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Everything posted by XIII

  1. I think, the best solution is to setup windows XP and Gentoo on the IDE and leave SATA for data storing use, you can use partation magic to edit your partations sizes and create some empty spaces for gentoo to use on IDE, i think 4GB is so enough for system "root partation" with ext2 file-system and (/) mount point, whatever space you want for storage "home partation" with ext3 filesystem and (/home) mount point, and 512MB for swap area.in this case it will be a dual boot on the same hard disk "IDE" then you can use your SATA as a storage space on both systems, i think if i'm in your position i will use that solution.
  2. the best media player in ubuntu for mp3 is xmas, i think, i'm using ubuntu since earlier edition and now i'm using kubuntu, anyway to install it, use : apt-get install xmms , also you can install automati, it's a very good helping tool to setup a lot of applications and media support you may needenjoy
  3. I tried this way, it didn't work too, i think X server configuration file need to be edited, but still didn't get the idea how to configure it or even where could i get it, anyway, once i will get it, i will post it here too, i'm searching for it on google, also i'm stuck to ubuntu forums tring to get it.
  4. this is the kernel model "if i formed it correctly" your computer uses most depends on your machine type, most machines use i386 kernels some others use i586, anyway you don't have to download or try to install ppc or alpha or anything else, if your machine has pentium 3 procesor so it needs the universal x86 distro, no other kernel model will work with it, that also typically used for any other linux distro not only gentoo.hope that helps in this matter
  5. After some words i heared about kde, i decided to give it another, and may be last try, so i'm now on kde, till now it works fine, though i have some problems, like i can't open graphical applications from root: ex.: root@http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ # kate /etc/apache/httpd.conf Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified kate: cannot connect to X server :0.0 root@http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this for now the only problem i face, i think it happens cause of a X server configuration issue. anyway, kde is ok, but still i like gnome, i decided to give kde a try for a week, hope it will end quickly though, i miss my gnome desktop
  6. i don't like nvu, i think macromedia dreamweaver is more powerful than nvu, i tried it before and i have it installed already always as a backup editor but never used it, i prefer to use a text editor than using nvu, may be because my first view of it, after i finished the design then i preview it, everything were mixed.about KMyMoney, i will try to use it then i'll put a feedback here. root@http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ sting# kate /etc/apache/httpd.confXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified kate: cannot connect to X server :0 This also another sample error i get when i try to run Kate "text editor" from terminal as a root, what do you think i should do to configure X server? Thanks.
  7. I just visited the new beta msn.com , it's really a waste of security, they use a hole to get into the system and to know the computer owner "the one windows is registered to".that means they know already there is a hole, and as they use it some other can use it to hack into the system, and instead of making a patch to update the system and close it, they prefered to use it also to get into every computer uses windows.to confirm that they use it perfectly, open internet explorer "not firefox" enter http://www.msn.com/de-de?rd=1&ucc=DE&dcc=DE&opt=0 only "no other site" and when it loads completely press start menu ----->>> run and type cmd and enter, when the command prompt opened type netstat -a and enter, see how much connections to your machine through msn.com, they hack us completely.doesn't it give a sense?
  8. it solved the problem that i used the user i use in graphical mode, not the root user, now it runs notepad, but still can't install macromedia dreamweaver and can't ofcourse use the windows installed copy, i read some where that it needs a crossover office to be used under wine, do you know about that stuff??, also about winetool mastercomputers told me about, how can i set it up?, i can't find it any where even.Thanks for helping
  9. Mate, as i said before it's not the first time i face this problem, i always install Wine and it does the same every time, it's not an installation issue, i'm sure.
  10. i tried to do that, the problem as i said in Wine installation or configuration, no error message when trying to run it, just it doesn't open its console, i think it's a graphical issue, anyway this is an error message it gave when i tried to run notepad :/home/sting# wine notepad.exe Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color! err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color! err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color! err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color! Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly. though i'm running on graphical mode not text mode, and i know that it's not fully supported but macromedia dreamweaver is one of the supported applications, i just read also that money can run by wine, that's all about this problem, lately i reinstalled my system due to a problem and still Wine doesn't run "not a linux installation problem", still i'm so confused with it. and about GNUcash, it's so weak application still comparing to Microsoft Money, though i don't like all microsoft products but still this one is the best even comparing to Quicken, i tried cash so much times before, never could like it, also i have a lot of money files already, GNUcash couldn't convert them, i can't do 2 years work again
  11. The Problem is not in Macromedia Dreamweaver itself, the problem is Wine client itself, not macromedia dreamweaver nor any other software run on it, i think there is something wrong happens with the Wine package itself or in the setup steps, don't know what exactly, anyway thank you for help, hope if any one know another client like wine to post its address.
  12. i use linux more than a year ago, i tried some of distros but i prefer ubuntu, i'm running breezy "the latest version", i tried a lot with setting up Wine, but never worked, never let me setup macromedia dream weaver which i need to run on linux, i searched very long time for a solution but never get an answer for my questions, why doesn't it run good on ubuntu?, is there any other application like wine that i can use instead of it?, i need also to run microsoft money 2005 on it, really confused with it.
  13. you need to start your own company, choose its activity and its place and then to choose which project to begin with, factory, shop or office, then you are into getting a zone to put your project on, after that you need some stuff "2 builders and some workers" for your project, get production requirements to them, after you do these steps in a correct way, you are into collecting money
  14. I just signed up to this business web based text game 2 days ago, it's really a very good business game "like all tycoon games we had played", you have the chance to make your company, choose what do you want to be your company activity, make whatever you want of factories, shops and offices, trade and exchange stocks and shares, generally make your own prefered business, and the best is it's a free game, you have a chance to get prizes if you win any round "the round is 70 days", i'm very attracted to it. Try it out at: https://tycoononline.nu/
  15. i would recommend you to download and install XAMPP it's the best really and the most easiest way to get all the tools you need, Apache2, PHP4, PHP5, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and perl, these all what you may need as you are still learingng, just take care of the security, follow the instructions on XAMPP official website https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html after you install it you still need to follow the instructions to be on the safe side, otherwise anyone knows your ip address can login to phpMyAdmin and controls your Databases, just read well, and for more security, try to read the apache manual and set it up yourself, also php, mysql and phpmyadmin. Help Links: XAMPP Official website Apache Official website PHP Official website MySQL Official website PHPMyAdmin Official website
  16. it's really a very nice game, i liked it. who said you can't play more than 10 minutes daily?, you can play all the day on, but the problem is to save your turns, i still don't know even how to get turns or how many turns you get and when, i'm still discovering the game but anyway it's easy to sign up for it, have a nice page design, quick server and a good idea for the game itself.
  17. in fact i think there are 2 good file systems, ext2 and ext3, others are not like these, they are so fast, most stable, has no known surious problems, but i recommend:1- ext2 for root partation (/) : ext2 journaling file system considered the most quickiest filesystem on linux and that gives sense i think why should it be on root partation, it makes your system fast bootable and for more quicker processing.2- ext3 for home partation (/home) : ext3 journaling file system has the best compression extention, so it is suitable for the function of home partation as it is the storage space.that's all i know about this topic.Note: i heared all this information from a friend before i switch to Linux more than a year ago.
  18. i don't remember eactly what is this virus name, but may be w32.temp, not sure, but it's an old kind of viruses, it's not risk at all, and you can get it out without formatting, reinstalling windows or even buying anti-virus software, all you need is just getting any online scanning for viruses and malware, you can get this from this link: Trend Micro co. Online Scan! <<<--- Full online scan. Hope this will help you getting rid of that virus.
  19. that is the first thing i hate with IE, you can't get to some places when you don't have it, i hate that kind of closed mind, i like open sources, where you can change anything you don't like, that consider a bad point count towards microsoft, they are trying to keep thier browser alive by forcing microsoft windows users to use it to get thier systems updates, doesn't it give some sense? about tabbed browsing, good that they may include it in IE, but it's not the only thing IE missing, no way it's the end of Gates age.
  20. I can't forget these days we had no other browsers than Internet Explorer and Netscape, no choices, but about now who doesn't hate IE?, with all of these holes if i can i will uninstall it at all and be sticky to Firefox or Opera, the best features i like in both of them is browsing using tabs so i could browse what ever i need without opening alot of windows, thier built-in mail clients, and that feeling as being some secured "not fully secured" with them used.and by the way as Jeigh said, you need to type the browsers links directly better, otherwise try to put something dynamic visitors can act with like poll so visitors can choose which browser they prefer to use.
  21. as of my using for linux, i always used Gnome, it's more comfortable, at least for me, i hate all of these click and use features for kde, alot of them doesn't work at all, i use ubuntu, i tried kubuntu for 3 times, never been on my machine more than 24 hours, never feel rest with it installed even as a backup for gnome, anyway, just a question, how could you install all these programs and games?, i mean which emulator do u use??, i'm using wine but it doesn't work for most things, i hope i can find an answer as i have alot of programs that i need to run it, i use ubuntu on a sony vaio laptop with 650MHz pIII processor and 320 Ram.
  22. i just applied for the game, i think it's good, anyway i'm just posting to correct the link as the above one doesn't work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. first i thought it's just a fantasy management game like yahoo fantasy soccer or sundayleague, but when i tried it i discovered that it doesn't seem like others, it's not even fantasy one, it takes you to its world, you can't have more than 1 team in your country league, you grow up your youth squad, you make your club arena, you coach your team, buy/sell players with the prices you want, from other leagues and nationalities, train your players, could be promoted to be a coach for your country national team/youth team and to coach them in world cup tournaments, the game is free basiclly, but when you pay a very little charge you get more features like calender, guestbook, supporters and fans, own logo, prizes shelf, custom team clothes and much more, i'm playing the 7th. season and can't stop playing it. the game site: Hattrick!
  24. For web designing i use macromedia dreamweaver, it's a good creation software, works on both windows and linux"using wine emulator", it helps you to make a good interface that you can always preview without needing to open your web browser to preview your page, also it has much ready-made templates, can save your work directly to css "cascading style sheets" format, importing for most known documents types specially macrmedia flash movies, designing in layers, on the other hand i can switch to coder style when i need to type php, html,.... etc codes, it's really powerful software.For graphics i use Adobe PhotoShop 7 which is the best "as i think" in that field, specially when you add some plugins and filters to it, i tried GIMP but i prefer photoshop as it's alot of features you can use easily with support to save your work in any image extension you prefer.i think you should better post this topic including a poll so you could get the results directly.
  25. this is one of the best features for Gmail, the spam filter, it really works not like the others, they say they have a bla bla kind of protection then, after you use it for just a month you begin to get spam from every where, even you turn the anti-spam or junk mail on, nothing works, but in Gmail it really works automatically, the second best feature specially for me is the huge space, you don't need to delete any mail, also you can archieve them, you even may upload your files to your inbox, also you can use it as a drive so u don't need to send mails to yourself, it uploads directly to your inbox, the third feature is that it's pop3 access is free not paid like hotmail, so you can get your e-mail messages with any mail client, also you can use Gmail to send messages using your other e-mail addresses, really it's too worthy, and anyone want to try it i can send him a free invitation, just pm me for it.
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