $MyString[0];// outputs the same thing, 0echo $MyString{0};// outputs the same thing, 0echo $MyString;// outputs 0123456789?>
    Best regards,

  4. I tried Firefox 3 beta, it used to be no problems, so I thought that the update caused trouble. Opera didn't work too, Safari failed next. Internet Explorer obviously couldn't connect.
    It's the same in Linux, and as I said, accessing it from an open HTTP proxy worked fine, I think that my IP address is blacklisted or something.

    Yes, it is possible, check your proxy settings.

    Best regards,

  5. I recently got Gimp 2.4, and have never worked with it. I've figured out the basics, but something I can't understand is how to download new fonts into the font library. Can someone help?

    I'm guessing that you are using The Gimp for windows, right???? well, in this case and if i remember correctly -i don't use The Gimp for a long long time- all the configuration of fonts are managed by a library called Fontconfiguration or something like that, and it can be accesed by your user preferences dialog or by the command line, and you can install fonts to use with The Gimp in two ways:

    Adding fonts for system-wide use.

    Adding fonts for The Gimp only.

    In both cases, you only need to copy your fonts to a specific folder, for the second one this folder is located under your user folder, for example c:\document and settings\username\fonts or something like that.


    Also, it is recommended that you download and install the help files and the User Manual that are provided as a separate package, for more information visit the GIMP for Windows page.


    Best regards,

  6. A time ago i need a script to do this action, and after some searching i found how to do it. You say that you have the code that selects the content text of the textarea, so, simply add a button to your form which will perform the action of copying it to the clipboard when it is clicked and the following javascript function, you can place this function in an external javascript file or in the HEAD section of your page.

    Here is the Javascript code:

    function copy(text) {  if (window.clipboardData) {	window.clipboardData.setData("Text",text);  }}
    And the button:
    <input type="button" value="Copy To Clipboard" onclick="copy(document.your_form_name.your_textarea_name.value);">
    I'm not pretty sure but i guess that it only works with Internet Explorer 6, i don't test it with any other browser.

    Check also this topic One Click To Copy Script, Works in IE6 but not any other Browsers

    Best regards,

  7. Yeah, it can be done with CSS, even though the technique is a bit different then in the first post, take this example:
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - it is css only as I understand.

    if you just change the width and height, you'll get a bigger picture or a smaller, depends on the dimensions you chosen ;]

    Yes, this technique is different than the first post i made, but it is interesting also, i just test it and works fine with Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2.

    One thing i like of that this technique is that it is very small comparing with the Hoverbox technique posted before.

    Best regards,

  8. Well, there can be some ways to do it, the enlargement can really be done with Opera for example by pressing + key, it will zoom and if you only want to zoom the image and not the content, just use Open image and then use the zoom key B)
    Also, you can do it with javascript by having two pictures, a thumbnail and a normal picture, but here you can zoom one picture, I mean by using this script, if you want the enlargement to be better quality, you just need the image dimensions to be the same as the enlarged image and then the image is small, it is scaled by the browser to a small size :) The bad thing is that if there are a lot of images, they will take more to load, due to big image filesize, so it is a waste of bandwidth if nobody will enlarge them.. and also I never liked how browsers scale images to smaller dimensions..

    I always prefer to use two images, a thumbnail and a normal image for this kind of things, even though it can be done with imagemagick or gd library every time, but why waste the resources of a server? it will need to scale it every time, unless it will do some checking, will save the thumbnails and if they exist, it won't scale, but show it, this wouldn't be the most logic decision. :rolleyes:

    As you, i don't like that the browser scales automatically bigger images, of course there are sometimes that it is useful but not every time. This script is useful only when you have few images on your page, when we talk about lots of them i do exactly the same thing, use two images, a thumbnail and the original.

    Best regards,

  9. Thanks very much for sharing this code, it's really great.
    But there's one question that I have been wondering about. How do you keep the image looking good even after it is being enlarged? What I have seen so far is that only dimensions of the original image size will look good.
    -Domoto Rima

    In that case you must calculate the new dimensions of the image by using an aspect ratio factor i guess.

    Best regards,

  10. If you still want to use Access for your site check this topic Connecting Ms Access To Php Using Odbc which explains in a very simple way how to do it with Php, and if you want to start right now your login system, check out this simple tutorial: Creating a PHP Login Script, in this case, it uses Php, MySql and the PEAR:Db library.


    Also i recommend you to search here at the forums, there are a lot of topics related to this, like the following ones:

    A Simple Checking & Validation PHP Script

    Need Help With A PHP - MySQL Registration Script

    How Do I Do Script Checking & Validation In PHP?

    Extremely Secure Authentication System

    Best regards,
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