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Posts posted by yordan

  1. If you are a Linux users, you know what /etc/passwd, .ssh keyfiles or FileZilla site konfiguration files are, and how weird it could be if these files are stolen.

    If you are a Windows users, imagine what could happen if your keyword files are stolen.

    So, please, update your Firefox browser to Firefox 39.0.3 or to Firefox ESR 38.1.1

    A nice exploit has recently been discovered, which makes urgent to update to the current level.

    Have a look at the Mozilla blog, right here :



    On Windows the exploit looked for subversion, s3browser, and Filezilla configurations files, .purple and Psi+ account information, and site configuration files from eight different popular FTP clients. On Linux the exploit goes after the usual global configuration files like /etc/passwd, and then in all the user directories it can access it looks for .bash_history, .mysql_history, .pgsql_history, .ssh configuration files and keys, configuration files for remina, Filezilla, and Psi+, text files with âpassâ and âaccessâ in the names, and any shell scripts.


    The exploit leaves no trace it has been run on the local machine. If you use Firefox on Windows or Linux it would be prudent to change any passwords and keys found in the above-mentioned files if you use the associated programs. People who use ad-blocking software may have been protected from this exploit depending on the software and specific filters being used.

    Of course, this exploit has been detected in very particular conditions, there is probably no reason to catch it in your computer. However, updating is such an easy process that there is no reaseon not to perform it right now.



  2. OK, first of all remember that you are lucky. You are going to be a father, despite the fact that this possibility was "minimum".

    Secondly, you have to quickly go back to the paperwork, two months are lost, you have to speed up.

    Third, laziness will soon be no problem any more, when a baby comes to your home, you automatically have to take care of him, all day long, so no time for playing games or watching youtube. So, start speeding up your thesis work.

    In my opinion, your problem is not a discipline problem, it's a motivation problem. And as soon as you will start helping your girlfriend with the baby, the motivation will be automatically there. As soon as you see a baby smiling, you feel a happy father. And as soon as a baby starts crying, you automatically need to help with the current needed task, feeding or giving a bath :)

  3. OK, some answers to the Xisto-related questions.

    1. The post-to-host system is still working. We are testing some improvements, that's why you don't see MyCents increasing yet.

    2. Why so few active users? I don't really know. Let's keep posting, old users should come back and new users will surely arrive!

    3. You can obtain a hosting plan by posting. Send me a Private Message with the name you want, and we will activate it.


    Not related to Xisto non-answers.

    1. How to stop being a super lazy man? I didn't success, so can't tell you. The most important thing is : try doing your daily job every day.

    2. The transition? Summer jobs should be a good start-point.

    3. Father soon ? get ready, you will start having very few sleeping time !

  4. OK, 1:18 a.m. is time when most people are sleeping. Could be a bad thing because there is no Sun light, and it's not natural to need electrical light. However, when it's hot during the day, 1 AM is an interesting time because no AirConditioner is needed.

    I hope that you don't have the worst possible case : you sleeping in the morning, and your family sleeping in the afternoon? :)

  5. OK, I said "the new", that's not completely true.

    New lines are added to the code ; however, the database still remains, and the old data are still there.

    So, the old data are still valid, and the new data are evaluated with the new code.

  6. The trigger is at about five interesting topics (no one-line posts, no spam), it's a manual decision. :)

    After that, the increase is automatic.

    By the way, did you follow the rules ? Did you register to XistoSupport with the same name and mail that you used for you forum registration?



  7. I followed your links and the mac os they have listed is not what I meant. I am looking to feel the taste of a real mac os (for instace Mac Os X Lion) without having to spend the money on buying an apple computer. I am assuming that there might be some way of trying the os on vmware. Is it possible ?? If yes, How ??

    The mac on a stick trick is a trick for booting from a stick on your PC instead of buying a Mac hardware.

    It's probably the only way to do it. As far as I know, Mac is not available on vmware yet.

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