After careful evaluation of it, I can see the point. But I believe that we are too early in experience to be starting on such complexity. The new table does put it in a better order, and groups things by using concentric circles and wavey patterns. Maths and science has been joined to help create a new table. Personally, I prefer this new table. It, for me is easier on the brain. It may require a little more thinking in the visual department, but that is the way in which I learn and think. However, there is one problem.As you can see from the map, it has only a little space within it for more elements. Unlike the table, it puts them into a logical pattern, and almost mirrors the structure of an atom viewed in 2D. To expand outwards would undermine the current pattern and it would have to be reset. To expand inwards would mean to again expand the outer edges to cope with the intnsity of the elements within. This flaw, undermines it's elegance. And bings back the strength of the periodic table.