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Everything posted by yordan

  1. when you post a piece of program code, you should put it between "code" tags.The code tags are above the text entering box, below the font choosing choose box. If you move the mouse cursor above it, it says "Wrap in code tags". For instance here is my nice program listed below While true do ps -aef |grep -i Xisto|grep -v grep echo "sleeping five seconds" sleep 5 doneIt's wrapped in code tags for readability purposes, and in order not to cheat with the hosting credits counter. Want another one ? OK, just for fun. for i in `lspv |grep power`doecho $i "\c is known as:"; powermt display dev=$i |grep Logicaldoneecho job finished at `date`Don't try the last one unless you have EMC Powerpath installed and configured.
  2. Please use the "code" tags when you post lines of code!
  3. The same (4 to 10-years old ) link step-by-step will work for the SDHC disk, or you can even make your cell-phone have a bootable ms-dos or Linux! Depends of the hardware of your cellphone, of course,
  4. The link I gave is a full step-by-step explaining how to make a windows98 boot on a USB flashdisk (and more things).I gave this link because I tested the steps and they worked on my system. All the steps are explained, and of course these steps are (not only) copying something on the USB flashdisk. Concerning the things on the internet, a lot of sites ask you first to download a zip file. Then you have to unzip the file, and find inside some tools which make your flashdisk bootable. Usually they are based on isolinux.
  5. The orkut worm should be removed by your antivirus. It's removed by McAfee, see here : http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=143807
  6. And also tell us why you "reformatted" your computer. What were the symptoms, and what made you decide reformatting?
  7. And also consider this one, the syslinux method : http://www.911cd.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=18846 It's a general tutorial making far more than what you wanted, you can simply stop to this step : Of course, for the "bootable floppy" step you need to have a bootable floppy in your reader, or to have a virtualflop on a bootable floppy image.
  8. You are right, for your future goal test-beds cannot help.I was considering the fact that, the most agreeable your site is, the most people will fill happy browsing it, the more users you will get. A test-bed is useful in order to ask a panel of friends to check if they prefer one version or the next one.If you are not interested by the opinion of people reading your pages, a test-bed is not necessary.
  9. I guess that it's a 360° circle, from backwards left to backwards right, you cannot make a 720° (two turns) rotation.
  10. You are right, passwords on a flashdisk is not a great idea.I think that, as usual, the only info that cannot be stealed is the info that does not exist anywhere.So, keep training your memory, remember all your passwords and do not write them anywhere, in your PC nor on your flashdisk, nor on a sticker under your keyboard!
  11. passkeeper seems to be an interesting alternative. You put it on your flashkey, it's password-protected. And it stores all your passwords. So, for each server you create a very complicated password (let's say, like Quatrux says, Ver1sMYC4t$$ for the first site and Nob0dy4rent$$ for the first site). You store these passwords inside passkeeper.
  12. Are you talking about this, with it's domain-name everybody remembers easily ? yellowbirdsdonthavewingsbuttheyflytomakeyouexperiencea3dreality
  13. Also remember that, in some very poor countries, people even don't have a door closing their house. And even if they knew about Halloween, they would have nothing they could put in your basket.Also, in some European countries, Halloween is seen as an artificial commercial event, so standard people do not appreciate to have to go to a shop in order to buy candies because some stupid children will come and knock the door!
  14. I guess that the visitors are mainly interested by the look and feel of a website.And, unfortunately, the look and feel is an artistical property, strongly depending from the artist personality.So, I guess that the only criteria are the way you design with each of these environments.Just try making a test-bed site with each of these environments, and see which one standard people prefer.
  15. I guess that there is no real way for a webmaster to have influence on google rating.Logically, all the algorithms are made in order that the only way for having a good rating is to have an interesting website, where people find useful information. Of course, the structure of the site itself helps for that, making people feel comfortable during their navigation, ugly sites make them rush out as fast as possible. So, logically, the best way is to have an interesting content with easy navigation. Maybe you could ask some friends having a look at your website and ask them their opinion.
  16. More of us are here in order to increase their post count. But each of us should tell you that what you say is not really new, and is useless for most of us. Such comments should help you finding which subject are worth the effort posting here, and which topics are really not interesting and could even simply be removed. Smart people are members of the community, exactly as you are, and you should remain polite towards them.I have noticed another post somewhere else on the forum, where the guy complained that nobody explained him that his posts were not correct, and nobody wanted to help him writing acceptable topic. Concerning the current topic, you should be lucky that a veteran explains you the errors not to be done. This is how our community works. If you cannot accept that, if you don't like our community, nobody forces you staying with us.
  17. Do you mean that "ipconfig" shows your Ethernet adapter twice ? Once with a fixed address and also with the address? This looks like a phantom adapter; make a backup of your "today" working OS, and then look what happens if you disable the phantom adapter. Or maybe you also added a client DHCP program, which ignores your static configuration?
  18. You show a "Core 2 Duo" picture, why? If I were starting creating a computer from scratch, I would rather choose a Quad cpu system, wouldn't you ?
  19. So, your Ethernet adapter has a IP address? Are you connected through wifi?Looks that your NIC card has a cable which is connected to something which does not have an active DHCP service able to provide an IP address.
  20. "acquiring IP address" means that something started an "ipconfig /renew".Would be interesting to know if this is brought by the working fix.Could you type a "ipconfig" in a command-line prompt window during that "acquiring", and tell us what it says ?
  21. There is a funny mismatch between google mail and google buzz, have a look here : http://www.buzzclassaction.com/
  22. It's another way to store the mails, once you are used with it you find it very comfortable.When you send a mail to your cousin, the answer is attached to this mail. If you label this mail "cousin", you find it easily in the "cousin" folder.If you reply to the answer, it's still the same mail, your reply and his reply are again attached to the same mail.If you send a second mail, the answer is attached to the second mail, so you have two mails in your "cousin" folder.Each mail is on it's own subject, and each mail has the whole history attached.
  23. This brings back the need to periodically perform a cold backup of the operating system disk.You boot off a CD-ROM, you make a backup on a USB drive you remove after the backup, so everything is clean.In case of infection you power off your system, you plug the backup drive and you boot off the CD in order to restore the system.
  24. I agree, the definition is really vague and probably mainly false.The problem is that what we name "internet" is the ability to connect to the worldwide web network, addressing remote systems by their hostnames as they are known by the DNS (DataNameServer) service provided by your ISP.Most of peoples use a web browser, which is not the only mean to reach a remote host. If you use a web browser, you can reach systems which provide you with menus showing the pages they want you to see. Usually people don't really care the hostnames, they use predefined menus inside the default settings of their browsers, or they use a search engine. That's why a lot of people say "I go on the Internet" when they simply connect to google.And of course skilled people do not really use these web browsers, they use telnet or ssh connections in order to directly have a look at their program sources, and use ftp clients in order to put their images.So, maybe another definition of the Internet is a mean of sharing the network leading to the huge computers, these huge computers being also connected to the same network and a lot of other ones in order access to their data to other huge computers from other huge companies. And each company has it's own data, not connected to the outside world, and some data they want to show on computers exposed to the rest of the world.
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