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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Please do not post copied text, or put the copied text between quote tags. Your review has already been widely published, for instance here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and here https://www.yahoo.com/ Please remember that on Xisto plagiarism can lead to a ban. Regards Yordan
  2. The whole text ist copied, probably from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. And who will pay for the SMS ?
  4. yordan

    Lg Km500 Review

    Copied text. Your text is copied from somewhere else, probably from http://www.unwiredview.com/2008/08/02/lg-km500-review/ Please remember that, if you really need to post a text copied from somewhere else, you have to put it between quote tags. I did the quoting job for you today. Please next time, remember to do the quoting by yourself.
  5. Your tutorial has already been posted at Xisto, see here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/58002-topic/ Please do not post copied tutorials in our forum. Regards Yordan
  6. Hi, magstuar,thanks for the info.You initially posted this topic in the tutorial section. Your post is too short to be considered as a tutorial. I would rather consider it as "tips and trics" post.That's why I moved your post here.RegardsYordan
  7. You forgot mentioning where the article has already been published, probably on http://www.alhewar.org/SEPTEMBER%2011/abdul_aziz_said.htm You also forgot to quote the copied text. Please remember our forum rules. Also please remember that, when you post copied text, honesty asks that you put the copied text between quotes, and politeness asks that you mention where the text has been copied from : politeness toward the author, whose work you acknowledge, and politeness toward myself (which is not very important but currently ... ) I did the quoting job for you today, please do net remember to do the quoting by yourself next time.
  8. yordan


    You see the myCENTS counter near each post you posted in the Xisto forum, in the lef-side box near your post, a little bit under your name.
  9. I have also noticed that my site had no problem while the forum was unreachable. By the way, congrats to the Xisto team, good work, thanks for our very good website uptime.
  10. yordan

    Msn Bing

    That's the problem. We are so familiar with the pertinence of Google search results, that we are disappointed by the other ones, Yahoo or Lycos or Bing.Who does still remember AltaVista, which at his moment was the must for references searching?
  11. First of all, I guess that it's possible to obtain an e-mail address in Russia without leaving in Russia. When I was in the United states I continued using my mail in something.fr without problem.Secondly, there are a lot of ways for sending mails which seem to come from another e-mail address, even a fake address. So, unless being a network expert, it's not easy to know if a mail is really sent by the guy whose name is shown as sender name.And, of course, if you have stupid things in your blog, you should remove them, because people like me will not want to come back to your blog, and neither will be the robot ranking your site.
  12. yordan


    I think you will be satisfied here. Did you follow the instructions for registering and ordering at Xisto - Support ?
  13. How is your site organized ? Some files in the same folder where your index.html file is ?Then, you can simply use the "file manager" in the cpanel of your Xisto account.If it's more complicated (several files in several folders) you can create a .zip compressed file, upload it to your Xisto server, and unzip it from the cpanel.And, of course, your Xisto account acts as a ftp server, so any ftp client (including the standard ftp command line of your mac) is able to upload files.And of course you can upload with Internet Explorer acting as an ftp client (unfortunately safari cannot).
  14. Errors or not errors, that's the question.Linux tries to be error-free, and a lot of people in the open-world work for correcting the errors. Windows has a lot of errors, and standard users have to cope with it. Yesterday my Windows XP connected easily to my GPS. Today it refuses. Such is life : probably new updates have come and the old things do not work any more. Who cares ? Crosoft does not care. If I have a windows problem, somebody somewhere could have a look inside the Linux codes and find the solution, just for fun. Nobody will fix a Windows problem if I am the only looser affected by that.
  15. Depends from your definition of Intelligence.Pure industrial robots, like 30 years ago in the industry, are things following (usually very well) a rigidly fixed program, doing infinitely the same set of movements in order to perform exactly the same task. I would not qualify this being intelligence.Another definition is the ability of learning, the ability of self-training.This is a field of Artificial Intelligence, where the system have to perform tasks related to a list of facts and a list of rules. And the system ask a human senior to confirm that a new event is a fact, so the system learns how to behave in more and complex situations.Last time I had to work with such a system, it performed very complicated things, taking decisions in less time than the human previously affected to this job. The human was the "boss" of this machine, and had to confirm the decision before the instructions were displayed on all the wall displays, but we could imagine that in a near future the human final control could become useless.
  16. 1) First of all, avoid double-posting, you asked exactly the same question in two different posts.2) I already had this kind of problems, usually you should not use phpmyadmin to import, you should import with the application (here wordpress) restore tools.The reason is that the data are exported with the database NLS settings, and phmyadmin imports them with your PC's settings or with the defaut NLS settings.And, of course, the National Language Settings are set at the database creation, you cannot modify them in config.php or inside the tables.The only thing you can try doing is creating a new database with the same database settings and import your backup, and see if this works. Then you will know how to re-create a brand new wordpress install from scratch and import your backup.3) By the way, this is the first basic thing you have to learn when you administrate a database : you must know how to restore your backup from scratch, in case of big trouble. usually people test that in a completely different environment (may I suggest your own PC), and you have a lot of time learning while your real site is up, and you are ready if it happens to crash.4) Of course, all of us are here in order to help you, but it's a several-step process and you are in a hurry, so please keep us informed with your progresses and try avoid stressing yourself...
  17. are you doing this with the Xisto installer, or did you upload the phpbb scripts and performed the installation ?We need to know that in order to guess which step has been forgotten.
  18. "KK" standing for "OK" ? Was your install successful ?
  19. No interrupt, your hosting is yours. The payment will be monthly, which means each month you will need to have enough in your "Account Credit Balance" ; which means that you simply have to earn myCENTs enough during this month in order to avoid having a negative Credit Balance after the payment.
  20. OK, here is the error. You are running the phpBB installation script, "localhost" is correct for the hostname, but "21" is false for the Databas server port. Leave this value to the default (give nothing).
  21. You seem to be talking about an existing and already (almost correctly) working calendar environment. Which calendar system over mysql are you talking about ?
  22. yordan


    Please do not post copied texts. Your post is copied from somewhere else, probably from http://www.roi.com.au/ If you really need to post copied text, please put it between quote tags. I did the quoting job for you today, please do it by yourself next time. And, please, no advertising for something not concerning the current topic, else your post will be considered as a spam and removed.
  23. That's right. I also answered the old-style request for hosting.Now, everything is simple : you order a "logic plan", which will cost you about $3 each month, the MyCENTS you accumulated can tell you how active you have to be on the forum in order to sustain your hosting. And, that's correct, you don't need a domain name. Without a domain name, your hosted website will be named something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you will choose the exact name, which will end with Xisto.com). You will need a domain name only if you don't want this kind of name, if you really need something very special like smartguy.org or happynewyear.com or another name of your choice.
  24. Congrats. You found the real solution.A big photocopy engine very often has an embedded scanner, and some of them allow saving the scanned file, yes, it's a smart solution.
  25. That's the main principle in real life : money goes to money !
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