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Posts posted by yordan

  1. 41 minutes ago, M6NEN said:

    Quelqu'un a dit "La vie est belle", eh bien, il est un menteur. ?

    And, buy the way, please remember our forum rules. We are supposed to speak English, in order to be understood from a large number of people, helping the other ones training their English skills. So, no dutch, no French, no Indy sentences, only English text. Some mods around here are rather severe, and having sentences removed is penalizing from MyCENTs point of view :(

  2. OK. Real beta-testers are real consumers which are not paid for that.

    However, manufacturers have Quality Control people, who are in charge of checking the quality of their things, if possible during the pre-prod stage. Unfortunately, these people don't have employees having your skills, able to go directly to the spot where they should not even think about going, and directly finding the problem everybody ignored, or did as if.

    So, unfortunately, there are no millions in for you. And I know, it's really too bad.

  3. 30 minutes ago, M6NEN said:

    I seem to have a special machine that produces faults for me alone.

    "Non-non-non, pas du tout!"  I think it's something else.

    Simply, you are a good beta-tester.

    You know, in computational science, there is a problem with the testing part. A guy defines what the computer has to do, another guy starts coding, and then we have to know if there is a bug. Unfortunately, it's rather complicated to perform a real test with a a lot of users. So we ask someone to test the thing, he clicks somewhere, and he says "everything works fine".

    Then the thing goes into production, and the real users make it crash, because they go right into the spot where no click was performed during the testing part.

    So, the MySQL people should hire your help for finding this kind of bugs before selling the paid version of their database! :)

  4. Quote

    hey offer you accurate solutions too, except, in one case, I have experienced my MySQL databases do not work properly, so I have had to use a 3rd party MySQL host (free, thank goodness)

    I must confess, on the MySQL problem, this is rather surprizing.

    Of course, I personally think that Oracle is the only good database for professional usage. However, I expected MySQL to behave the same way everywhere, on my home PC as well as on a hosting site.

    So, it should work bad everywhere, or be correct everywhere. That's why we often have a test machine in order to check a program behavior, and then transfer it to a production system. No real reason to see it behave correctly on a hardware and badly on another one.

  5. On 1/13/2019 at 7:09 PM, M6NEN said:

     the data do not go outide the walls here, so that should not be a problem. 


    That's the biggest problem today. If your (Linux or Windows) computers are able to go outside the walls, surfing on the web for instance, then outside computers can enter insidide your home computers. Ethernet links work on both directions, out-wards and in-wards.

  6. sudo apt install system-config-samba
    sudo touch /etc/libuser.conf
    sudo system-config-samba

    Yes, that's the standard way for installing samba.

    Just for sake of completeness, remember that samba is only useful for communication with Microsoft Windows system. And also it's known to be unsafe, Microsoft recommends not to use it. And of course it's forbidden on real computer centers when the security people do correctly their job :)

  7. Also, maybe you should know some facts that are not really obvious. Teachers explain this at school and at university for future IT people.

    Linux is a kind of Unix operating system. Unix operating systems already existed more than twenty years ago. At this time, graphic terminals were rather expensive, that's why Unix networking was mainly remote terminals for command line, and file transfers.

    Today, as soon as a Linux system is able to surf on the web, it's ready for connecting to other linux systems in command-line mode, and for file transfers. In order to do this kind of linux-to-linux networking you need nothing more than the basic linux install.

    In order to communicate the same way with a linux system from a Microsoft Windows keyboard, you need communication tools. I recommend this for the command-line    

    and this for the file transfers.

    Rather strangely, these two ways for networking are the only ones considered as really safe, that's why they are the only one automatically installed and allowed on newly installed systems. And they are also the only one allowed by the security people in professional computer rooms.

    If you want to use remote desktop and Microsoft filesharing facilities, you will have to disable stand protections on the Unix as well as on the Windows side. However, computer security is another very vast subject, I will not talk any more about this here.

    Just my two cents on this kind of subject





  8. You are right, for standard things like surfing on the web, Linux is the best on small machines.

    However, if you absolutely need Microsoft Word, then you need Windows 10.


    It did connect to the Internet without any problem, but the network seems to be a different kettle of fish. It did connect to the Internet without any problem, but the network seems to be a different kettle of fish.


    So, if anyone here would be able to help me further, I would be very grateful.

    Sorry if I did not understand what you are saying, but... What do you want us to help you for ? What are you trying to do ?

    What do you mean by "networking", and what are you not able to do ? Are you talking about disk sharing or filetransferring ?

    Concerning filesharing, maybe this could help ?


    shortly said,

    How to Share A Folder in Ubuntu 14.04 (Local Network)
    1. To get started, right-click on the folder you want to share and choose the “Local Network Share” option.
    2. When the 'File Sharing' dialog opens, click the box to enable 'Share this folder' option. ...
    3. Re-do step 1 to open the 'File Sharing' dialog for any folder.

    Of course, Windows firewall and Linux firewalls will prevent you from doing a lot of things.

    And of course, you should obtain "putty" in order to easily open a command line window on the Linux system from the Windows system keyboard.




  9. Quote
    Posted Saturday at 01:49 PM

    Am I to assume the Knowledgebase is empty, or is there some maintenance going on or something?


    Absolutely not! Nothing has be removed from our knowledge database!

    People often suggested erasing the database and restart from scratch, we always refused!

    The whole database is still here, and still available.

    I just tried a simple search, with a single word : "vmware". Found 431 results! Just try it!

    So, if your search was not successful, this probably means that nobody posted something concerning your request.


  10. Now it's clear, thanks a lot for this explanation.


    "A certain person" ? uses "artist's freedom" which is really called "poetic license"

    I would rather use "poetic license" in the case of a poet writing some words.

    The expression "artist's freedom" I heard the first time from an artist performing a drawing. When I asked the question "why are you doing this that way, I expected you to do something else" the answer was "artist's freedom". So, the way I feel it, is that "poetic license" has to be used concerning written words, and "artist's freedom" for the other types of artists.

    Simply adding my two cents to a "grammar police" topic  ... ?




  11. 7 hours ago, mastercomputers said:

    Chrome rolled back those changes in May

    You're right, probably the changes disappeared from fresh install but could remain on existing installations.

    7 hours ago, mastercomputers said:

    I do prefer having choice rather than forced to hear things played on my browser unknowingly.

    +1. That's why I usually poweroff the speakers on my PC, in order not to hear things I didn't ask.

  12. 20 minutes ago, mastercomputers said:

    This maybe safer, but this does not mean you drop your security

    Of course. a snapshot is a backup. Security is there for avoiding problem to occur,  or solve the problem if it happen to occur. If the security people do not succeed preventing or solving the problem, then you restore your backup.

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