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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I agree with finaldesign, 50 megs is enough. So, if you are successful with upgrading your account, you will get space enough for several years forumming.
  2. @jipman : yum seems to be a rpm package manager, for further updates. From what I see on the link you provided, it seems that it is not useful for fresh installing : if booting from the fedora boot CD crashes, yum probably cannot help. yum seems to need a linux already working. Am I wrong ?
  3. One year trial is great, I was afraid of one month trial, which is absolutely useless if you have no money for buying the sortware. One year trial is great, I will give it a try.Thanks Yordan
  4. I have a phpbb message board on my site, I am using 50 megs now. So, the 150 megs from the upgrade account is enough when you startup, then it will depend on how many users you have and how long you keep old posts.
  5. I had a problem when doing my first fedora 4 install, it has something to do with the terminal. I must confess I am using a system without graphical display. The install failed saying "you can safely reboot now", so no panic. I would like to know something : is there a way of using yaboot with a remote display ? I remember some old Suze had an option for installing with a display being on a vnc display, there was a syntax like vnc=1, ip=blabla. Is there a way for doing that with fedora core 4 ?
  6. Nice post, twitch. I also did not realize that I was so exposed.Moreover, when I had problems running my php programs, I read some hints saying "chmad 777 every file and directory". The chmod was great, my bug disappeared, but now I realize that chmod 777 makes any file readable by everyone, so there is a way for anybody to copy everything.On Xisto we could imagine doing professional work, selling things, having customer's addresses in the database, and that could be dangerous. Not for myself because my databases are empty or have only flower pictures addresses, but I hate the principle that everything could be hacked. Especially if my first page has unwanted things and if I have no backups.So, very nice tutuorial, thanks a lot.
  7. @meandtheweb : how does your trial version ? Is it a permenent trial version, or is it a time-limited version ? I had bad experience with time-limited versions, because when the time expires, the time-limited antivirus version stops working, and unfortunately (huh ?) prevents competitor's antivirus software from installing correctly on your system.
  8. I store everything on DVD, data, music, pictures, movies.Exactly everything which is on your computer can be stored on a DVD. My PC is able to read back all these things. However, as the_furious1 said, non-PC readers are not obviously able to read them.for instance, the DVD reader attached to my TV is also able to read pictures and MP3's, but not whent thy are burned on DVD's.
  9. it seems that you have no indesx.html on your site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so we cannot see directly what happends. But obviously your syntax is false, try drag and drop a local image in your Microsoft Frontpage page, and you will see the syntax.
  10. So, Reaver gave you the most important points : first backup everything you can, on floppy disks if you are a beginner with few personal data, on CD-Roms if you start having a lot of data.The keypoint is effectively to trust the Microsoft Windows system install disk, for installing the system disks, which is usually called the c:\partition.I would like to emphasis the second point. Do not create only a single partition, in other words don't stay with only the C:\ disk.When installing the system, you should not use the whole disk for the system. Then, when the system works, your first job will be to use the windows disk manager (or the "fdisk" tool used by techocian) and create extra partitions, about 10 to 20 gigs wide. format them NTFS ou FAT32, as yo prefer. These partitions will be for your data : movies, pictures etc...Why using extra partitions for your data ? Because when your system will be down (because of a virus or because of a big mistake) you will be able to re-install the system on the c: disk, without losing your data on the d: or the e: disk!Moreover, you can create a full backup of your c: disk on some part of the d: disk, and then boot from a floppy and restore your c: disks from you backup on a part of d: disk, using backup tools like Norton Ghost.But that's another story. An important story too, as important as the first format story, but a separate story.Hope this helped. Yordan
  11. How are you currently making your downloads ? If you have do download several files (a Linux distro for instance) and if you are downloading from a ftp fileserver, and if your computer is a Microsoft Windows one, I suggest using FileZilla. FileZilla downloads several files at the same time, which uses the whole bandwidth of your internet connection.Hope this helped Yordan
  12. Just wait a couple of hours, time for all the things to get in place. Hope you remembered your login name and your password.
  13. I agree with andrwxsCOL : most of providers don't really want to be used as fileservers, or you will soon see your bandwidth quotas exceeded.However, maybe there is another way to do that. Do you have your own PC on internet ?then, I see an alternate solution.You simply want people to be able to download files somewhere, for your own usage (and not necessary a web application usage).So, what about installing a ftp server process on your PC, and create an account with a name and a password you will be able to give to your friends ? Then, your friends will be able to ftp to your PC when it will be online, no need for using an external server.
  14. Just tell me a small point : are you trying to use wifi with Win98 or with knoppix ? Let's suppose you are trying with Win98. You say that you see the network, which means that your wifi adapter is configured correctly. then, on the win98 main panel, righ-click on "network", properties, you should see your wifi adapter among the other ones. right-click on that, look at his properties, and verify that it's configured as "DHCP client". If you question was about Linux, let's see if your drivers are loaded and if the address is configured. Open a shell box, and type CONSOLE $ iwconfig -a ($ is your console prompt, do not type $ again, simply type iwconfig -a) if iwconfig says "no such device" this means that the drivers are not loaded, this means that you have not the wifi drivers for knoppix loaded. Then you have to learn how to load the wifi drivers for linux. This is rather hardware-dependant, so I cannot help you more. I learned by myself for the Belkin Adapter for Mandrake, you will probably easily find information on the Knoppix drivers for your own adapter. by the way, if you don't see anything with iwconfig, try typing ifconfig -a (because sometimes the wifi adapters are seen as ethernet adapters, so they use ifconfig syntax instead of the iwconfig syntax for wifi adapters). Hope this helped Yordan
  15. And also, look what is your database, by simply writingselect Birth from customer ;this will tell you all the birth dates in your database, and you will see whether you had blanks, or wich format your customers used.this is not very different from "select * from customer", but will give you only the Birth column, this should be nicer for diagnostics.
  16. I tried NVU. I was first really impressed, because I only had to give my login and password and I could open any file on my site. That was great, after modifying a page or a couple of pages I only had to click "publish" or "publish as", and the modifications were on my site. Everything went bad when I tried to look at my site using Microsoft Internet Explorer (I know, this is stupid, but some of my cousins have really basic PC's at home, so they use IE). I was trying to do things varying everyday. Three days ago I created a new link, and i wrote NEW just before the link to click on it. so, I tried to modify that page with NVU : I just wanted to remove the word New. On the "normal" screen it worked fine, on the "preview" screen it worked fine. then I clicked "publish", it was modified. But, when opening my site with Internet Explorer, I saw html pieces of code, like <------------------If noexist blabla---------------------------<endif>--------- So, it really seems that NVU hates pages created using Microsoft Word or created using Microsoft FrontPage. Or maybe the product seems easy to use, but you have to learn first. or, maybe, it has to be used from the very beginning, when creating the first page. Don't really know, but I remain rather disappointed.
  17. Two guys satisfied with Norton Antivirus ! It looks like a miracle ! Or is Norton 2006 far better than the previous ones ?
  18. If you use bittorrent to download a totally free software (let's say a free Linux distro like Fedora) on a site saying I am the author and I allow you to freely downlad and use, you are right.If it's a copywrighted product, you cannot download and use it, whatever mean you use (including going to eastern europe and buy it for five dollars on the market).
  19. thanks, Houdini, it works. You made me write down my first php program. (Sorry, you explained me how to cut-and-paste into my first php program).It's nice to see something new working at first time.
  20. Nice bunch of answers. So, no way of asking for the truth. The best Linux distro is the one you will like, you will want to use, you will want to install on your friend's computer. And this depends from your own feelings. The only way to have the answer is try one : if you like it, keep it. If you don't like it, try another one.And you are a lucky man : most of linux distros are free ones, you only need to spend time until you find the one you need.By the way, nobody answered your question about most compatibility of normal Windows everyday sort of programs. I expected more people reacting when reading that way of ofense. No real Lunix guy could imagine doing his everyday work with what you name "normal Windows". Except if Linux is your normal windowing operating system ?
  21. Also, very often people are confused between freeware and open-source.Personnally I am very satisfied with FileZilla, which is fully free and efficient and has no problem. Some people write down programs and want their programs to be widely used, without wanting money for that. This is the base of open-source programs.So, if your topic asks which "free" programs can be recommended by satisfied people, I recommend FileZilla.I just tried NVU for designing websites, and was quite disappointed : the product seemed very interesting, especially because it was able to directly open my site at Xisto , modifying my pages and directly publish. Unfortunately, I had errors when modifying pages created by Frontpage, so I will give up with this product.
  22. You are probably not so familiar with networking, else you would have no problem.Sending files through a wifi connection is exactly like sending them through an Ethernet cable. Except that it goes far faster (about 200 times faster) through a cross-cable.In order to get familiar with sharing files, IP addresses and so one, first try with a cable (no enkryption-like problems), send your big files.then, put the wifi connection on, allow it in your firewalls, and try with small files.
  23. @yungblood : your movie liste would be tousand of lines long. You simply could not browse it with your remote command. You would nee a keyboard to look your movie name in the database.
  24. I created a PHPBB2 forum on that site, works really fine. Simply use the cpanel and activate this facility, everything is straightforward. It will probably need access to the database, so don't forget to create the database, and give yourself access to the database. As long as you don't have anything important in your database and in your forums, you can drop everything (destroy the database, destroy the forum) and restart from scratch if you don't like the result. Now I close my remark, simply remember phpbb2 forums work fine, it's simply to install, hower perform a backup of your config files and your database so you will never loose data. Hope this helped Yordan
  25. Hi, TheJeffsta, There are already several posts on that subject. If you read them, you will probably find a lot of interesting answers. You are asking here a very interesting question. And you will see something really funny. We are here right inside of the open-system world. here you ask the same question to two Linux gurus, you will have two completely different answer. And probably both answers are correct.If you ask your question slightly differently, you will be able to understand the differences between all the answers you will receive. Let me answer to a slightly different question. Instead of "what is the best Linux", I woud rather ask "What Linux distro do you prefer ? Why do you prefer it ?" So, I will tell you which Linux distro I prefer, and I have two answers, depending from what you intend to do with your Linux. 1) If you want a Linux system for professional use, I would recommend Linux RHEL3. It's a supported version, if you find a bug you may ask this bug to be repaired. And it works on most of the systems, including the brand new IBM Power5 multi-partitionned systems. 2) If you want a Linux for your howe, in order to play around, having a nice windowed environment with a lot of windowed tools but able to perform high-level console commands, I recommend you Mandrake 9. Mandrake 10 is newer, but the full version 9 is still free, so if you want to add open-source self-compiling project you will be able to do this. I did not test the new 10.3 Mandrake free version, maybe it's again fully free, maybe not, that's why I suggest you using the older Mandra 9 version. And let's play a funny game. Let's wait a little bit her, and you will see several people talling you other versions are far better. Why ? Because the question was "the best one". So, I simple answer the question "your preferred one". I used Red Hat paying version and Mandrake free version and Suze also, and I prefer the comfort and the look and feel with Mandrake. By the way, the most confortable way of doing the full install is the following way : 1) Create partitions on your hard disk. 2) Install Microsoft Windows (XP, 2000, what you want) first, in the first partition, NTFS or FAT32. 3) Create the other partitions as FAT32 (not NTFS). Let a little bit unpartionned space (I suggest 10 or 20 gigs). 4) Mandrake will install itself on the free space, install Lilo as multi-boot manager, and will mount all the Windows FAT32 partitions as Linux filesystems. So, you will see Linux filesystems named /mnt/windows1, /mnt/windows2, /mnt/windows3, etc... If /mnt/windows1 is a NFTS filesystem, you will be able to read the Microsoft files but not to write. If /mnt/windows2 is a FAT32 filesystem, you will be able to read and write. This is a very agreable way of communicating between Unix and Windows : you write things on the Microsoft G:\ disk, and you read them under Linux in the /mnt/windows3 fileystem, and if you Linux writes files on this filesystem booting on Windows will allow to to read/write them using Microsoft Word. Isn't life beautiful ?
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