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Everything posted by koolio

  1. If we are using LP gas and alcohol for cars, there must be nothing against using Hydrogen as a fuel. Gas alcohol and Hydrogen all of them can cause massive disasters if they catch fire. But the safety standards are better and since there is a tendency to make eco friendly cars, in the future alternative power sources will take the world. (I wish it's now fuel prices!) The electrolysis process for making oxygen and hydrogen from water is well used in the industry. What I can't believe is that they used just 220V for the process. Splitting water should have needed much more energy than 220V can supply. It would be great if this becomes possible. Instead of using a splitter inside a car, it's better to do that in a power plant and then release Hydrogen as a fuel. I think that process is used for todays hydrogen cars. Fossil fuel is not only the source of generating electricity. In our country the largest source is hydroelectricity. There are other eco friendly methods like generating from wind, tides etc. I think nuclear power is the best "eco friendly" method for generating electricity. It's much cleaner than fossil fuel. If we can use the fusion process like in the sun we would get an nearly unlimited power source.
  2. That looks cool. I never thought sites can get that small. I found it a bit difficult to read after staring at it for some minutes. Fortunately I use Opera and it have one click maximize menu. I checked the site magified 1000% wow.
  3. Just they are playing the catchup game. IE 7 gets tabbed browsing and RSS. But firefox have them. I don't think firefox users will shift back to IE just because they intoduced tabs and RSS. They need to do something new and as we know microsoft is not that creative.That screens look a bit like Safari to me.
  4. That is not impossible. Google is following the Microsoft path. It's likely they will end up with an operating system. They have created webmail portals and latest is an messenger like Google Talk. What google aims is becoming the world's next monopoly. They will try every means to get their goal. That can happen, what google has done so far is imitation not innovation. Google Talk looks impressive in layout, but it has nothing new. Client terminal connecting to a google server and you live and breath google
  5. I've used Redhat and I think it's the best for a linux newbie. Actually with Gnome you can have a friendly windows like desktop.I've ordered ubuntu and I'm yet waiting for the cds to arrive.About gaming, I don't think there are top level games developed for linux. If you are a gaming addict better stick with windows.
  6. The problem is how we define what is a planet. If we are going to say all what goes around the sun as planets we would get a really big list from stardust, comets to sattelite debris. There must be a limit to the amount of planets we can get around the sun, I mean it's good to mark a max distance to the solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a good limit. But we are used to have Pluto as a planet. Maybe in the future people will get used to have 10 or 11 maybe more planets.
  7. I believe there is extraterrestial intelligence. But I don't think there is anything related to extraterrestials in Area51. The US doesn't disclose what type of operations they don there. It's one of their Top Secret bases. I think they test latest combat aircraft there. It's due to the secrecy that weird stories about Area51 are made.
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