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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Your original file is probably not corrupted, simply the wanted modifications have not been made.
  2. The problem was only with the image you posted (the one I suppressed). These guys do not want you to use their images, and the image appears as "this image has been stolen from...." Just try again, open a new thread in the "TEST(NO POST COUNT)" subforum, and look how the image appears. This TEST forum is there exactly for that purposes, testing various things. The sentence "this image has been stolen from" clearly says "please do not use our images" If they don't want you to use their images, better don't use them... Regards Yordan
  3. No, the ">/tmp/trtmp" redirects the editing "sed" command to the single file named /tmp/trtmp, and the "mv /tmp/trtmp" will probably raise a syntax error, probably something like : RegardsYordan
  4. Hi, Dirk.When you post images, please verify that you are allowed to do so. Seems that pipux.net people don't appreciate using their images.
  5. Hi, Dirk, I would like to know if I am slightly tired today, or if there is a small mistake in your script. I feel something being missing in your "mv" syntax. I would have said : mv /tmp/trtmp $iElse, I would not see how the changes could be permanently written to the concerned text file. Regards Yordan
  6. java is still alive.You could be somehow surprised seeing the Oracle logo when you are trying to download java, but things are not stopped at all.
  7. Seems that you are asking the big question of the future for MySQL as a free alternative to Oracle.
  8. Oracle announces the availability of MySQL 5.5 - Better performances. - Higher availability - New options, like table partitionning and index partitionning. Download it here : http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.5.html Read the WhitePaper here :http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. Static IP addresses are related to physical address (where the wires go, to which house, through which Ethernet switches located in which place) which is the ideal case for traceability. Videlia works with the Tor network, it switches your IP address which is seen as the one of your proxy server, which is the IP address of your current Tor node. If your philosophy pushes you toward anonymous surfing, you can use Vidalia without any trouble. As usual, depending on the node on which you are, you can experience traffic slowdown. And when you feel sick with it, you simply stop the Vidalia service, and everything goes back to normal. However, don't use this for illegal usage, because your real infos are still inside the Ethernet packet, only your browser IP address is anonymized.
  10. Here at Xisto it's simply localhost.
  11. That seems quite right. Please remember that, with the MyCents System, probably you can only order domains available on the Billing & Support site.For standard people, a ".asia" domain costs $18.99/1year. So, please, keep us informed if the reduced price worked for you. Then, we will be able to switch the topic title to "Lucky Strike after Bad Luck".
  12. This info is worth having it's own topic.That's why I pushed it here.Namely, the link provided by 8ennett is very useful. Have a look at that link if you experience this kind of problems, maybe your PC is in the listed of systems known as being affected.
  13. Errr.... It was intended to be a very smart English joke, brillantly created by myself. Seems to have not been so brillant as expected, and imjss's analysis unfortunately showed that it's even merely not a joke.
  14. Norton ghost is intended for backing up your own system, it is not usable for cloning purposes.Norton ghost is able to clone your c: disk and restore your c: from the ghost image if you loose your c: disk. But the c: disk may happen not to have all the necessary informations in order to boot another system. For instance, your "boot.ini" file could be on another partition or on another disk which has not been backed up! In case of emergency, you can try cloning your whole hard disk (and not a single partition) to a ghost image, and try restoring on another PC. If the cloned system does not boot, you can boot on the Microsoft Windows installation CD sold with your PC. You have to choose "recover my PC", and then "repair my PC install", The Microsoft Windows install CD recover procedure should be able to repair the missing drivers if you have a "real" Microsoft CD (not a OEM CD). But this is not guaranteed, this way of cloning a system is not compliant with the contract you implicitly (or explicitly) signed when you bought Norton ghost: the software has to be used in order to restore on the same physical hardware (and not an almost identical hardware). For instance, suppose that on the new laptop your disk is not defined as bootable inside the BIOS, or if you have a SAS disk instead of a SATA disk, your windows disk drivers will be wrong and will not boot.
  15. Please use our forum rules! You are kindly invited to use decent English sentences, starting with a subject and containing at list a verb. Such SMS-like posts make mods around here rather angry.
  16. Bad luck, do you confirm? I expected the title to be a widely spread private joke, reversely shortening "Bad luck when I came Back" Sorry. Seriously, I changed the topic to "Bad Luck", waiting for a smarter suggestion.
  17. This error message explains exactly what happens : ntdlr is missing on your hard drive.For emegency use, if you have a floppy disk drive, you can create a bootable floppy on another windows system, and put ntdlr and ntdetect on the floppy disk.If you boot off the floppy disk, it will see that you have a Windows install on your hard drive and will start your Windows.This will give you time to browse the net and see how to repair your Windows install. You can further boot off this floppy disk as many time as you want, simply it's not very comfortable.The repair by itself has a main step which is booting off the Windows install CD, access the cmd prompt and issue some command line commands. You will need the "administrator" password in order to do that.By the way, your topic was initially posted in the wrong section. That's why I moved it here.RegardsYordan
  18. I don't agree with such a way of doing.I'm lucky with the html approach, which makes your game playable by people having (almost) any kind of browser. I don't agree with the flash way. If my nephew goes to your site, my sister will see a "do you want to install Flash Player?" She will call me, and I will answer "NO! Don't install anything if not needed". And of course my office computer will not be able to use your website, which is not a problem because none of us uses to play during office hours! So, apart of all jokes, from an architecture point of view, you probably want a lot of people to access your website. So you need your software to be playable by every PC, every Mac, or every Linux computer in the world. You should not choose a solution asking the home user to switch to a more recent browser or to install Adobe Flash Player, or even to install your own .exe file. Just imagine if somebody has a virus disaster a couple of hours after having install your .exe, you will be in trouble. At least a bad reputation (thrown on all gamers forums), and possibly fined if the virus disastered guy gets so angry that the goes to court! So, if I was not clear enough, thinking from the very beginning of the architecture and feasibility study, keep as simple as possible and as danger-less as possible, even from paranoid users! Regards Yordan
  19. Yes, I also noticed that all the domain name types (.com, .org, .asia) do not cost the same price, probably local regulation changes, for instance local pricing increase in asia?Did you try opening a ticket asking the reason of this price change? Doing that way you would have quicky the real reason.RegardsYordan
  20. Ouch! Fully misunderstanding! I thought that you were talking about a physical device, a mp3 player.
  21. Which MP3 player is it? Is it a USB-stick-like mp3 player?then you could try a "chkdsk f:" on it (if f: is your player disk when connected to your PC)
  22. It opens fine on my browser. Did you have problems opening it?
  23. Please remember that you cannot really "remove" a bad sector.A bad sector is a part of your disk where the magnetic information is not writable correctly.So, most of the operating systems have a way of flagging some disk sectors as "do not use". When a file has to be written, if the file has to go on that sector, the driver sees "do not use" and uses the next available one.This means that, if a sector was good and had data on it, when the sector becomes bad, the data are lost.Some recovery techniques allow to recover some files, but anyway the bad sector will remain bad.
  24. I'm not sure doing this is a great idea. I think that your PC needs to be "localhost". So, you should not replace the "localhost" line with the "example.com" line. You should better add the alias example.com after the word "localhost" and your /etc/hosts (or %%windir\system32\drivers\etc\host for Windows users) should rather look like localhost example.comRegards Yordan
  25. Even if the sentence says "you are not allowed to reuse it", this does not mean that you can feel free to change the image and sell the modified image.
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